The Tracey Project: How I Found Confidence and Landed My Dream Job — The Sweat Life -
"I knew I needed to do something to silence that nagging, doubting voice in my head. Right around then, is when I started doing improv at the Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB) in New York. Tina, as well as a bunch of the other writers had come from an improv background. And they encouraged me to take a class." - Andrew C (see
"So I took one, and then another, and then I got on a team that performed there every week. It was so freeing, in a way that (although I didn’t know it then) I desperately needed. At work, I was paralyzed by a fear of making mistakes, of saying things that people didn’t think were funny. Improv fixed that. In longform improv, the kind they do at UCB, you make up funny scenes on the spot. There’s no time for second guessing or being in your head, because it’s happening RIGHT NOW. I learned to listen and trust myself and feel okay if no one laughs, because often they won’t." - Andrew C (see