LB ❤s FF

Christ follower. Proud lifetime member of Team Frank. FSU Seminole. Archivist. #napbus conductor. "Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
Something has gone wrong, or right ;) - Pete's Got To Go
It's a shame you can't weed out the duplicates. I had to crop some out. - Ell Bee, See?
"We're like Concorde aren't we?" #MOW #waitwhat #doingitwrong
Without FF, what am I supposed to do while my hair color sits? :(
draw snails? - Not LB (or ellbeecee)
Good night, my dear FFiends, FFriends, and FFamily. I hope I'll get to see you at least a little while tomorrow, but if not, you know where to find me. Every single one of you is special. I love you all!
Good night, LB! Sleep well. - Jennifer Dittrich
Good night. - bentley
Is this how we'll all wake up tomorrow?
...and there were these three brothers... - bentley
Duolingo just taught me the Italian for "The monkey reads a book." That's bound to be handy, right?
I've been thinking about this... I think some units provide phrases that are commonly used. The "proverbs" unit on duolingo, for example. But for units where the focus is on grammar or syntax, I think the strangeness of the vocabulary might help... help to remember the phrase, help it to stand out. As I'm back in the flow of speaking and writing in French again, I'm not using phrases I've memorized but trusting that my brain remembers the forms and structures I've learned. - Brent Schaus
Certo! - Marie
This scene ( through 14:20 or so ) reminds me of this. It became a family catchphrase when I was a kid. - bentley
RT @mrgeorgewallace: Shout out to that movie with the characters with the dilemma and the unexpected twists and turns and so forth.
RT @mrgeorgewallace: Shout out to the Love Shack with the headin' down the Atlanta Highway and the bang bang bang on the door and whatnot.
I can't hear you. - Jim #teamFFrank
BANG BANG! - LB's FF Hubby
(I can never remember the right order for the lyrics!) *sprinkles glitter on the highway instead* - Ell Bee, See?
Hurry up! And bring your jukebox money! - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
Fwd: Obligatory. Sadly I don't have the wherewithal to swap the actual logo. (via
Places I plan to be in the coming months: Nashville, TN; Charleston, SC; Grand Rapids, MI; Eau Claire, WI. Hit me up if you're in these areas! #FFeedupsFForever (Also Cleveland, OH, this summer and Waco, TX, in 2016).
We live near GR. :) - Mrs. Alix May
Will do, Trish! - Ell Bee, See?
RT @mercerprez: Congrats to former Mercer baseball student-athlete Billy Burns on making the opening day roster of the Oakland A's. Go Bears!
Silly LB loves you! #cheersFF
You nut! - Jenny
#cheersff #endfeed Love you all!
This picture at the end of Helen's video broke me. - Melly #FForever
I'll never be able to compose an appropriate FFarewell statement, so I'll just say I'm glad to have had each of you in my life. You are special, and you are loved. I still plan to see you online in other places and to meet as many of you in person as I can. <3
*choked voice* ELL BEEEEEE! - Pete&#39;s Got To Go
Awww, T-ra. *hugs* - Ell Bee, See?
I'm very glad that we can now go back to the beginning of our (and others') feeds. But... why couldn't we have had this capability all along? *sniffle*
They changed something? I must have missed this. - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
I would say that given the amount of deadhead accounts that constantly import and pump out feeds (search FriendFeed on Twitter as an example), leaving a completely open feed would tax a system that, let's be honest, survived because it was a small and unnoticeable footprint. - Johnny
"There's not a word yet / for old friends who've just met." Yes, Gonzo, there is. It's called "FriendFeed." This line pretty much sums y'all up for me. *hugs* - Ell Bee, See?
I'm going to go back there someday. *sniff* (do we share a brain? This came up on shuffle at some point recently (what? of course I have Muppet music in my collection), and I thought of FF with it) - ellbeecee
It's part of the "Laurabrarian Connection," I think. :) *hugs ellbeecee* - Ell Bee, See?
*bump* - Ell Bee, See?
Life's going to suck without FF in it. :(
*hugs* - Michael W. May
For real doh - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
:( - Anne Bouey
OH: "Eggs and milk seek their own level."
Mr. B, who doesn't eat eggs, made me quiche. :) - Ell Bee, See?
Watching Michael Palin take a train from Derry (Northern Ireland) to Kerry (Ireland). So envious!
I've been to Kerry on a bus, but I really want to go to Northern Ireland to see where my ancestors are from. - Ell Bee, See?
RT @mrgeorgewallace: Shout out to Jesus, rollin' away the stone like "Oooooh y'all done MESSED up now!"
I'm out of Cadbury Mini Eggs. :(
Booooo :( - Jennifer Dittrich
I bought a bunch of the big caramel ones half price, which I plan on saving them till summer to eat them. They always taste better when they are half melted and extra gooey. :D - April Russo (FForever!)
Happy Easter, FFriends!
Happy Easter! - Soup in a TARDIS
RT @mercerprez: Mercer baseball and softball each take weekend series. Men's and women's lacrosse win. Men's tennis sweeps UTC. Great weekend for the Bears!
RT @mercerprez: Congrats to Mercer's Kaydren Orcutt on winning the Goldwater Scholarship, the 3d Mercer student to win the Goldwater in 3 years. Go Bears!
Trying to think of a #FFinal #SaturdayFF but struggling to find something worthwhile. Sigh.
Thought I had mentioned this, but search isn't finding it, so here goes. I had open heart surgery when I was 23 to repair a hole in my heart that had been undiagnosed since birth. Seems fitting to end #SaturdayFF with this since the end of FF will leave another hole in my heart. *kisses you all* - Ell Bee, See?
Mine too. - Jim #teamFFrank
RT @simonsinek: A team is not a group of people that work together. A team is a group of people that trust each other.
RT @mrgeorgewallace: Think you're a gangsta? I keep coffee table books on my end tables. Come at me, bro!
Duolingo makes me feel stupid. :P
Aww...really? What'd the owl say? We'll all slap him for you. :) - That one guy. Bren.
I find it's really helped with syntax, especially with reflexive verbs. Hoo, boy. - Brent Schaus
RT @mercersga: Congratulation to our new President-Elect and Vice President Elect, Austin and Taylor! 52% of the total vote!
Austin is a student worker in the library and helped Soup with her class last fall. :) - Ell Bee, See?
Blessed and highly caffeinated.
Isn't that a tautology? - Jim #teamFFrank
Blessed are the highly caffeinated, for they shall inspire the world. - Stephen Mack
Keep it tight, sayeth the Lord. - Brent Schaus
Forever and ever, hallelujah. - Corinne L
RT @charles270: You rememberized something from your English class? You failed.