
Pastry chef!!!
Now that I've seen some amazing Utah scenery, I have to revise my opinion of the state. Before I thought it was a cesspool of failure. It's actually an incredible place occupied by hostile enemy forces. MAN does it have some amazing things!
(This post is useless without pictures, and I've taken many, but that will have to wait until I get a new computer.) - Lo
Mesa Verde, eh? We didn't see it, but I already know I want to come back. There are SO many cool things we had to pass by, next time I'm going to allow a month or something. - Lo
I try to think about career advancement & stuff at least sometimes, to compensate a little for my natural lack of ambition (a bottomless well of laziness!). But lately every time a new opportunity comes along, I eventually realize the job I already have is better. When I don't get an interview I'm relieved. That's a new one! #lifeisgood
If you love what you do now, why change? - Jenny H.
Next week I'm going camping for the first time in my life! I hope to see the Grand Canyon, Pando (the enormous tree), and hopefully the Milky Way (from Utah's Dark Triangle). It's also my honeymoon - finally. I'm so excited you guys!!!!!
From reading up on campsites, it seems like nobody does it in March. Which means lots of privacy! :) If the tent's a-rockin'.... - Lo
WarLord, I have heard the North Rim is great, and the scenic highway to it is legendary. Unfortunately, the NR & the highway are still closed for the winter. I figure we'll get to the Grand Canyon someday, and then I'll definitely do that drive. - Lo
I have 9 days off work starting Friday. I have a car & a driving partner. Where should I go? What's on your can't-miss list in the US? Anything within 2000 miles of Wisconsin is on the table.
We had a plan, but it was apparently cursed. I want to go somewhere, but I don't really care where anymore. We're open to anything! - Lo
The Grand Canyon keeps coming up, we may have to do that! - Lo
O Noble Geeks, I've been reading up, and it seems like I could replace my smartphone with a ghetto cheap phone and a kindle. Am I reading this right? It really has free internet access?!
I don't believe that is the case with a normal kindle. But i'm not an expert on them. - Steve C, Team Marina
Ah, never mind. You need wifi access for any site besides wikipedia. Like I need something that encourages me to read wiki MORE! :P - Lo
Car is less broken than I thought, hooray! Laptop is more so :-( If anyone wants a tiny job, I'd pay a geek who knows about the new-fangled gadgets to help me figure out what to get now. Netbook? Tablet? Hula hoop? I have no clue anymore. Get off my lawn!
How is your eyesight? a netbook would be good if you don't have trouble reading smallish fonts. If not, you could get basically a regular-sized laptop with netbook parts inside, would give you great battery life and relatively low cost - mjc
I can read pretty small (you should see my handwriting, it's microscopic!). Thanks for the tip :-) - Lo
We made it! Take that, winter! Although it's not really spring... summer shoved right past.
HELP! Word Nerd Emergency! I'm looking for the noun form of fake or phony, as a human trait. "One thing I can't stand in friends is ___." Falseness? Ersatzity? There's insincerity, but the meaning there seems slightly different... O Wise Librarians, what say ye?
phoniness - Spidra Webster
Oooh, nice! For more context, I'm talking about when people are dishonest (usually for "politeness" or "niceness.") For example, if I say "we should hang out sometime" and you say "yeah, totally!" and then don't respond to the next 40 social invitations I give you. It's an excusable trait, but when I think it's happening I usually counter with explaining my social difficulties, and a specific request for honesty, with no hard feelings if you just aren't feeling me - hell, I've been rejected plenty of times. Some people still commit to their dishonesty, no matter what, and it drives me CRAZY. I was trying to explain this to my husband, and ran into a wall of really ugly awkward words that didn't quite get the message across. The first time you do this, that's insincerity (or politeness, something I am coming to hate). But after my specific request for the truth? I'm sorry, that's lying! And it can be really goddamn hurtful. - Lo
It's really coming down out there! My car looks like a giant sheep.
Someone declared winter over for the year (the ice is melting from the lakes, even). It's supposed to rain all weekend. So I wake up, am groggily making coffee, and what do I see out the window? SURPRISE BLIZZARD.
I would be surprised, except this is the third time this exact thing has happened. Complete with "well, we're done with snow for the year!" - Lo
Weather is crazy shit these days. - Spidra Webster
I'm kind of excited, honestly. If it's going to be cold, there might as well be snow to make things look brighter. I might be singing a different tune if I had to drive to work in it :P - Lo
If you think this is crazy, wait till it snows in July! Did you see "The Day After Tomorrow"? Heh. - Lo
Deeper 'n ever pie (or poi, as the moles say it) from the Redwall books by Brian Jacques. Sour cream mashed potatoes with herbs and caramelized onions layered with turnips, golden beets, and plenty of cheeses. Not very beautiful, but... these'm vittlez be tasty fer oi!
