Andy Bakun

Gentleman Hacker; Artifex; Raconteur; At Large; Coder laureate; Victim of Arbitrariness; people think I'm a Consummate Snowball Artist
You're going to have to use /$(.*)^/ to read between the lines in order to get what I'm saying.
According to the stats my archive script generates, 17,997 total entries. - Andy Bakun
Maybe the act of shutting it down was just to post the blog entry saying it was shut down.
Maybe - doing the whole graceful degradation thing, like an old car, and running it into the ground until everything falls off of it... :( - Tyson Key
it would be really stupid - .mau.
There are services in my import list that are long since defunct that Friendfeed outlasted.
*pulls into to Allstate's Drive Up Claims department* "I'm Napoleon!" "Thank you sir, please drive through."
"Your connection to is encrypted with obsolete cryptography." — The real reason it's shutting down.
That it's it, I'm outta here. - Andy Bakun
Someday, someone will light the Friendfeed equivalent of the Bat Signal and we'll all congregate again.
Holy shit, someone sent me a DM! That felt weird.
Hello? Is this thing on?
checked your DMs? - Big Joe Silenced
Is this when we find out that Friendfeed was actually converted to a facebook skin and we've been posting to the primary facebook infrastructure all along?
The friendfeed server is in there somewhere.
My internet connection cut out while I was posting to FriendFeed, and I thought someone at Facebook turned off the entire internet by accident.
It's THIS button - no, it's not that one. It's THIS one - no wait....... - Iain Baker
Maybe the server is hidden under some raised floor, buried in cables, or locked behind some drywall.
nice photo of my studio patch bay! - Big Joe Silenced
My internet connection cut out while I was posting this! Had to tether to my phone to get it up. - Andy Bakun
I thought it was finally down. - Andy Bakun
Maybe FF is more reliable than that Novel server. - Andy Bakun
Trying out the old themes. Was on Helvetica for ever. Giving Classic a try again.
Duck Hunt - Morton Fox
Turns out that whoever was going to shut it down completely forgot about it... and it stayed up forever.
FriendFeed has acquired self-consciousness and is living on its own. - Jemm
_thwarted on Modern alternatives to PuTTY? -
"If you're just looking for a unified, tabbed interface with bookmarks/saved server lists, give Remmina ( ) or Vinagre ( ) a try. They both support a number of protocols like RDP, VNC and SSH." - Andy Bakun
sidneyharrell: @carlfish @freebsdgirl Isn't the blocklist an automated troll starver? -
"Scratch n Stiff Snickers"
i read 'scratch & sniff sneakers' - chaz2b
jpetazzo: This USB device pretends to be a webcam, but does HDMI input acquisition. Super slick. -
Surprising that golang, a systems programming language, doesn't have a binary integer literal.
"Brewster? Of the Punky or Millions variety?"
• @timoni I actually think of a "directory" as the "unit of organization", and only pull out the "folder" moniker in the context of a GUI.
• @timoni …but does "folder" represent a place (noun) or the act of organizing (verb)? Perhaps that it is both is why it has more permanence
• @timoni The noun vs verb issue, like @jacecooke said, is interesting. In both cases, a noun is the representation (floppy disk & folder)…
• @timoni storing our organized content in "file folders" or "filing cabinets"; "files" transcends the medium.
• @timoni …and we call those "files" because they are an ordered series, as in "single file line", of, in this case, bytes.
• @timoni the metaphor is strained, but it's a "file folder" because we call the unit of content "files"…
RT @cloud_opinion: By providing Java only examples, you are basically saying your target audience is AARP.
GonzoHacker: there is far too much money in being insufferable -
— @eklitzke Holy shit! Proof that vdir was ported from Microsoft's Windows NT operating system‽ See any identifiers named with NSAKEY?
— @eklitzke Poked a bit, then I concluded that the primary difference was most likely using the strings "vdir" & "ls", rather than argv[0].
mosheroperandi: @eklitzke God, even just listing the contents of a directory, you still manage to be a hipster. -