Mary Carmen

It's all fun and games till someone gets hit with a stapler.
Well, well, well...
yep still here - Mike Nencetti
Love and thanks to you all.
One last FF confession: I spent most of my time here going back and forth between feeling like a complete outsider or a well loved personality. I'm glad I felt the latter more than the former, but it also pains me that I still feel the former every now and again. I like to call it social imposter syndrome or "ONG EVERYONE HATES ME!"
ONG= OMG fucking autocorrect. - Mary Carmen
You and we are not alone. - Back to just Joe
This is the fastest that FF has scrolled in a while.
There's fewer of us here maybe? - Stephen Francoeur
No clue. Or everyone wants to get in those last posts - Mary Carmen
looking back through my feed, I found what may be one of the funniest moments of my insanity: "I had a dream last night, where I shit you not, I sang, "I Get a Kick Out of You" to a pair of white, satin, heels. I have issues."
This is so this what it is like waiting for the end of the world?
چی شد پُ - رضاراز
مگه ما ...مسخره شوماییم؟ - رضاراز
Should I look out the window and see if the corner of Spook Central has busted open? - Corinne L
Okay people, one last time for a laugh and a send your best:
"Ray has gone bye bye, Egon. What do you have left?" - Mary Carmen
"Well mon means man and och means.. nothing." - Pete's Got To Go
Wishing the last FF selfie wasn't me looking so sick and in pain, but....I guess that's kinda fitting. #cheersFF Love to you all. Thanks for all the laughs and the tears.
<3 - Anne Bouey
Y'all, I wanna see you on the FB. Bubba, we have to make a Skype date. Joe, I remain steady in my belief that we will drink beer together again. - Mary Carmen
How the hell am I 27 weeks pregnant today? 13 weeks!?!?!? Time has FLOWN by. Where and how am I gonna share the rest of this pregnancy and birth with y'all........*sobs*
Secret group? =) - The Other Yvonne
It seems that I should have some parting words on this last FF weekend....
So many things to say and so little space.... - Mary Carmen
I'm active on FB and am slowly getting into Italian FF. Please reach out to me there, I'd love to continue this ride with y'all. - Mary Carmen
That Micah guy......he's a swell dude.
So much acid reflux.
Ughhhhhh. - Jennifer Dittrich
:-( - vicster.
I've accepted that we've ruined her by letting her sleep in our bed. She slept the entire night with her feet between our heads and her head kinda under the covers. This kid.
Apparently she will sleep all night in our bed. Yesterday this entire family slept in until 10 and it was glorious. - Mary Carmen
We have a cal-king. Between two adults, three cats and one toddler we fit fine. Can't wait to add another kid into the mix. - Mary Carmen
My first native FF post. Prior to this everything was imported from Twitter of Delicious. Fwd: does anyone else feel weird when they put their hand inside a puppet? (via
Good times. Good times. Fwd: AND THEN THERE'S MAUDE!!! WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?!? (via
Apparently Dinah Mo Hum is the only FZ song Sirius Classic Vinyl owns.
I am pretty sure that 95% of my feed is about football.
Basketball? - Eric Logan
Not a basketball fan. - Mary Carmen
I just fell off my chair laughing. Fwd: Library Drama Club in full effect. (via
Bwahahaha. Oh man, them days - ωαřмaiden ❤Bassetmom❤
I miss those days....sorta. - Mary Carmen
NOPE. I miss living so close, though - ωαřмaiden ❤Bassetmom❤
Me, too. - Mary Carmen
Never again will there be such a fierce management team. I like to think we laughed more than we cried. (via
Fierce ladies! RAWR!! Mamas don't hurt 'em! - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Just finished watching The Jinx. Holy shit.
YUP! - Stephen Mack
I don't know if I believe Jarecki either. The timeline seems a bit jacked up. But you never know. They could have handed everything over right after the second interview and the police sat on it till they had a case. Who knows. I mean, Jeanne Pirro saw the letter and she immediately knew what she was looking at. I would imagine she made a few phone calls right after her mike was removed. - Mary Carmen
I have managed to scroll back a ways.....the Mars Rover landing was a pretty awesome night on FF.
I probably wouldn't have stayed up for that if it weren't for FriendFeed. - John (bird whisperer)
Any time Ghostbusters was mentioned or quoted led to a great time. - Mary Carmen
I am jealous of all the folks posting old posts. I can't go back that far. *sniffle*
yeah, manually scrolling, i got all the way back to my first post in April 2008 - holly #ravingfangirl
So tired. So uncomfortable. So over it. So dreading 15 more weeks.
*hugs* - Stephen Mack
(((MC))) - Anne Bouey
*gentle hugs* - vicster.
Can not find a comfortable sleeping position. I give up.
تنبل - alireza6211
I am watching a British show called Supersize vs Superskinny. Both the super obese folks' and the anorexics' diets repulse me.
I was able to back up to 2010....guess that'll do.
Raising the bandwidth because I'm a stinker: Fwd: Ok, to humor my wife, I'll bite, feel free to #askmeanything while you still have the chance. (via
Ohhhhhhhh, Holly!!!!!!!
That kitteh's gonna get ya! - Katy S
In this pic, he looks like my old demon spawn of a cat. :D - April Russo (FForever!)
Moist. Ew.
Some observations from a lot of listening to Sirius Classic Vinyl:
This station has a serious hard-on for Led Zep. - Mary Carmen
Riffing on MC's first comment: Has there ever been a hard on that wasn't serious? #InquiringMinds #AsTheGreatManSaid_MarinateOnThatAWhile - MoTO Boychick Devil
The Lord is testing me today.