Friendfeed has been my "one time at band camp...." for our entire marriage. I can't tell you how many times I've started a conversation with Wifey with "I was on Friendfeed and..." or "Let me tell you what happened on Friendfeed..." or "Somebody posted on Friendfeed..."
I think she found it annoying initially but over the years she's embraced it after seeing how important its been to me. She even joined in on the fun occasionally at . I love my Wifey. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
I <3 public declarations of love to significant others. And that you use the term wifey. It's one of my favourites. - Benny Bucko (Josh)
Derrick is the one who hooked her in with all his delicious food posts. I'd comment on how good something looked. She'd say it sure does then ask me to send her the recipe. - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad