Morton Fox

Software engineer since... forever. Also do geocaching, Where's George, volunteer mascot gigs, Postcrossing, photography, and gas price spotting.
Would be funny if everyone made their last posts and it's still up tomorrow.
See? It's still running! - Morton Fox
Hello Again! - Ian May
Well, this evening, watching the end of Friendfeed has been way more interesting than reading Twitter.
Hmm. That makes me realize that I haven't looked at Tweetbot in hours. - Akiva
Services I never added to Friendfeed:
Ameba, Smotri, and はてな - Morton Fox
Tumblr. - Steven Perez
So… what’s a good name for a meerkat? :)
meerkatNu - chaz2b
Spot. - vicster.
Cake or Death?
Circuses! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
death by cake - Big Joe Silenced
Cake, please. - Brent Schaus
When did Columbia become Columbia Threadneedle? Stop changing company names for a minute so I can figure out what I own.
Grand Turkey Club sandwiches at @Arbys in Claymont. @having Two For Thursday!
Only one cache, a first aid box, this evening but it's a one-mile round trip hike. @ Clayton Park
Finally getting around to checking my Friendfeed subscribers and seeing who I haven’t subscribed back to. Because I’m funny like that.
Is Friendfeed still supposed to be up? :)
SHHHHHHH - Stephen Mack
omg, be cool! Be cool! If we don't move they can't see us! - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Yes, always... never stop - Susan Beebe
Wharton State Forest is setting a limit of 300 caches… in a piece of land that is 123K acres! Fallout from the NJ state geocaching policy.
How do they police that? - Melly #FForever
The superintendent said that no permits will be issued until the number of caches is below 300. However, I am sure they won't be able to catch all those geocaches that have been archived but are still out there. - Morton Fox
Number of dreams I’m remembering is dropping off. A lot in February, not so many in March, only the first dream diary today in April.
First time I ever heard of the term "demerger". It must be what the rest of the world calls a "spinoff". #bhpsouth32
And yes, the Amazon Cloud Drive photo upload is still going on. Got all the way back to Oct 2007. (42597 photos, 44.1 GB)
When someone says OTP, I still think it’s Open Telecom Platform. #broken
Second beef empanada. This time, they made it much hotter! The Don in Newark. @having
Sent back the first empanada because it was still frozen in the center. See why I don't come here much any more? #ohbother
Beef Empanada at The Don in Newark. @having Yes, just one. It's Empanada Wednesday, not Empanadas Wednesday.
Chips and salsa at The Don in Newark. @having
Car maintenance finished. Time for Empanada Wednesday!
Auto service this evening. The mileage - a palindromic 262,262.
Last day for Friendfeed. It shuts down tomorrow. #theffeedisdead #longlivetheffeed
Beef and turkey gyros at @Arbys in Talleyville @having How can these be gyroscopes? They don’t spin and stay upright.
Remember when I got a bad vibe from a prior trip to Kennett Sq? I was absolutely right. Locals didn’t want us there and cache got archived.
16GB RAM should be a minimum configuration as long as there are issues like socketfilterfw inexplicably bloating up over 2GB. #wtgapple
Also, this evening, there was much deviousness with Object.remove_const. I actually never thought that was possible in Ruby.
To make this bag of pears last, I have to eat the ripest ones first. It’s like a pear triage. A pear triage in a pear tree. #forcedpun
It's a random garden. I never plant anything but flowering plants just appear.
New plants grow in my yard when I'm not looking. So now, the other side of the yard has daffodils too.
Oh, the cashier’s name is %f. This is better than La-a. :)
Chicken Sandwich at Meat Sandwich Monarch in New Castle. @having Fudds wasn’t on the way home, unfortunately.