
Ahoy! FFundercat
Maybe B-Glob fell asleep at his computer. Shhhh, no one wake him
I think Anne said he was on vacation. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Baker Island seems to be the last place to go into Friday, 10th. Currently a little before 8pm. - Benny Bucko (Josh)
ZombieFeed or 3rd Day JesusFeed?
there's a difference? - Big Joe Silenced
Well, it *is* around Easter... - Spidra Webster
Best post all day. - Benny Bucko (Josh)
No, see... We're not FriendFeed... We're El FriendFeedico. We're his Mexican brother. The guy you're looking to shut down left about 10 minutes ago. You just missed him. If you catch this bus to Alaska, you might just catch him.
This made my sides hurt. - Stephen Mack
It COULDN'T be 11.59 at the IDL?
Maybe that's it. Hmm . . . what time would that be here in the Eastern USA? - Friar Will
Well Micah and Stephen are in Hawaii, and I'm watching Hawaii Five 0 and it's only 9pm there... - Heleninstitches #teamff
I'd need to wait another five hours according to this: - Friar Will
RT @_hairforceone: Security at Samsung's Sydney Store struggling with the line up up to buy a Galaxy S6 #bored
It's often not until you click through the links on a person's Twitter profile that you see just how fucking batshit crazy they are.
You could have just DMed me - Cristo
i usually only get that experience out of FB. loads of nutjobs there. - Big Joe Silenced
I know it's not something that's done here but if ever there was an occasion to declare days of national mourning, it's this. #RIPRichie
They just played Marvellous on the radio :o( - Melly #FForever
Cricket hero :-/ - Brent Schaus
That Bret Taylor post is like WOAH. Ugly
Bret is in there trolling himself. - chrisofspades #FForever.
Anne, only slightly less so in that it just commented on what would happen anytime the service had the small outages over the years. I actually hate that Bret has had to deal with all of that for nearly 5 years. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
*updates GeoCities blog*
Maybe they could leave FriendFeed with an animated "This site is under construction" GIF. - Brian Johns
I think so. - Johnny
Sooo... Who WAS Leather Donut?
Spartacus. - Micah
I was not. In fact, I remember very little about Leather. - Cristo
Daisy... daisy...
I've been thinking about HAL-as-FF recently. - Brian Johns
I would say the blog post was updated because that's where the URL will redirect after shutdown.
Ha. We are not getting shut down ever. - Louis Gray
*waits for Josh and Johnny's anonymous-style video* - put on the mask! - Laura Norvig
It is as it was and will be.
........................ why does his costume need eye holes? #Daredevil
I doubt there is a single switch but I would still like someone to film or photograph the team shutting it all down.
I figure it'll look like this: - Jennifer Dittrich
But the video would be posted to FriendFeed and ... oops. - Louis Gray
GAH! EARWORM! - Melly #FForever
[head dance] <-- best subtitle ever - Melly #FForever
Nah, nah, nah, nah, naaaaaaaaaaaah! - Benny Bucko (Josh)
I would think it would occur sometime on the 9th, like 5pm or 12pm west coast time.
I'm guessing afternoon pdt. - Rodfather
Quick thing to remember: The technology of Friendfeed like the code, the URL, the imports etc are nice but you could copy all the technology elsewhere but it wouldn't work without the personalities. Concrete builds the furnace, the fuel is what makes it work.
burn, baby, burn? - Big Joe Silenced
what is that thing? ff alternative? - abdul gelada
Been given the nod to fly to a meeting in Sorrento in 3 weeks. Alas, I'll be driving around Melbourne with full itinerary so no @mokargas :(
I would like to give a shout out to Facebook for keeping FriendFeed alive for 5 years when, really, they didn't have to. They could have easily shuttered it in weeks after acquisition. Rather than being angry they're "taking it away", I'm grateful that it lasted this long against all logic and reason.
True. But I'm human so I need to complain. iTunes and FaceBook and the weather are just collateral damage. - Stephan Planken
Ditto - Galadriel C.
So true Johnny, pretty exceptional in the tech market . Hopefully the site in the future will be opened up by archeologists examining a once thriving community sharing snapshots of an eventful time in humanity in the early part of the 21st Century, and hopefully one that will be of source of inspiration, education, wisdom, wit and wonder, to the generations to come... (that could include FFundercat podcasts ;-) - Jason
For something to become a legend, it must first pass. It's difficult to wax lyrical and tell tall tales while the listener of the tale can go and see for themselves. While it did live up to the hype, so much can now be said and simply tagged with "you had to be there".
To the bearded one. *pours* - Josh Haley
A quick (and long overdue) glance at my Foxtel plan led to a phone call and I'm now paying a 1/3 the price for the content we actually watch
While I appreciate being lectured to by a 21 year old about the ins and outs of file sharing, 1. I was on the net when you were cum in your dad's balls. 2. I shared files on BBSs and IRC. Fucking IRC man on a 14.4k modem. Get outta here with that bullshit.
"cum in your dad's balls" haha - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
<3 - Gabrielle
Yo, Elmer Riggs, fuck you buddy. Get your apatosaurus bullshit up outta here. #Brontosaurus4Life
So, yeah. It's been a thing.
That it has. Much respect, Johnny. - Stephen Mack
All the best to you and your family, Johnny. :) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Let's get maggot and have a spew - Josh Haley
Wait, did the court just order an ISP to hand over METADATA to a private company? Someone telegram the Attorney General!
Dear Paleo/organic bloggers. I don't want advice from someone who isn't a scientist, I want it from a BETTER scientist. Data > Rumor/Guess
RT @jaymewes: I am so in love,never want to leave her ;) thank you all who have said such nice things past couple days! Youse rock