Steve C, Team Marina

Like a Ferrari that got porked by a luck dragon.
Figures only now with all the lovely toast pictures am I figuring out everyone was an actual human, it wasn't just the FF matrix, and damn there are a lot of fine looking people around these parts.
Also is it too late to accept an invitation to a Christmas Music 2011 room? - Steve C, Team Marina
Not if you're buying me presents. - Kristin
Thanks - Rodfather
Mmmm cold meds.... and Jesus Juice!
You and T Brent are rocking the cold med #CheersFF #FForever - Kristin
Cheers! Are you going to :) - Anne Bouey
If Moto had posted a photo of his antibiotics we would have had the trifecta of cold & flu season. - Corinne L
NFL hires first female official, according to report -
"The NFL has hired its first full-time female official, according to Aaron Wilson of the Baltimore Sun. Sarah Thomas, a Mississippi native who Wilson said has been a finalist for an NFL position previously, has officiated Conference USA games in the NCAA for nearly a decade. She has also officiated during NFL camps and the preseason previously." - Steve C, Team Marina
She officiated a bowl game I did photography at. - Brian Johns
Wow. It took them this long. - Spidra Webster
2.5 weeks of healthy kid then the call from the day care comes to come pick up the fevered one. Arrggghhh
Totally feel your pain Steve. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Syrian child 'surrenders' to camera, breaks hearts around the world -
"There's something truly incredible and devastating about this photo of a 4-year-old Syrian refugee with her hands in the air, "surrendering" to the man taking the photo." - Steve C, Team Marina
:'( - Jenny H.
USC's Pat Haden, citing gay son, won't attend meeting in Indiana - LA Times -
"USC Athletic Director Pat Haden will not attend a College Football Playoff meeting in Indianapolis this week because of a new Indiana law that has been called anti-gay." “I am the proud father of a gay son. In his honor, I will not be attending the CFP committee meeting in Indy this week. #EmbraceDiversity,” Haden wrote on Twitter. - Steve C, Team Marina
Damn it all, i have to like something USC related. - Steve C, Team Marina
^ heh - Stephen Mack
Sweet two things of the to-do list at work as I had written down "do time card" twice. #extracredit
Jerry Jones on Greg Hardy: He's paid a 'terrific price' -
"However, by virtue of being placed on the Commissioner’s Exempt List last season, Hardy received a $13.1 million salary while not actually playing football. Hardy’s one-year deal with the Cowboys is not guaranteed. If something else comes up off the field, Dallas can get out from under the deal without paying him. On the other hand, Hardy can earn $11.3 million if he stays out of trouble and produces on the field. I am not sure how that’s considered “paying a terrific price.”" - Steve C, Team Marina
Ahh Jerry Jones just adding to the reasons 99% of the country loves to see you lose. the rest are die hard cowboy fans from the Tom Landry days. They get a pass. - Steve C, Team Marina
Michigan's new recruiting tactic: Sucking up to your girlfriend -
"So it's no surprise that Michigan is trying to circle a prospective recruit with a new tactic: sending a shamelessly syrupy hand-written card to his girlfriend. Wolverines assistant Jay Harbaugh, son of head coach Jim Harbaugh, wrote this note to the girlfriend of four-star Naseir Upshur: "Hi Savannah! I hope this note finds you doing great! My name is Jay Harbaugh -- I am the tight ends coach @ Michigan w/ the new staff. I have really enjoyed getting to know Pop lately -- & he speaks VERY highly of you so I'm sure you're very special! Keep him in line! Also we need to get him out here to visit us again & meet the new staff -- put in a good word! Hope to meet you when I'm out in PHI this spring! Go Blue!"" - Steve C, Team Marina
That's so gross. It's not a new tactic, but still so nasty. I remember when one of my friends was being scouted by USC, they contacted his best friend and girlfriend. He declined on that alone. - Anika
That is really creepy. - Spidra Webster
Carl Gottlieb's touches in the 'Jaws' script helped create a monster hit - LA Times -
"Benchley's screenplay was an example of a "journalist who didn't understand screenplays," Gottlieb said. "Sackler did a workman-like job of translating the novel faithfully. A faithful rendition of the novel was not what was needed. Something else was needed, and I came on board." Spielberg sent him a copy of the script "with the word 'eviscerate' scrawled across the title page. I sent a lengthy memo of what the script needed."" - Steve C, Team Marina
