DB, Lil LB's Dad

A simple man trying to live right, act right and make a few people laugh along the way.
Going to work on 3 hours of sleep. FTW! Goodnight.
Peace and love. #FForever
<3 - Marissa
Well I'm fading out guys and gals. Guess I can't do the night crew thing like I used to. I'll see some of you elsewhere on the Interwebs. To everyone else it's been great hanging out with you these past 7 years. FriendFeed will always be at the top of my list. In my heart if nowhere else. Goodnight. #FForever
I got the oops message a few minutes ago and thought that was it. Nervously refreshed aaaand we're back.
#sunset Hot Springs, AR - June 24, 2006 - https://www.flickr.com/photos...
The first trip I took with Future Wifey. - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
LeVar Burton keeps the sunlight shining through the Reading Rainbow - LA Times - http://www.latimes.com/books...
"Toward the back of LeVar Burton's L.A. office there's a room filled with people testing software, including some, in teeny chairs, who are about 6 years old. Welcome to Reading Rainbow, the former PBS television show turned iPad app that's poised to roll out its next iteration on the Web." - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
Foreign or domestic (beer/car/other)
Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat
Street Fighter. Was never good at Mortal Kombat. Didn't really like all the blood. - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
Finish him! Fatality. - Heather
Sesame Street or Electric Company
Sesame Street - vicster.
Magic School Bus. - Colette
Here's what I sound like.... WGU - LUT1 Presentation: Soccer In America - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch...
You can hear Wifey if you skip to the end. She had to ask me questions. - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
It's awesome seeing my feed refresh super fast like the old days. #onelasttime #FForever
Friendfeed has been my "one time at band camp...." for our entire marriage. I can't tell you how many times I've started a conversation with Wifey with "I was on Friendfeed and..." or "Let me tell you what happened on Friendfeed..." or "Somebody posted on Friendfeed..."
I think she found it annoying initially but over the years she's embraced it after seeing how important its been to me. She even joined in on the fun occasionally at https://friendfeed.com/keshab6... . I love my Wifey. - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
I <3 public declarations of love to significant others. And that you use the term wifey. It's one of my favourites. - Benny Bucko (Josh)
Derrick is the one who hooked her in with all his delicious food posts. I'd comment on how good something looked. She'd say it sure does then ask me to send her the recipe. - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
I didn't change my avatar all that much over the years. Interesting.
I just lost a subscriber. I guess somebody prefers Garfield. - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
That's all I've got. There's a crying little one I need to go check on. Be good to each other. It's been real. It's been fun. It's been real fun. Peace out. #FForever
Love you man. See you on the other side. - That one guy. Bren.
Good night, DB. See you on the Facebook. - Corinne L
Heavy D & The Boyz - Now That We Found Love ft. Aaron Hall - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch...
What are we gonna do...with iiitttt. - chrisofspades #FForever.
MC Hammer - 2 Legit 2 Quit - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch...
Can't believe I've never seen this video before. - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
FF is definitely 2 Legit 2 Quit - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
Haddaway - What Is Love (Official Video) - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch...
Baby don't hurt me....no more! - chrisofspades #FForever.
This will never not remind me of My So-Called Life...https://www.youtube.com/watch... - Hookuh Tinypants
Robin S - Show Me Love (Official Music Video) [1993] - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch...
Figure I'll go out doing one of my favorite FFthings #clubFF
Of course featuring early 90's dance music because the best. - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
Oh hell yes and thank you. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
London Beat - I've Been Thinking About You - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch...
You guys, some in small ways some in larger ways helped us Bring Home Baby Burns. We are forever grateful. He's been such a blessing in our life. FF played a substantial part in that. #thanksFF
#FFconfession: DB sent DMs to me and another Friendfeeder when the adoption was underway but not yet official. That made me feel like part of the family. :) <3 - Ell Bee, See?
You are part of the family LB. You found out before a lot of folks in our IRL family did. You're the best. - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
*melts* No, you are! :) - Ell Bee, See?
Don't have anything witty to say tonight. Just sitting back and observing much like I did when I first joined FF. Sure am gonna miss this place. #fforever
Better got to bed before my eyes start leaking due to... allergies. Goodnight everybody.
G'night, DB. - Anne Bouey
Jackson 5 - Never Can Say Goodbye - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch...
Gonna be hard saying good by to FF. For now it's just goodnight. Until tomorrow. - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
#CheersFF Some folks drink liquor. I drink water. One more for the road. #FForever
Cheers, DB! - chrisofspades #FForever.