AHnix (Anna Haro)

I'm on tumblr...follow me if you are too. :)
Okay, so this is Goodbye ff Part. 2--THE FINAL GOODBYE <3
Its real this time... cause it was blogged. - CW
Final-Final-Final-Final.doc - Micah
Never say goodbye... Never say goodbye ee yah yah - Josh Haley
<3<3<3<3<3 - Penguin Sparkles
Okay, I'll play. #Askmeanything
What superpower do you wish you had? - Stephen Mack
boxers or briefs? - imabonehead
LOL, Alright already. Set me FFrrreeeeeee!!!
Riiiight? - Kristin
LOL. Like slot machines. - Trish R
Miz Lawruh - Not LB (or ellbeecee)
You rang? - Ell Bee, See?
Just wondering which one of you would show up. ;P - AHnix (Anna Haro)
LOL. - Trish R
Love love love you all!!!!
Back atcha Anna - Not LB (or ellbeecee)
Summabitch. I haven't done jack shit ALL DAY today. Damn you ff. 😡 So, since it's 6:30pm maybe I should move my ass, and you know, start my day. >_>
For reals ;-) - Jason
You people are so smart and funny. Those things alone made this place great and worthwhile for me. But that extra goodness on top? The kindness and love? Those were unexpected blessings. :)
Yes. - Carmen
+1 Ha3rvey - Stephen Mack
rønin has always had my ffavorite description. "Lurker. Drama-free. You can rest assured that if I ever decide to quit FF, it will be silently and in the dead of night."
Ha ha, I think it's a testament to everyone here that I've never felt the desire or need to quit FF. =) - rønin
https://www.youtube.com/watch... 'Golden Girls' -Dorothy Says Goodbye ♥ ♥ ♥
"Just that uh...it’s been very umm…well it’s been an experience that I’ll always keep very close to my heart. And that these are memories that I’ll wrap myself in when the world gets cold and I forget that there are people who are warm and loving…" - AHnix (Anna Haro)
NO WAY! Hahahahaha! LOVE - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Good Grieff. Reading posts and DMs got me like
:'( - CAJ was here
❤️ “We're all just walking each other home.” ❤️
Puttin' up the OG 'Giving Tree' avatar. Seems fitting. :) #ffinaldays
:) - Jenny H.
CALIFFORNIA LOVE--Attention CA peeps: I don't know when I'll be going back to visit, but CA is home, so I will go at some point. I have family in the I.E., O.C., and L.A. I also have family in Gilroy & San Francisco. If you'd like to meet up one day, dm me your email address, so I can reach out to you. Thanks! :)
So far, I got Starmama's and Hookuh's. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
I'll be all up in this bitch for the bulk of my existence, so you know I'm down whenever you come through. :D Well, unless you come through while I'm in New York in November or Orlando in January. Then we'll hafta have words... - Hookuh Tinypants
Saturdayff--Until very recently, I thought Laura Botts and LB were two different people. I remember Laura Botts from way back in the day, and I thought she was just one of the many cool ffers who was no longer active. I never thought 'Botts' was her actual name. I thought it was a play on the word 'robot' because you know, the internetz. So...
Laura Botts was an early ffer and LB was LB...she'd always been LB. And then I "discovered" the truth. >_> lol I told Trish about this yesterday. She thought it was funny, but was like, "Well, she has changed her name a lot." And then this morning, Just another Bubba wrote a post about how many times LB has changed her name. So, I sorta feel a lil bit less ridiculous. :) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
:) I've been ellbeecee for so long I answer to it in meatspace - ellbeecee
Good Mornin' Coffee Cheers & a G'Bye ff Smooch :) #cheersff
Cheers, Anna! - John (bird whisperer)
<3 - felicious
Me and the babies. :)
<3 <3 <3 - Jennifer Dittrich
^balding animal. Me? hahahaha :D - AHnix (Anna Haro)
In the past few years, I've felt the need to disconnect from a lot of things, especially from most online services. FB and twitter are just way too noisy for me. But ff has been the exact amount of what I needed & wanted. I will miss the comfort of knowing I can pop in, even if it's just for the night. Y'all always left the light on for me...
Thank you for that. :') - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Your butt had better be over at Frenf.it so I have someplace to stalk you besides Tumblr. :P - Hookuh Tinypants
🎶 🎤 I hope life treats you kind, And I hope you have all you dreamed ahhhahha-of. And I wish you JOOOY and happiness, But above all this, I wish you LOOOAHAOOOVE 🎤 🎶 #randomlyrics 😘
And iiiiiiiiiiiieeeiiiiiiiii will always love youuuuuuuu eeeeiiiiii will always love youuuuuuuuu - Yolanda
Love you girl <3 - Starmama
Anyone watching the show 'American Crime'? Watched the first three episodes on hulu last night. I really enjoyed it. So, if you're looking for one more show to add to your queue, there ya go. ;)
it's on my list to watch. :) - holly #ravingfangirl
I'm one episode behind you. I'm enjoying it, too. :) - Anne Bouey
Powered through them last night. - Gabrielle
“Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.” -Trey Parker
I have a post to bump for you, Anna. :) - Kristin
^uh oh, I'm a lil scared. Lol - AHnix (Anna Haro)
So many faces in and out of my life, Some will last, Some will just be now and then. Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes. I'm afraid it's time for goodbye again #randomlyrics
I'm hungry, but I don't wanna get up and brush my teeth again. :'(
Eat food ... not toothpaste. - Kristin
Midnight snack problems. - chrisofspades #FForever.
Apple? - CAJ was here
Read a few older posts/threads earlier today, and I fell out laughing again. :D When I have my 'moment before death' montage, I wonder how many shots will be me LOLing in front of a computer screen. Thank you, ff!
An old thread I've referred back to for a hearty laugh time and again was one where Victor Ganata had posted about people coming in complaining of pains the day after Thanksgiving and it was all due to overeating. And then FF took over. And it just got awesomely ridiculous. :D - Hookuh Tinypants
#askmeanything was fun. Thanks for sharing a little more of yourselves. :) Sleep well ffriends.
Nite! - Tamara J. B.
A freezer full of cilantro, of course. :) - Steven Perez
Where are they now?/ I miss those folks #ffedition
Live4Soccer - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Josh Neff is on Twitter etc but I miss him on FF. - Melly #FForever
friendfeed, thank you from the bottom of my introverted heart. I found so much good here, including my husband! :) Best of everything to each and every one of you!!! <333
<3 - Jenny H.
<3 - Anne Bouey
thevamoose: Valentino Fall 2014 - http://annaharo.tumblr.com/post...
loulamargeti: THOMAS HENRI - http://annaharo.tumblr.com/post...