I have no way of knowing this - but I just visualise two guys sitting in an office, one has his hands on a plug. The other one is looking at a screen saying "no way dude, you can't kill it just yet - look, there are all these people still talking to one another!". And the guy with his hand on the plug waits.....and waits.......and waits.......
Hee. Me too. - Yolanda
Yeah kind of - Deli Bedri
The FF servers are trying to hide behind other servers. They don't want to be recycled. They know they were the awesomest servers EVAR. - Yolanda
Or there's a terminate alarm set on the AWS account for friendfeed ec2 instances that is ticking down. - Cristo
Or maybe, they DON'T KNOW where the servers are! - Pier Luigi
#ff_screenshot - the last meme :-) - Luca Perugini