WoH: Professor MOTHRA

Geek, writer, web TV creator. Find me at http://higletfilms.com and http://worldofhiglet.com and http://mindmybrains.com :) NOTE: M.O.T.H.R.A. agent
Good night, sweet dreams, and see you on the other side <3
Sleep well! <3 - Jennifer Dittrich
Good night, Higlet. <3 - That one guy. Bren.
Yes! We got a final signal-to-noise comment!
How would you even try to explain what happens on FF to ppl not from FF?
That image on my desktop that I need to tidy away - how would I explain that to a rational person? - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
"You just had to be there." - Steven Perez
Posted without comment
! - Akiva
It's like the FriendFeed version of the Game. - Akiva
New theory: they unplug the FB servers and leave the FF one...
defect code: off by one. - Aloof Schipperke
Waiting for the hammer to fall...
I hope twitter and FB are prepped for the impending noise...
Not to mention the Jedi. - Technodad
^ LOL - CW
I wonder if this last backup run will have time to run before the lights go out?
Apparently the answer is yes! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I think they're going to wait until people start complaining that FF is still here, and then pull the plug. And then we'll feel worse and better at the same time.
There's some poor sysop who is staring at a load monitor and wondering why the fans on bay 42 are going full blast. - Technodad
Peace out, FF!
I'll never forget the time on Twitter you told me that I ruined FriendFeed for you and then Kevin Fox unfollowed me almost immediately! - Akiva
Bye bye WoH. - CW
I'm not ready for this to end.
There is too much to say and not enough time. Be well everyone. it's been an honor and a pleasure. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
More than 140 top doctors attack government record on NHS http://gu.com/p/47ajt/stw
Menstruation: how to break this taboo in the classroom | Chella Quint http://gu.com/p/479mh/stw
RT @buskingbobby: This is clever http://t.co/y36dMdu5Aa
RT @dilettantiquity: Snakes, the mighty predators...oops. http://t.co/UgPx8frgS8
There are several dissertations to be written on the emotional and practical impact the long-feared but inevitable demise of a data source
A researcher would have a field day on @friendfeed observing the different ways people are dealing with the fact their fav site is closing
Okay, I'm going to call it quits at April 2010 for posts and not worry about comments or anything else. As witty, earth-changing and significant all my early FF stuff is, we'll just have to agree it was all brilliant. The evidence will be be gone, but we'll know the truth.
I did find that one post, so that's safe. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
It seems to be slow and glitchy. Stuff getting deleted and stuff. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Fwd: RT @cstechcast: Being declared dead by @techcrunch makes me feel alive! Join the dead, more fun. http://friendfeed.com #userdrive (via http://friendfeed.com/worldof...)
I hardly know what to say other than it's been a pleasure, an education, and a blast. FF will always have a special place in my heart. If you want to stay in touch and haven't already got my details, DM me.
Tears in rain. #thankyouFF
I wish the best of everything to you all. FF will always be a part of my life. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Back from @FANEXPOVAN for another year, and a great time was had by all. Spied @WilliamShatner and @carrieffisher from afar.
Bigotry, the Bible and the Lessons of Indiana http://nyti.ms/1DEJkmB
Denmark’s Drug-Free Pigs http://nyti.ms/1DDUjwR
I like this op-ed in particular because it's describing a farming system that isn't too far from what many mid-sized hog farms are like in the US. Of course, part of what makes the system in Denmark work well is a lot of support from the government in the early stages (when mortality briefly rose) and a commitment to regulating the use of the antibiotics with consequences for not following them. - Jennifer Dittrich
Social media is protecting men from periods, breast milk and body hair | Jessica Valenti http://gu.com/p/4749q/stw
Homeless Canadians brought to tears by the mean things people say about them http://www.cbc.ca/1.3016409
Utah's firing squad law reveals crisis at the heart of US capital punishment http://gu.com/p/473tj/stw
Have you got a favourite gingerbread recipe? Would you care to share?
I have a photo on my phone of the one we made during Christmas in pastry school. I'll DM it to you if you want to try. It's delicious! And easy. - Trish R
Thank you, Trish! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
RT @andreagrimes: Having a glass of wine, listening to TWiB take down this #WhiteGenocide bro (30 min in): highly recommend http://thisweekinblackness.com/aaron-r... #globalherd
RT @lizzwinstead: Is Cracker Barrel starting a #WhiteGenocide dialogue
RT @gensqueeze: Average Canadian student loan totals.1976 compared to today #studentdebt #gensqueeze More at http://www.gensqueeze.ca http://t.co/JVmXb1wnfA
I would take 23,000 in student loan debt in a heartbeat. *looks at current much higher student loan debt statement* - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
Compared to the US, Canadian students are doing better. Debt has risen, but at a slower rate than the US. It's still hard to imagine how many students will ever be debt free, and that is just awful. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA