One last FF confession: I spent most of my time here going back and forth between feeling like a complete outsider or a well loved personality. I'm glad I felt the latter more than the former, but it also pains me that I still feel the former every now and again. I like to call it social imposter syndrome or "ONG EVERYONE HATES ME!"
ONG= OMG fucking autocorrect. - Mary Carmen
I don't believe for a minute that anyone could hate you, Mary. - Friar Will
Na. You're cool. - Rodfather
Oh, wow, I know that feeling. What a good name for it. Also, loved - definitely loved :) - Jennifer Dittrich
I have felt both of these things at various times here. Sometimes in the same night. - That one guy. Bren.
I've felt that often too, and like Bren sometimes in the same night. - Penny
Yes, MC. What Bren said, too. - Corinne L
Yep. I know the feeling. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
*hugs* - Anne Bouey
I think most of us have been there. *hugs* - Marianne
Been there, done that. - Back to just Joe
I've definitely been there. Am still frequently there. I'm sure I'll be there even more without this place. <3 - Penguin Sparkles
Most times I feel like a ghost that only certain people can see so I know how you feel. *hugs* - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Yep. Felt the same way here sometimes -- invisible. - Trish R
<3 you all. - Mary Carmen
Love you, MC. - Tamara J. B.
love you, lady. <3 <3 - holly #ravingfangirl
I've felt the same way here, many times. *hugs* - vicster.
You and me are... Buddies - Pete&#39;s Got To Go
You and we are not alone. - Back to just Joe