You people are so smart and funny. Those things alone made this place great and worthwhile for me. But that extra goodness on top? The kindness and love? Those were unexpected blessings. :)
Yes. - Carmen
It was a'ight. ;) - Josh Haley
Okay, I'm out ffolks. (-_-)Zzzzz. Thanks for all the good times. Love to you all. <3 - AHnix (Anna Haro)
G'night Anna - Greg GuitarBuster
Peace, Anna. - chrisofspades #FForever.
Good night, A. Catch you on the flip... <3 - That one guy. Bren.
<333333333333 - Kisha
You're just trying to get me to show you my boobs. - Hookuh Tinypants
"like there are people who haven't seen your breasts" -League of Their Own. - Not LB (or ellbeecee)
.........fair enough. :P - Hookuh Tinypants
Anna Haro, you're still made of awesome. See you around the tumblrs. - Ha3rvey (Free hugs)
+1 Ha3rvey - Stephen Mack