Andrew C (✔)

self-verified is just as good.
The Tracey Project: How I Found Confidence and Landed My Dream Job — The Sweat Life -
"I knew I needed to do something to silence that nagging, doubting voice in my head. Right around then, is when I started doing improv at the Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB) in New York. Tina, as well as a bunch of the other writers had come from an improv background. And they encouraged me to take a class." - Andrew C (see
"So I took one, and then another, and then I got on a team that performed there every week. It was so freeing, in a way that (although I didn’t know it then) I desperately needed. At work, I was paralyzed by a fear of making mistakes, of saying things that people didn’t think were funny. Improv fixed that. In longform improv, the kind they do at UCB, you make up funny scenes on the spot. There’s no time for second guessing or being in your head, because it’s happening RIGHT NOW. I learned to listen and trust myself and feel okay if no one laughs, because often they won’t." - Andrew C (see
Going to a Von's when you're used to Safeway or vice versa must be like how it feels to accidentally jump into a parallel universe.
In a more accurate sense, the coward also dies only once… and avoids a lot of stupid deaths along the way too.
my FF avatars.
one time I drew a pensive pig and then thought with glasses and a hat it would kinda look like me. - Andrew C (see
And the last one is just my username in graphical form: an arc (the bolded quarter circle) and "3:15". Which is not at all how I chose my username. - Andrew C (see
Babbies. - Jenny H.
(edited to "correct" "made" to "formed") - Andrew C (see
It's a series of tubes. - Steven Perez
Ayn Rand's Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows -
"“I think I understand,” Harry said. “The right to life is the source of all rights -— and the right to property is their only implementation.” Dumbledore smiled. “Which means…” “Which means that without property rights,” Harry exclaimed triumphantly, “no other rights are possible.”" - Andrew C (see
Google Plots New YouTube Subscription Service as Soon as This Year -
"YouTube will offer all the same videos without ads for a monthly fee, which hasn't been set yet, according to the note. The service is also likely to include offline access. Google is alerting content creators because it wants them to agree to new terms that would let it include clips in the subscription product. "We're increasingly moving into an age where consumers are learning to avoid advertising," said Rich Greenfield, an analyst at BTIG. "Between DVRs, Netflix and now Amazon, we're increasingly learning to lead an ad-free life."" - Andrew C (see
nina simone-montreux 1976 - how it feels to be free -
OK, got my last-night archive extraction done, and if FF is still here in the morning, I'll do one last. Because I'm gonna be here till the end. And then I'll dig into getting Firefox auto complete to send me to
That is where we're all gonna be, right? - Andrew C (see
Tell me about the rabbits, George. - Andrew C (see
Go to sleep, Lennie! - Steve C, Team Marina
We might not have outlived Ello, but we definitely outlived Ello's first (and only?) burst of mainstream prominence.
One time I ordered a salad at Subway and they asked if I wanted lettuce.
Wait, was this a Greek Subway? - Micah
How Megan McArdle gets Social Security profoundly wrong - LA Times -
"How much does Bloomberg's Megan McArdle get wrong about Social Security? Almost everything" - Andrew C (see
McArdle is "profoundly wrong" on everything every single time. I'm not sure why the Times would waste ink on that instead of just doing a better job. Hell, my kid could do a better job than McArdle. - Anika
I still remember a FOAF being offended because I said on a mutual friend's FB thread that McArdle is basically always wrong about everything. Moral of the story: your friend's friends are dumb. - Andrew C (see
McDonald's Grimace character started out evil. Because that's what you want to sell milkshakes: a bad guy.
There's mocha and vanilla coffee; strawberry coffee is not so common. But we need it to make a Neapolitan flight of coffees a reality.
But how would you keep the brown, white, and pink parts separate? - John (bird whisperer)
Oh, separate cups. You could probably do something with chemical thickeners to separate the layers in one cup, but that's too much work, IMO. - Andrew C (see
Working guns prohibited at NRA convention | MSNBC -
"Attendees can expect to find the usual NRA fare and exhibitors at the 350,000-square-foot Music City Center, but they shouldn’t expect to find functioning weapons. The Tennessean reports this week on the “multilevel security plan,” which includes an important safety measure: “All guns on the convention floor will be nonoperational, with the firing pins removed, and any guns purchased during the NRA convention will have to be picked up at a Federal Firearms License dealer, near where the purchaser lives, and will require a legal identification.”" - Andrew C (see
If you can read the menu easily, your date can see all the flaws of your face that you were hoping to ease them into later.
Most of us aren't good looking enough to take dates to restaurants with good lighting.
Sometimes improving a restaurant's atmosphere can be as easy as 10% better decor and 80% less lighting.
