Eric - Final Countdown

Eric Beehler is too busy to be here but can't stay away.
Goodbye & Hello somewhere else.
Cheers to the best social network to ever exist. See you on the flip.
Bye, honey :) - Elena
We still have until the 9th right?
People posting as if this is the last day. That had me questioning. - Eric @ CS Techcast
We're all a little scared. Because *when* on the 9th? - CAJ was here
^yeah, I'm also preparing to leave on a trip Thursday morning, so I don't know how much time I'll have to hop on ff. :/ - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Looks like has been redesigned. This might be incredible timing. Anyone want to give it another go?
They still don't seem to allow private feeds. - Jennifer Dittrich
It still looks the same to me. But I like the design. I've just been too busy to utilize it much. Though I suspect that this will change next week. - Steven Perez
Okay folks, I'm trying to run the PHP code in Mac OSX 10.10 but for the life of me can't find the ~/sites directory. I'm not a Mac native and still learning, but I'm hoping someone has a quick answer to I can backup FF.
I can't see the content directory. Is it hidden be default? - Eric @ CS Techcast
Can someone help me out with my feed backup? I haven't had time to setup the backup software and I doubt I'll beat the clock myself. Thanks.
I ran Micah's back up - it didn't take long. - Heleninstitches #teamff
Do you have a link? - Eric @ CS Techcast
Step by step and extra troubleshooting help using app here: - Micah
The Nook just isn't worth it anymore, so I just bought my wife a Kindle Voyage. Shhh, don't tell her. She's going to be happy/mad at me.
She found out, because she is smart and I cannot keep a secret. Will be here Friday. - Eric @ CS Techcast
You mean she read your feed? :) - Stephan Planken
No. If only... ;) - Eric @ CS Techcast
So, when you turn in all your stuff late, it's just fine, but then you get to hit me with a freaking email on Sunday asking why all your shit isn't graded yet? It's been a day and a half dude.
I'm going to stick with proven, popular social platforms. I hope to see requests on Facebook and Twitter.
I'll be in those spots, and some others. - Jennifer Dittrich
I received this error in the Spotify app.
The horror! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
1 877 cars for kids. K A R S cars for kids. 1 877 cars for kids. K A R S cars for kids.
The K is not cute. - Eric @ CS Techcast
When you need to explain how to dial the number for the entirety of a 60 second radio spot, you have failed at picking your phone number. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Sorry, Jennifer d. I accidentally unsubbed. Stupid smartphone.
I have so done that waaaaaaaaaay too many times. - Jennifer Dittrich
You're approved again :D - Jennifer Dittrich
What ever happened to the Friendfeed box? I never got a turn.
The Friendfeed box? - John (bird whisperer)
Pretty much. :) - Hookuh Tinypants
If you want to feel better about yourself, just watch The Soup.
Yes!!! - Jed
Where are the backup FF instructions? I know I saw them somewhere. Anyone have a link?
There is a list of different ones in this post. - CW
That's Iggy Azalea on that Education Connection commercial, right?
Have you always lived in Colorado Springs? - Spidra Webster
I met my wife in high school band. We've been a hurricane force ever since. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Remember when the celebrities came over here and got confused? Yeah, fuck them.
I think my biggest "remember that?" moment was when Mona suddenly showed up, and literally charmed everyone on ff within 24 hours. - Iain Baker
Leo was around quite a bit as well as Sarah Lane. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Since all of my comments will be deleted, I will post "why you so fine gurl?" on everyone's AMA.
Are we working on a final FFundercats?
If so, let me know what I can do to help. - Eric @ CS Techcast
I need to get my Facebook friend lists in order, because I cannot post this stuff to meatspace.
Indeed. - Jenny H.
I'm not going to talk about the FF shutdown for at least a few hours. I was furious after the sale and said some not so nice things. I'll just be quite.
Well shit...
Readded it and it seems to work now. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Does the bookmarklet work anymore?
Works fine for me. - Mark H
Both my original and the modified version just kind of hang. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Damn. Holder is breaking it down.
How does Rush spin this? I don't see how you can. - Eric @ CS Techcast
This thing looks like a State of the Union. Yeah, it's not disrespectful at all, is it?
In the "If crooks weren't so stupid" category. Someone tried to enter my wife's car at some point this morning. I can see the prints in the fresh snow come up the sidewalk, up to the car, snow brushed off of the driver's door, and snow wiped from the handle. Then the same prints walking away.
If I wanted to, I could probably follow the prints, but I don't want to get into it with someone with no skills at stealing things. - Eric @ CS Techcast
They prolly stole the shoes. - Starmama
Can anyone point me the way to fix the bookmark let