"Gottlieb also jettisoned a few subplots from the novel, including a love affair between Sheriff Brody's (Scheider) wife, Ellen (Lorraine Gary), and oceanographer Matt Hooper (Dreyfuss). "When we saw Lorraine Gary, Dreyfuss and Scheider interacting — these were three lovely people — we said, 'We are not going to show her cuckolding [Brody] with this dweeb." In the book, the oceanographer was a studly guy. In Sackler's version of the script, the casting choice was Jan-Michael Vincent instead of Richard Dreyfuss." Gottlieb also ended up pruning his own character. "The hardest thing I have ever done in show business was to cut my part as an actor, because the writer side of me said, 'This character is superfluous.' " - Steve C, Team Marina
Once thought lost, Harry Houdini's 'Grim Game' film reappears - LA Times -
"It's the kind of magical reappearance that Houdini himself would have appreciated. For years, the only remaining footage of Harry Houdini's 1919 silent adventure thriller "The Grim Game" was a five-minute excerpt of a spectacular plane crash involving some spectacular derring-do from the legendary magician and escape artist. But thanks to the efforts of film preservationist Rick Schmidlin, the complete "The Grim Game" was found last year in the Brooklyn apartment of Larry Weeks, a 95-year-old retired juggler and Houdini fanatic. Weeks, who died late last year, had acquired the only known copy of the film from the Houdini estate in 1947." "The new restoration of "The Grim Game" is having its world premiere at the 2015 TCM Classic Film Festival at the Egyptian Theatre on Sunday evening. Composer Brane Zivkovic will be conducting a live performance of his new score." - Steve C, Team Marina
Oh wowwwwww - Stephen Mack
Indiana Governor Pence to sign bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers - -
"Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed into law on Thursday a measure that allows businesses to turn away gay and lesbian customers in the name of "religious freedom." The bill has sparked an uproar among gamers and church groups that hold their conventions in Indianapolis and businesses that are threatening to pull out of the city." - Steve C, Team Marina
So very sad to see this happening; I just cannot comprehend it on so many levels. - Jen
I forget what I was going to say but I'm sure it was witty, and insightful, and probably had little value. Good luck surviving the rest of your day without knowing. But if you do figure it out please let me know too. Thanks.
You only have so many more opportunities ... unless you join frenfi. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge. Oh, just dooo eettt already! - Kristin
I tried yesterday Kristin and was rejected from server, the Italians don't want me any more then the girls in high school. Great now i'm going to cry myself to sleep again. - Steve C, Team Marina
Growing pains, Steve. Senape has posted that he's doing a lot of upgrades. When you're done crying, try again. :P - Kristin
Huge unexploded WWII bomb found in London -
"Police officers and Royal Bomb Disposal Unit securing the area, where a suspected unexploded WWII bomb was discovered by builders at The Grange in Southwark, London. The unexploded bomb is thought to be approximately 5ft long and 1000lbs in weight. © Tolga Akmen/LNP/Rex Features Police officers and Royal Bomb Disposal Unit securing the area, where a suspected unexploded WWII bomb was discovered by builders at The Grange in Southwark, London. The… Builders uncovered a huge unexploded German World War II bomb in London on Monday, prompting the evacuation of two schools and hundreds of homes. The bomb, measuring five feet long (1.5 metres) and weighing 1000 pounds (455 kilogrammes) lay undisturbed below a pensioners' centre for seven decades in a densely populated southeastern part of the British capital. "Seems our OAPs (old age pensioners) are hard as nails, drinking tea on top of a 1000lb bomb for 70 years," Lucas Green, a councillor in the riverside London borough of Southwark, wrote on Twitter." - Steve C, Team Marina
'Magic rabbit' nears extinction in China - -
"Native to a remote region of China, this tiny mammal, known as the Ili pika, doesn't know it's a member of an endangered species -- and neither do most people. Rarer -- and some would argue cuter-- than the panda, there are less than 1,000 of these teddy bear-like creatures living in the Tianshan mountain range in the Xinjiang region of northwestern China, says conservationist Li Weidong. Li discovered the pika, formally known as Ochotona iliensis, in 1983 and named it after his hometown, Ili. Last July, Li spotted and photographed the elusive creature for the first time since the early 1990s. He estimates its numbers have declined by almost 70% since its discovery." - Steve C, Team Marina
EWOKS ARE REAL! - Steve C, Team Marina
no, that's pikachu! - imabonehead
I thought a rabbit and a Yorkie had a one night stand. - rønin
Jonas Brothers moment (the middle chick was hot). Three plus months into daycare where there's three kids in the class. I thought one was a girl this whole time. Whoops Emma is a boy and not named Emma.