The moles spend every waking moment either saving the day with their superior tunneling skills, or scoffing mass quantities of this pie. Where do I sign up?!? - Lo
Anyone out there a fan of the Redwall books? I've been catching up on all the books written since I was a kid. I want to try cooking the various amazing dishes described in the stories! Last week we made deeper 'n ever pie, and it was fantastic. If that's how moles eat, I want to be a mole!
Deeper 'n ever pie is made with "turnip 'n tater 'n beetroot," the perfect winter dish. Now I want to try honey rhubarb crumble! - Lo
Here are pictures:http://ff.im/S0E87 I wouldn't flatter myself to call them "food porn" though :P - Lo
I am playing hooky today, and it is delightful.
Husband too chicken to play along, but agreed to compromise by blowing off his afternoon. Woohoo! I want to go to the conservatory at the botanical gardens, which is a magical place where you can sit *in the sun* in a t-shirt in February! OMG! - Lo
Yeah, a botanical garden with a tropical greenhouse has got to be a relief to people in wintry climes. - Spidra Webster
I'm also reading the Redwall books, if anyone knows those. When I was a kid I read all three in the trilogy. Last month someone at work told me that there are now over 20 books! I had no idea the series kept going. The food described in the books is amazing, and now I kind of want to try to duplicate everything they cook and try it myself. Except the nasty food the searats eat! - Lo
Sounds like fun! :) - Jenny H.
I've been feeling way too stressed out about work lately, mostly caring too much. I'm ready to stop, but I'm struggling to "turn it off." Your ever-valuable suggestions, advice, jokes, or inexplicable pro-iphone comments are welcome as always.
I don't really have much for advice or suggestions. So I'll just send hugs. *hugs* - Heather
Yay, hugs! *squeeze* Yup, that helped. - Lo
Ooooh, nice! I like that a lot. Thanks Joey! - Lo
So now I am wondering, what is the world-class clown college? I want to go to there. :P - Lo
GrammarCheck - "Then there is a popular song that uses "lay" incorrectly. Bob Dylan's classic LAY, LADY, LAY should really be LIE, LADY, LIE, but I think we all can agree that the grammatically correct way sounds awful." - http://www.grammarcheck.com/archive...
I disagree. I think the usage is correct. She's laying an egg, and he's urging her on. How sweet! - Lo
But I'm telling you guys, she's laying an egg! It's the correct usage for that scenario :P - Lo
GUESS WHAT GUYS. I'm going to get SCUBA certified. I have desperately wanted to for 18 years, and I realized I am out of excuses. I do publicly & solemnly swear that I will be Open Water Certified by the end of 2012. #JustDoIt
Diving the Great Barrier Reef is on my bucket list, and I also hope to do that before we have completely destroyed it. - Lo
Lake Superier and the wrecks. BTW, check out camera pictures would be teh AWESOME - WarLord
People... what a bunch of bastards! (http://www.youtube.com/watch...)
Yep. (Bunch of awesome, too, though sometimes that's really, really hard to see.) - Jennifer Dittrich
:( - edythe
Survived my first major disagreement/awkward getting in trouble with my boss' boss, AND he came away from it with greater respect for my intelligence/abilities BUT he still believes that I admire & respect his practices and intelligence. HA HA!
My direct boss is awesome, but this guy is a legendary jerk. His name brings forth so many horror stories from anyone who works with food in this city. He was the first person I met at the job fair; I knew immediately that he was going to be tricky to deal with. If any of y'all remember my horrible last boss, you'll be glad to know that what I learned there is actually paying off. WOOHOO - Lo
Red Tails - GO SEE THIS MOVIE OPENING WEEKEND. Please. It's about the Tuskegee airmen. If you are too broke, DM me & I'll buy you a ticket. Pretty please! (If you're wondering why, see comments.) - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
George Lucas started pre-production on this movie in 1988, for release in 1992. No studio would finance a movie with an all-black cast. Ultimately Lucas paid for the film & distribution from his own pocket. He said on the Daily Show that there's much more to the story; if opening weekend box office numbers are good, it will be a trilogy with prequel & sequel. - Lo
Haha! They showed Tyler Perry previews here, too. - Spidra Webster
I know this will sound ridiculous, but... is it Monday?
Argh, I just googled it, and the top two results disagree! It's Sunday or Monday for sure... - Lo
Nakachi, it probably can, but all I could find was the date in my befuddled state. That's why it's funny, all this technology and I don't know what day it is. This is my 7th day working in a row, it's all running together. - Lo
Up past 4 last night working on a birthday crossword for Mr. Lo... where's the coffee...
