Iain Baker

Musician (Jesus Jones), DJ (XFM, NME Radio), voiceover artist, skater, cook, proud and contented dad.
Aww shit, I need another glass of wine - STAT
This now feels like Russian Roulette
What just happened?
It totally crapped out - and redirected to the blog! - Iain Baker
Accessing FriendFeed either directly via, or DNS still works, here - Tyson Key
OK, I know they say they've shut it down. And it's still going. We know they've stopped accepting signups - so could they just be allowing whoever is left, to just sort of....run out of steam? And then, if it ever falls over again (pretty likely I guess) they'll just not bother to re-up it?
Probably. - Anne Bouey
It's like the trans allegheny lunatic asylum except it's not a museum by the side of the road it's virtual. - Eric Logan
come for the apocalypse, stay for the rapture!
What a great slogan. - Spidra Webster
This is amazing. It's so surreal to still be here, it's making me a bit light-headed. Thinking back on it, it's actually more fun than the glory days when ff started. It's a similar sense of wonder, but all underpinned by something miraculous.
It's probably something like this: "Have you had the opportunity to switch off that sever, for eh, what was that again?" "You mean the one for FriendFeed. No. (Stretches, yawns.) Not today, too lazy. I'll try to remember tomorrow." - Stephan Planken
Surely they've finished with the hookers and blow by now
Nah, they haven't run out of that since the Facebook IPO. - Morton Fox
new level of w00t - UNLOCKED
Looking to see if there is a negative one :) - FriendFeedForever
Heck, I was looking to see whether he used an unsigned int. I figured we might have 64K-1 more days to go. - Technodad
I've gone from being sad about impending doom, to stressed that it was about to happen any second....to standing back up again, waving my arms and shouting IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT
I'm running out of video ideas, haha. - Melly #FForever
It's the 10th in Hawaii!
Someone is sitting in front of the server, saying "oh look, there's still some traffic, we'll wait till it stops" so, all we have to do is keep posting :)
So - if they're in Hawaii, we have 2 hours. BUT, if they were in Hawaii, how can you pull the plug? Remotely?
Computers. - Johnny
I offer my Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup... and I don't do it lightly. Ice-cream is meant for eating not sharing! ;-) - Heleninstitches #teamff
Is it April the 9th still, anywhere in the world?
Hawaii, I think. Maybe that's where the shutdown team are vacationing. - Mark H
Can confirm, 10:04 April 9th for me right now. - Micah
maybe it's groundhog day? it's still April 9th? --- ^^ ahh, oh well - Halil
The eternal April 9th - .mau.
I'm waiting for Demi Moore to reappear
Is anyone else posting stuff, just to check that it still works?
lotta folks - .mau.
*taps watch*
I'll post something apposite, just as soon as I finish subscribing.
If we've lasted this long - surely we've won the battle. To the victor - the spoils. I choose - keeping ff alive.
This is a bit weird
i gotta rise up in 4 hours. the morning will be brutal. - Big Joe Silenced
Can't no grave, hold my body down......
I always heard that line sung as "Ain't no grave, gonna hold my body down" in the church I was raised in. - Friar Will
So what happened?I think they tried to shut down the server, and it became self aware, and left the building. It's currently running down the street bellowing FREEDOM!!
Skynet, man. Skynet. - Hookuh Tinypants
When you've been pronounced dead, 8 minutes of extra life feels pretty sweet
Monty Python references to follow. - Akiva
Your FriendFeed is only mostly dead, which means it's still slightly alive. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
this is actually......pretty cool
Gracias, totales.
Everybody keep quiet, they've not noticed.
We've been creeping about the rear of the server room for years now. Covered in dust and disintegrated plaster. Surely. - Akiva
STILL HERE (I can do this all day, if necessary)
*contacts Melly so she can kick Facebook in the nuts* - Big Joe Silenced
This is a little cruel - Friar Will
<3 - Maitani
we're live blogging the end of the world here - Nicķ
see you all soon, people. Love you all, to bits