Iain Baker

Musician (Jesus Jones), DJ (XFM, NME Radio), voiceover artist, skater, cook, proud and contented dad.
This is a little cruel - Friar Will
<3 - Maitani
we're live blogging the end of the world here - Nicķ
see you all soon, people. Love you all, to bits
Well, I loved this place, and all of you.
<3 - Anne Bouey
We're leaving together - but still, it's farewell
All we are, is dust in the wind, dude.
Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives! - Big Joe Silenced
I've still been subscribing
Me, too. I'm trying to collect everyone I lost earlier before it all dissipates. - joey - team everyone
Despite the sunset pics, it's a beautiful morning here. It's making me smile.
In a while, i'm going to type STILL HERE, and it won't work
STILL ALIVE. - Big Joe Silenced
How long you do that determines whether you should be allowed to roam free. - Cristo
One more hour?
Probably. At least. - Cristo
time dilation. must be. - Big Joe Silenced
Sing me to sleep And then leave me alone Don't try to wake me in the morning 'Cause I will be gone
Possibly my favorite Smiths song outside of Oscillating Wildly. - Akiva
I like how "queued items" is making a triumphant comeback
Hadn't seen that in years. - Josh Haley
OK, let's roll
Cinnamon roll - Morton Fox
in my pants - Big Joe Silenced
Got to sleep now. When I wake, it'll all be over. Enduring love to you all. See you on the next stage of our journey.
<3 - Kristin
Next you guys play California (SF or LA), I'll be there. - Akiva
You'll be on the list. - Iain Baker
[struts] - Akiva
I have no way of knowing this - but I just visualise two guys sitting in an office, one has his hands on a plug. The other one is looking at a screen saying "no way dude, you can't kill it just yet - look, there are all these people still talking to one another!". And the guy with his hand on the plug waits.....and waits.......and waits.......
Hee. Me too. - Yolanda
#ff_screenshot - the last meme :-) - Luca Perugini
OK, maybe if we act like a mime, and just sort of stay here, not really moving much, they'll not notice, and forget to pull the plug? *FREEZES*
Haha that would be awesome! :) - Susan Beebe
"This is not the socnet you're looking for". The Force can have a strong influence on the weak minded. - Greg GuitarBuster
We're like Concorde aren't we? Something that was pretty future-proof, and had enough technological pedigree to survive far longer than it did. I look at fb's feed, then look here, and I see a slick, superior product, that's being forced into being a dodo.
And... no ads! - Brent Schaus
+1 Steve!!! - Iain Baker
The coolest thing about ff, is just the people, I guess. Ever since that initial rush, in 2008, there's a group of people I know. I've interacted with them, seen them across lots of other networks, made friends. Even now, when I look at the 400 or so names on the ff group on fb, that's pretty much 400 people I recognise.
When I add a friend on fb, I can look at the mutual friends we have - and there are those names again. We're a group of disparate people, across a network that should have scattered us to the winds. Yet we're all here, and we're all still... intact. Friendfeed didn't just do good things, it performed miracles. - Iain Baker
I have more mutual FB friends with friendfeeders than with people I'm related to <3 - Starmama
Sounds familiar. :-) - Stephan Planken
When other social networks fade away - it's just the users leaving, en masse. Here we all are, still around - and it's our site that's leaving us. How wrong all of this feels.
It's also what happened to TWoP (Television Without Pity), though: an active (but shrinking?) forum was eventually shuttered and removed while the non-forum half of the website was closed to new updates but frozen as an archive. I guess in that case I should have seen it coming since the non-forum half gradually tried to de-emphasize the forum side. - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
The wrongness never stopped Google from shutting down Reader. - Morton Fox
Had to, today.
So? We are still in here?! - Deli Bedri
should send a little salute out to Mona too - it's been a while since she was last here
With countdowns, there's normally champagne. At the end of this one, how are they going to get the cork back in the bottle?
Lots of foreplay - Pete&#39;s Got To Go
We will just have to keep opening bottles. - Julian
Gabrielle, Val - ff has been my way to keep in touch with both of you - or to check how you're both doing. Need to make sure we're in touch after this thing goes
"Have a good time, ALL the time"
They sort of forgot about ff for years - maybe they'll just sort of forget to pull the actual plug?
"As the final day falls into the night There is peace outside In the narrow light" - Iain Baker
Let's see if this works - ah, it does! #cheersFF
Cheers! :) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
:) - Cristo
#cheersff I really can't believe it's come to this. I won't say that i'll miss you all - because I hope we'll all manage to be in touch. Me? iainbaker on fb, febake on Twitter, info at jesusjones.com for the emails. See you all on the other side - wherever that may be. Oh, and one last thing - never forget people - WE ROCKED, AND WE ROCKED HARD xx
Cheers! - Maitani
<3 - Anne Bouey
Not sure you saw this post from Jimminy: http://friendfeed.com/jimminy... - Corinne L
I am SO getting one of the ff tees, as well