Up past 4 again; making crosswords is even hard than I thought! It's finished, but I think I broke every single rule of crossword construction. - Lo
And I do mean *every* - Lo
Oh no, wait! I do have only 1/6 black squares, and a standard grid size (15x15). But I did break ALL the other rules. Even put the same word in there twice! Man, I hope this gets me laid :P - Lo
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou - when I first saw it, I thought "that was odd, not bad but weak for Wes Anderson." How blind I was! Now it's one of my favorites. - https://www.google.com/search...
At first it seemed so unrealistic. But it's actually more true to life - in terms of how people think & perceive life - than any other movie I can recall. And the music! The Portuguese David Bowie! And the use of color... so good. - Lo
loved this movie. my wife was hot and cold on it. - Big Joe Silenced
Something about the snow makes the cars driving by on the street sound like jets flying past the house. Oh yeah, did I mention all of December's snow showed up today?
Jealous---> - Jenny H.
Kelli, if you want to shovel feel free to come over! :P - Lo
My husband & I just discovered Cleverbot. He asked it, "Tell me a story." It answered, "In West Philadelphia, born and raised, in the playground was where I spent most of my days."
:D - Starmama
If "acrophobia" is the word for fear of heights, what would be the word for "fear of taking the high road"? Best I could come up with was road-induced acrophobia, but y'all are witty librarians and cunning linguists & stuff.
Whatever it is, I can haz it. - Lo
I wasn't actually looking for legit Latin (or Greek), just a good name for the concept. It's not fear of doing the right thing so much as a fear of trying to be better than someone else and the hairy self-righteousness that frequently results. Somehow I am a nicer, more popular person when I'm deliberately *not* trying to be nice. It's weird. - Lo
I love my job. LOVE IT. If you don't love your job, don't despair. I thought I'd never figure out what I'd enjoy doing for pay, but kept doing different stuff the best I could. By the time I found it, I had lots of different skills - not obvious things - that contributed to make me good at my dream job. I frequently think things like...
"I've been preparing my whole life for this, who knew?" - Lo
Yep! I am now the supervisor of the bakery dept, actually. I have received four raises & one promotion (to a job that didn't exist before) in my first year, which is why I am assuming I'm good at it. My team is so talented & awesome, though. We hang out after work, because 8 hours a day isn't enough... surreal, strange, but wonderful. - Lo
This looks like the Enterprise, doo-dah, doo-dah, and it's on its way to me, all the doo dah day! *excited dance* - http://www.amazon.com/Kitchen...
That's a heart-warming story, Tiny! *wipes away single tear* - Lo
Wow, I think we are already done making Thanksgiving pies! My manager told me to make lots of pies, but then last night (as we were stacking a PALLET of pumpkin pies), he kept saying "Wow. This is a lot of pies." and "Holy crap, we have a lot of pies." What doesn't sell is being donated to Second Harvest. I have a very satisfied feeling :)
Manager: "We're already done the Monday before Thanksgiving? This year is the smoothest holiday ever." - Lo
very cool good work - WarLord
ELVENTY??? - MoTO Boychick Devil
Fun fact: Thanksgiving, not Christmas, is the busy time for bakers. Christmas is the one time when most people bake for themselves. If you want to please the baker in your life, don't ask him/her to bring a pie to Thanksgiving! Say "just bring wine, don't do any work at all." It charms the pants off me :P - Lo
It's snowing :-( I just stood at the window for three minutes with my jaw hanging open. Not ready!
It's not a nice Hollywood-Christmas first snow like last year. It's an early morning gray blustery gale shedding ice on everything. Ugh. *goes to basement for long underwear* - Lo
I am ready for snow to deliver me from this hell that goes by the name of autumn. - Eivind
Really? I like autumn okay, usually there's a little extra warm weather, and the leaves are pretty. Just yesterday I was admiring the yellow leaves in my neighborhood, but they are gone now! - Lo
The World's Most Unsympathetic Sympathy Card | It's wrong how much I laughed at this. - http://www.happyplace.com/11960...
What the heck, FF?!? My last tomato of the season was a small green thing that I put on a shelf and forgot. After a month, maybe six weeks, it oh so gradually started to turn red. It blushed and softened like a tomato on the vine, until it's turned completely red. Is that normal? IS THIS A ZOMBIE TOMATO?
*attaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack of the zombie tomaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatoooo* - Lo
they say that if you pick your tomatoes green at the end of the summer, they will ripen. Nice to know that is true. - amelia arapoff