Laura Norvig

Dabbler in social media, organizer of information, builder of communities, mom of famous YouTube star. I like nice people who make cool things.
I'm listening to my favorite band, dancing my ass off drinking beer with a gorgeous view of the expansive Pacific ocean in Davenport Ca
Sounds amazing. - Georgia
Next time :) - Rodfather
pining for the fjords
the patient is resting comfortably
why did we back this shit up instead of just asking the NSA for our stuff?
"back, back, back it up!" - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
taxpayers have rights! - هانیبال
this is so thelma and louise
*holds hands with Laura and nods* - Stephen Mack
i am boring and repetitive!
But cute! <3 - Anne Bouey
I forgot to take any pics but I actually had a #FFeedup a few weeks ago when I went to a party thrown by Jason Wehmhoener - my first time meeting him IRL
t-ra, you really need to be asleep - Laura Norvig
I know! but I can't! I'm a mess. and thanks. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
I keep "unliking" stuff so I can make my way back through my likes, but my like count just stays the same.
It gets adjusted once a day, if I remember correctly. - bentley
i'm not sure how I think i'm going to cull through 17k likes to find things I actually wanted to save ... - Laura Norvig
I probably should have started trying to look for shit to save a little earlier. Man, I suck at letting things go. We'll have to see how this goes
try ;) it will ask for login and remote key (link for convenience provided), it has Russian interface but you can guess it on right side - it is mirroring tool plus (apparently) future derived from FriendFeed. Don't worry there will be English interface too, it is just hurry now - piikummitus
Sent you a DM on Twitter with the link to the backup, Laura. - Benny Bucko (Josh)
Saving the #wadeisms and deleting as I go along
man these are precious - glad I remembered they were in here - kind of random that I remembered. - Laura Norvig
Josh used Victor's script in Linux to save everything. - Melly #FForever
To my surprise, an obscure post of mine, is already in the Wayback Machine. In order to *find* stuff in there later, though, I think we need to document the original URLs ...
Also, it would be cool if people could open up their private feeds if they feel like it for this last day ... for example, I couldn't save because WOH is private. It just shows "request a subscription" - Laura Norvig
what about rooms? could they be archived if the admins open them up? - Laura Norvig
On Gillmor Gang Kevin Marks just suggested another way to backup your favorite threads - go to Wayback machine and click "save this URL".
Horoscope: "We all know how soft you are inside Cancer, and that is why you so often instinctually retreat into your shell, when anything threatens your feelings of safety and security. It has become second nature to you, to protect your inner space, yet have you ever deeply thought about the consequences of holding in and holding back?
At some point, you are going to have to put it all out there, if you haven't done so already. With so much energetic fuel in Aries at the moment, an emotional edge can become the coat you where and as much as being strong suits you, it's your softness that becomes the game changer. You are learning that it is in your true tenderness where your greatest strength lies. It is in those vulnerable moments when others fall at your feet. You may feel as if you have every reason to protect yourself, in heart and in spirit, but it is in your coming out, where you will ultimately feel the greatest sense of safety. Why? Because when you are moving in stride with yourself and your Soul, aligned, and one with who you are, no one can touch you, and yet everyone will want a piece of you. When you arrive at a state of true independence, needing no one to complete you, the world will be saying,”I want what she's having.” Saturn in Sag slows to a stop this weekend and retrogrades on Saturday, March 14, for four months. This is your invitation to release anything that weighs on you, forever freeing yourself from that unnecessary cover. - Laura Norvig
RT @jtaschek: Say it ain't so (what). Facebook shuts down @friendfeed - HT @dbfarber c @stevegillmor @jcbouvier @ic @kteare
RT @jasonshim: Congratulations @lyndalcairns, this year's NTEN award winner! #15NTC
RT @kivilm: LMAO RT @gonzni: Checking out @Coburnicus's hilarious lecture on mistakes. #15NTC
RT @annawright27: About 20% of US still doesn't have internet and 40% don't have smartphones. How do we reach these people? #15ntcignite #15NTC
Carrier Pigeon? - Steve C, Team Marina
As a proud part of that 40%, otherwise known as "these people," if that means I'm missing out on some ads, that's a shame. - walt crawford
As far as I know, I'm not missing anything on the internet without a smartphone. - Heather
We should send them messages on snapchat, of course. - Amit Patel
RT @mmiller20910: RT @kanter: List of #15NTC collaborative session notes in one doc: [brilliant knowledge capture!]
RT @farra: Nonprofit Link Round Up: #15NTC Edition via @Network4Good
RT @josephklem: OMG @JasonShim is everywhere! #15ntc #15NTCgreenscreen @askdebra @NTENorg
RT @rootwork: .@silverbell & @cindy_leonard use a "question of the month" to focus the #WordPress @NTENorg community of practice each month. #15NTC
RT @rootwork: Just shared @PDXTech4Good model of using @trello w/template column for each month's event #15NTC @NetSquared @NTENorg
RT @lyndalcairns: Finding out how Planned P'hood responded to Supreme Court decisions last yr, w @MRCampaigns #15NTC #15ntcsmartcookies
Isn't that an awesome slide? Sorry I bombarded y'all with tweets earlier this month. My yearly pilgrimage to the conference I love. - Laura Norvig
gah! This is what's in the dictionary under adorable! @farra @dkrumlauf @NTENorg
RT @betalister: Post #15NTC Organizer Day with @NTENorg 501 Tech Club/@NetSquared and Community of Practice organizers! #nptech
RT @justkelly_ok: Rod Chavez is an engineering director at Google, he sexually harassed me, Google did nothing about it. Reprimanded me instead of him
. @LizAnnVargie me too - that was sooo fun - thanks @NTENorg
RT @joesaidso: Now I can say it — I think this was the first NTC where we didn't break the Internet! #15NTC
Willie Nelson or Heidi? You decide ... #15ntc @penguinasana
RT @attentive_ly: The top 5% of your email file reaches 470 times more than your entire list. #15NTC
RT @kmontenegro: "a plan is useless unless you act on it" -@SteveHeye #15NTCITMission …true in so many spaces. #15ntc
RT @karentgraham: skilled volunteer marketplace