
like sugar.
YOU GUISE because I got that good news on Tuesday, and because some other folx I care about got good news Wednesday and Thursday, I've been in a totally different, better, frame of mind the past couple days. Well equipped to participate in all the feels involved in FriendFeed's demise.
I hope you realize you have reached the I'm going to chat at you on Twitter all the time because I would miss seeing your feed. Also I cannot mobile FF at all apparently. - Colette
Now that the day of doom has passed and we're still here I'm thrilled but can I trust this euphoria. - Starmama
euphoria - Greg GuitarBuster
welp this is as good an excuse as any to hit the joint again.
Yep. Might as well. - Rodfather
<3 - Starmama
Curry doing the damn thing tonight - Starmama
Can you guys take it easy on us Monday night? Like maybe strategically rest your entire starting lineup maybe? We need to win out. - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
MVP! MVP! MVP! - Rodfather
It's a close one, but Prince. - Melly #FForever
robert smith - chaz2b
Bonus OITNB ad :-) - Starmama
One more gin
Aww I double posted, perfect cos I double love ya - Starmama
Love y'all.
Love, you! Thank you for blessing us with your beautiful self! :) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
It is written, my queen <3 - Starmama
Goodnight sweetheart, well, it's time to go... - Starmama
My first boyfriend just sent a FB friend request. I'm glad EYE broke up with HIM and that we stayed friends over the years. Don't know if I wanna see him online every day tho.
Yelp reviews of Bay Area jails and police stations
" You’ve just been locked up in a local jail, you’re out on bail and feeling good — what better time to log into your Yelp app and leave a review of your latest adventure? " - Starmama
G'nite my loves. Maybe I'll catch y'all in the morning before they pull the plug. xoxoxox
Still here! - Starmama
*hugs* - Big Joe Silenced
*hugs* - vicster.
So not midnight Pacific time either, huh. Cool.
OTOH, it means we'll get the double-tap when we don't expect it. not sure how i feel about that. - Big Joe Silenced
Spoke with the housing authority director. He sounds sure they will be able to give us another extension based on the court judgement that says I don't have to turn over the keys til mid-June. There is an apartment ready at the end of this month, and the owner seems willing rent to me. No dogs at all, though.
I hope to hear more tomorrow. - Starmama
Guess I'd better make a start on your stitch then :-) - Heleninstitches #teamff
I'm grieving on so many fronts right now that it's pretty overwhelming. I'm glad that I'm connected with you all elsewhere because I really don't have it in me to say much in the way of goodbyes. I love you.
I'll take an 'I Love You' over 'Goodbye' any day. <3 - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Praying for you daily and sending good vibes too. Big hugs & a smooch on the cheek *wipes off lipstick smear* - Corinne L
Didn't do a cheers pic because I missed the decision to change the day. Also I have been neglecting my appearance and avoiding cameras. And my glassware's all packed. But I'm looking at all y'all photos and I just love you guys. So here's a toast to the boogie! #CheersFF Parliament - Theme from the Black Hole:
Anytime before the end works, Mandy. <3 - Anne Bouey
There was a bit of discussion in a thread is all, Helen wondered if this weekend would work for people. So some people have. But whenever or never is all good :) - Pete&#39;s Got To Go
I once won tickets to see Run DMC, En Vogue, Father MC, and a local rapper that could've been Too $hort, Rappin 4 Tay or Dru Down, in concert at the Galleria in SF. No idea why I can't exactly remember which rapper that was. #SaturdayFF
During En Vogue's set I wandered around a bit and talked a guy into letting me quietly hang out on a gallery where the lights and maybe some of the sound controls were. I was dancing in place and a guy came & stood nearby to watch the show. I glanced over at him, and it was Jam Master Jay!!! I said, "Jay!" and he smiled and said "hey" and we GAVE EACH OTHER DAP. Then the song was over and he disappeared somewhere behind the lights equipment and I ran down two flights of stairs to find my girl Drea on the dance floor to tell her what happened. She was so jealous lol. All the way home from the city we kept saying goddamn that DJ made my day. - Starmama
Wow...I completely forgot about the existence of Father MC. - Anika
lol he was pretty forgettable... - Starmama
I was lying in bed, thinking, I'ma stay here & go back to sleep. it's too cold to go watch the eclipse. Then I hear Jayden getting up to go to the bathroom. "wanna see the eclipse?" "Yes!" So here we are on the porch looking at the moon. It's beautiful!
Fizzy cola gummies saving my life right now.
Today I saw a woman driving a purple Dodge with the license plate PLMFOOL and I thought it was awesome, her crossing my path on April Fool's day.
Smoking a pre rolled CBD joint, I realized I was getting high. I like CBD weed because it provides medicinal relief without the THC that gets you high. So I looked at the packaging, and turns out it's a 50/50 joint, half CBD half THC. Good thing Saturday morning plans don't include leaving the house and handling business :-)
The old conversations popping up in My Discussions.
We will lose our section 8 voucher if I don't have a lease by April 15th.
How can we help? - joey - team everyone
Any leads? - Stephen Mack
I've had lots of leads but they've all told me no. - Starmama
Well, shit. I'll put the word out again and see if anyone knows about any places this time around. - vicster.
Xavier - Work That Sucker To Death (Funk):
This is a rare track. The band is Xavier but it's all P-Funk. It turned out all the house parties when I was a kid. Several years ago I heard it coming from Jayden's room. I ran in there like, "is that the radio?!" No, it's a song played in a boss level on Sonic CD. I didn't even remember the band's name so we searched the game credits. All those years I'd been wondering why I couldn't find it, searching Parliament and Funkadelic collections for it. - Starmama
Live 105 is playing all 90s alternative. I forgot about so many great tracks!
ahhhh nice!!! :) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Been a busy morning & I need some rest before J gets home. Got into bed all comfy but my book is in the living room. Don't wanna go get it. So I'm on my phone instead.
Robin sitting on the wire, waiting on the sun to bust through the clouds. Singing his heart out. Chest all puffed up & scarlet. Spring!
I really love you all. The people I've met and the conversations I've had and the odd lil things I've learned have all truly enriched my life.
Even if we don't all end up in the same online space, I hope I get to keep all of y'all just a username away <3 <3 - Starmama
Likewise !! - Harold Cabezas
Today at court I was given until June 17 to be out & turn over the keys. I will not have to pay the owner anything if we're out by that date.
He's forbidden from giving a bad reference but since I never had a lease with him I won't be putting him on any applications anyway. - Starmama
I'm glad you have some more time and I hope you will find a suitable home soon. - Stephan Planken
I have a new mailing address. DM me if you wanna update your info :-)
You moved?? - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
Not yet, just have a mailing address because I don't know what's gonna happen, or when. - Starmama
Maybe I'll watch Moonlighting all over again. See if I'm still as amused & impressed 30 years on.
ohh, I loved that show when I was a kid. Is it on NetFlix or Hulu? The other 80's detective/couple show I loved was 'Hart to Hart' It's available on Amazon, but for $3 an episode, so that's not happening. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Hopefully it's on Netflix, I don't have time to look at it right now. I could make it my first binge in our next house. - Starmama