The Price of Poetry | Lucky Peach -
Jai Yun in SF is very frequently closed, it only serves a very expensive prix fixe, it's mostly empty even when it is open, but it's really interesting and the chef has excellent technique. - Andrew C (see
"Jai Yun’s seasonal prix-fixe menu is based on Nei’s personal interpretations of ancient Chinese poems. Each menu set reflects a different poem, he explains. And each line is a different dish, which results in a parade of nine to eighteen plates that collectively tell a story. One, he says, that only his well-educated, culturally Chinese customers can understand. Everyone else just eats. (And ponders the quality of the food versus the steep prices, which start at $98 per person, for two, and can go up to $168 per person or higher for dishes with special ingredients.)" - Andrew C (see
The Bitter Script Reader: Why does the Fast & Furious series get respect and Michael Bay doesn't? - http://thebitterscriptreader.b...
"So yes, the article grazes a bullseye when it says, "Michael Bay movies tend to be cynical; they feel like the creative team and interchangeable stars are taking the audience for granted at best, and at worst exploiting our worst impulses. The Fast and Furious franchise, on the other hand, are made by creative teams that are clearly invested in the franchise and care about showing the audience a good time. They're not cynical, they're hopeful, which is a great thing in a huge-budget action film."" - Andrew C (see
There's also a thin line between pandering and fan service; I always feel like Bay's pandering, and while I'm not a huge fan, the F&F folks seem to be giving more fan service. They want their audience to /delight/ in what they've done, even if it is cheesy as hell. - Jennifer Dittrich
Here's A News Report We'd Be Reading If Walter Scott's Killing Wasn't On Video -
"A North Charleston police officer was forced to use his service weapon Saturday during a scuffle with a suspect who tried to overpower him and seize the officer's Taser, authorities said. The man, who has a history of violence and a long arrest record, died on the scene as a result of the encounter, despite officers performing CPR and delivering first aid, according to police reports." - Andrew C (see
"This article relies entirely on local news reports, which sourced their version of events to information from police, the attorney for the officer, "witnesses" and police statements. Many of those claims turned out to be lies. Slager has been charged with murder. Whenever possible, this article pulls verbatim from local news reports." - Andrew C (see
Music For Seven Squeaky Staircases
Byron Scott says some Lakers would shoot him in the back - -
""I got a sense of a whole lot of them I wouldn't want to be in a fox hole with," Scott said after Monday's practice. "I think they'd end up shooting me in the back."" - Andrew C (see
Byron Scott is a really awful coach. His record shows it and his in-game coaching (minutes management, play calling) shows it. I don't think he has the standing to be calling out his players like this. - Andrew C (see
thanks for all your updates on this group - Pluto in USA
Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious | Xbox -
"To celebrate the April 3 theatrical launch of “Furious 7,” the standalone expansion will be available at no charge for a limited two-week period. Players can download the expansion on Xbox One or Xbox 360 (at no charge!) from March 27 through April 10; after this, the expansion will cost $10. Players who downloaded it during the initial two-week window can continue to play without restriction.*" - Andrew C (see
New social media platforms start losing their coolness when TAs use them to contact students.
… which suggests a viable anti-marketing strategy, for, say, Periscope to pay college TAs to use Meerkat in classes. - Andrew C (see
Someday the "nuclear football" will be implemented on a tablet, and I bet whoever holds it will install Candy Crush to pass the time.
So that's the use case for the $10,000 Apple Watch - Victor Ganata
Listen to Your Heart: James Harden Is the MVP « -
"That’s right. Ridiculousness. Their effect on the league should matter. People watch Steph Curry and their minds are blown for hours afterward. People watch Harden and the only mind-blowing takeaway is: “WHOA. So he really doesn’t have an ounce of shame, huh?”" - Andrew C (see
Rand Paul is not a radical candidate. He is conservative to the bone | Jeb Lund | Comment is free | The Guardian -
"Ron Paul’s quixotic presidential campaigns appealed to young liberals who could ignore everything else he believed in: just say “legalize it!” and invoke enough spooky-government stuff to stoned kids jacked-in to the internet, and they gloss over the social issues and calls to reestablish the labor and infrastructural horrors of the 19th century. That’s always been the libertarian way, and it would make Ron’s son Rand Paul – the newly declared Republican presidential candidate – a radical candidate. But that would also require that Rand Paul be a libertarian." - Andrew C (see
"Which he’s not, and which the announcement of his presidential candidacy on Tuesday did little to address. To his credit, Rand cited his opposition to collecting Americans’ cell phone data and called for the repeal of “any law that disproportionately incarcerates people of color,” which would seem to include almost all American criminal law. But the rest was Republican red meat that wouldn’t be out of place in any announcement from fellow conservative candidates." - Andrew C (see
"Despite his branding, Rand is more of a Libertarian In Name Only, a fairly standard Republican adding performative LINO harrumphing on token issues." - Andrew C (see
Me on a first date: trying to like you before my flight response kicks in.