Hanson brothers, too, right? - Kristin
Go UC Irvine, represent the smart peoples of the world against the evil of big money college sports. We probably won't win but giving Louisville a game.
And we're kicking their ass in nobel prize winners from the University. - Steve C, Team Marina
Lost in final 10 seconds but props to three dudes including starting point guard for taking a final exam the morning of game - Steve C, Team Marina
Brain is fried today and i'm too full of chocolate for chocolate.
Ha! Z made me snort some of my beer. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
Z really knows how to pick a guy up when he's down. :) - Steve C, Team Marina
Do zombies like fried brains? - Amit Patel
Penn State frat member defends photos of nude, unconscious women as “satire” -
"It wasn't intended to hurt anyone. It wasn't intended to demean anyone. It was an entirely satirical group and it was funny to some extent. Some of the stuff, yeah, it's raunchy stuff, as you would expect from a bunch of college-aged guys. But, I mean, you could go on any one of hundreds and thousands of different sites to access the same kind of stuff and obviously a lot worse and a lot more explicit." - Steve C, Team Marina
Asshat - Soup in a TARDIS
At some point I wonder when assholes like this will realize they don't know what "satire" means. If only there were some sort of educational facility where they could learn that... - Jessie
Jerry Brown seeks $1-billion emergency drought relief plan for California - LA Times -
"As California braces for a fourth consecutive year of drought, Gov. Jerry Brown and legislative leaders on Thursday will unveil a $1-billion relief plan, two sources told The Times late Wednesday." - Steve C, Team Marina
Alas even a billion dollars can't make it rain. - Steve C, Team Marina
Just used FF Search again. Found what I was looking for again. I guess i'm the exception but it's always worked for me. Maybe using the same browsers as Abraham Lincoln did pays off sometimes.
it works a majority of the time for me too, unless the post is just too old to be searched. - holly #ravingfangirl
Nah, Abe used Mosaic. - Back to just Joe
Now I'm wondering when I'll get my last FF "Steve..." reprimand for comments containing political incorrectness, general wtf, vulgarity, potty mouth, low sperm count, or an erection lasting more than 4 hours. It really is the highlight of my day.
Steve...i want an erection lasting more than 4 hours. - Big Joe Silenced
The Steve. abides. - Micah
Bring it all over to .. but you might want to cover the erection until they get to know you. - Kristin
Kristin... :) - Stephan Planken
Mom and Grandma have conspired to teach the baby to say "ma ma." Which has actually worked he now says "ma ma" to everything. The cat, the table, food and drink, dad, mom, grandma, the mailman, the stroller. All are known as "ma ma" or "ma ma ma ma ma ma ma" with an occasional click thrown in to to honor African roots i guess.
Thanks to my father my first word was "potato." He apparently stood over my crib for hours and hours repeating it again and again. - Soup in a TARDIS
How does the saying go? You spend the first part of their life teaching them to walk and talk and the rest of it telling them to sit down and shut up? ;-) - CAJ was here
Chocolate chips and puffy Cheetos. Not my best snack combination but it was good for some stress eating. :)
I hear wine is good for stress relief. - Kristin
Cheetos are dangerous! - Adam B <3 Tamara J.B.
Steve, are you already stealing Jeffrey's food? ;) I can't lie, I love the blueberry puffs and banana mum mums. But I tell myself Marina wants to "share". ;) - Tamara J. B.
