How would you even try to explain what happens on FF to ppl not from FF?
That image on my desktop that I need to tidy away - how would I explain that to a rational person? - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
My therapist moved away and I had to explain y'all to the new one all over again. I always make the invisible friends joke and then describe the very real heart of this place - Starmama
My friends who were really into LiveJournal, MMORPG'S, or MUSH/MUD's seem to totally get it. - Jennifer Dittrich
I never found a way to explain it. I invited several people early on but they didn't get it. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
I never really found a way to explain it, either. - John (bird whisperer)
"You just had to be there." - Steven Perez