Laura Norvig

Dabbler in social media, organizer of information, builder of communities, mom of famous YouTube star. I like nice people who make cool things.
RT @kmontenegro: "a plan is useless unless you act on it" -@SteveHeye #15NTCITMission …true in so many spaces. #15ntc
RT @karentgraham: skilled volunteer marketplace
We learn from making mistakes - guess convention center took that one to heart ... we're hongry up in here, folks! #15NTC
I love how the hashtag, plus collab notes info were on each session page - great if presenters would also add links to their slides. #15ntc
Salesforce and Zapier solution, plus Eventbrite integration with appexchange app - wow, geek heaven - nice job Matt Ott! #15ntcdigmetrics
RT @pegaita: What data do you share in reports? #15NTCdigmetrics #15ntc
RT @samuelyu: Data is like making sausage. Hide the dirty details of how it's made & show staff the results/what matters to them. #15ntc #15NTCdigmetrics
RT @hollywagg: I know, right? I need to laminate more obviously. RT @NoYinKatie: Never underestimate the power of a laminated document. #15ntcdigmetrics
Beware data fatigue! Give people just enough data (a sandwich or snack, not a 12-course meal). #15ntcdigmetrics
This is true on the reference desk as well, teaching workshops, etc. - Back to just Joe
Soo bummed that @TalkingQ isn't here. We have to get you here next year, girl! (It's in San Jose so will be easier) #15ntc
. @MeicoWhitlock rocks. Great ideas he's instituted that shifted org culture. #15ntcdigmetrics
NASTAD uses a content development checklist - great idea! No more, "oh, here's an infographic. promote it." #15ntcdigmetrics
Thank you whoever is doing the collab notes for #15ntcdigmetrics - you're doing a great job!
wordpress "SEO all in one pack" highly recommended. anyone know of similar tool for Drupal or other blog CMS types? #15ntcdigmetrics
RT @kbird9: 6 keys to explaining digital metrics to your boss- so true! #15NTCdigmetrics #15NTC
RT @marciaesilva: When presenting metrics: "Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off." - Coco Chanel #15NTCdigmetrics
RT @kbird9: Graphics are your friend when presenting digital metrics to your colleagues- use them, and keep it simple. #15NTCdigmetrics #15ntc
I feel like I've ended up in the exact right session for me every time I had to pick. Yay me! #15ntc
we hear it all the time: make your data actionable -does this data justify a change you want to make that impacts whole org #15ntcdigmetrics
absolutely key: compare your metrics to a prior time period (or several/average over time) #15ntcdigmetrics
think about how your audience (internal stakeholders) will use the data, ask them what they want to know, less is more #15ntcdigmetrics
Super hard choosing a session this morning. I'm in #15NTCdigmetrics but if you're in #15ntcstrat101 please take notes
pulled myself out of bed for @askdebra 's Ignite - no way I would miss it! #15ntc
Cool things happened @ progressive parties, including getting to know @betalister better and hearing a secret soon to be announced #15ntc
RT @techsoup: Thanks @NTENorg & @amyrsward for honoring our late colleague @mmdelong with an NTENy. Classy move, #15NTC #WeMissHim.
Dear @NTENorg I would not be averse to having NTC in ATX every year. Just sayin' #15NTC
RT @carolynappleton: #15NTC Terrific, smooth badge pick-up system! @ Austin Convention Center
RT @juliareich: Maybe what happens in Austin should stay in Austin? @kivilm @HollyWagg #ATX #15NTC
RT @penguinasana: Full videos of all #dogoodertv awards here: #15NTC
RT @ntenorg: @pocketcathy All Online #15NTC sessions will be available for attendees next week. There are some up already. ^BL
RT @snotforprofit: #15NTC sessions that get to bizness without icebreakers, meet-your-neighbour, crossfit moves or preambles ...
RT @rootwork: I think @NTENorg deserves a huge thanks for the stable wifi this year. Really dramatically improved from previous years. #15NTC