Middle Schoolers Walk off Court to Stop Bullying of Girl with Down Syndrome | Bleacher Report -
"When three Lincoln Middle School (Kenosha, Wisconsin) basketball players noticed that a cheerleader with Down syndrome was getting bullied during a game, they took action. Lincoln basketball players Miles Rodriguez, Scooter Terrien and Chase Vazquez saw some kids were making fun of cheerleader Desiree Andrews during a game. They found the behavior unacceptable and walked off the court to put an end to the bullying. Michele Fiore of Milwaukee's TMJ4 caught up to Andrews and the basketball players to provide a better look at this story." - Steve C, Team Marina
Ohhh my all time coolest brush with celebrity heroes, even though I've lived less than an hour from Hollywood a good portion of my life, was on FF. The Iain Baker from Jesus Jones rocked my FF world. :)
It's his fault I joined FF. - Gabrielle
Cheers Steve - Iain Baker
I'm out of wine, the new couch came with a hole in it after a 90 day order wait, the kid pooped on the new carpet (thanks antibiotics) and the eel escaped the tank. Did I mention I'm out of wine. (insert whine joke here)
"The eel escaped the tank" *politely looks away* - Marie
Why do you think I'm out of wine Anne, Grandma is sharing with me. :) - Steve C, Team Marina
I think I'm the only one leaving Friendfeed without finding a husband. :)
Had to be my refusal to shave my legs - Steve C, Team Marina
I had a SMusband once, but he dumped me for an IRLwife, who won't let him socialize online. She took over his FB account and uses it for gaming. :( So, the slot is open. (SMouse, SMusband, SMife = online BFF you talk to more than anyone in real life, including your own family members) - April Russo (FForever!)
Ferguson judge behind aggressive fines policy owes $170,000 in unpaid taxes -
"The judge in Ferguson, Missouri, who is accused of fixing traffic tickets for himself and colleagues while inflicting a punishing regime of fines and fees on the city’s residents, also owes more than $170,000 in unpaid taxes. Ronald J Brockmeyer, whose court allegedly jailed impoverished defendants unable to pay fines of a few hundred dollars, has a string of outstanding debts to the US government dating back to 2007, according to tax filings obtained by the Guardian from authorities in Missouri. Brockmeyer, 70, was this week singled out by Department of Justice investigators as being a driving force behind Ferguson’s strategy of using its municipal court to aggressively generate revenues. The policy has been blamed for a breakdown in relations between the city’s overwhelmingly white authorities and residents, two-thirds of whom are African American." - Steve C, Team Marina
"The judge was also named among a group of white Ferguson officials found by the Department of Justice investigators to be writing off citations for themselves and friends while punishing residents for similar offences. Another of these officials, court clerk Mary Ann Twitty, was fired by the city in connection with racist emails also uncovered by the inquiry. The report said Brockmeyer agreed to “take care” of a speeding ticket for a senior Ferguson police officer in August 2014, and had a red light camera ticket he received himself from the nearby city of Hazelwood dismissed in October 2013." - Steve C, Team Marina
GOP Lawmaker Suggests Wolves Could Help Get Rid Of Homeless People -
"Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) suggested Thursday that the solution to homelessness is wolves. Young made the comment during a House Natural Resources Committee hearing during an exchange with Interior Secretary Sally Jewell. He was arguing that gray wolves should be taken off the endangered species list, criticizing the National Park Service and his congressional colleagues who seek to protect the animals. “How many of you have got wolves in your district? None. None. Not one," Young said, calling the gray wolf "a predator." “We've got 79 congressmen sending you a letter, they haven’t got a damn wolf in their whole district,” Young added. “I’d like to introduce them in your district. If I introduced them in your district, you wouldn’t have a homeless problem anymore.”" - Steve C, Team Marina
Our lawmakers are so intelligent. - Jenny H.
Day 7 of baby fever Virus 1 turned into Virus 2 "raging" ear infections. At least it's treatable. We'd like a break in the kids suffering though.
Ugh. Sorry for all of you! - Jaclyn aka spamgirl
*breathes easier* - MoTO Boychick Devil
Props to coworker for reminding me I had stolen 10 candy bars from the conference two weeks ago and still hadn't remembered they were in my computer bag.
It will be a splendid afternoon. :) - Steve C, Team Marina