Andrew C (✔)

self-verified is just as good.
Rand Paul is not a radical candidate. He is conservative to the bone | Jeb Lund | Comment is free | The Guardian -
"Ron Paul’s quixotic presidential campaigns appealed to young liberals who could ignore everything else he believed in: just say “legalize it!” and invoke enough spooky-government stuff to stoned kids jacked-in to the internet, and they gloss over the social issues and calls to reestablish the labor and infrastructural horrors of the 19th century. That’s always been the libertarian way, and it would make Ron’s son Rand Paul – the newly declared Republican presidential candidate – a radical candidate. But that would also require that Rand Paul be a libertarian." - Andrew C (see
"Which he’s not, and which the announcement of his presidential candidacy on Tuesday did little to address. To his credit, Rand cited his opposition to collecting Americans’ cell phone data and called for the repeal of “any law that disproportionately incarcerates people of color,” which would seem to include almost all American criminal law. But the rest was Republican red meat that wouldn’t be out of place in any announcement from fellow conservative candidates." - Andrew C (see
"Despite his branding, Rand is more of a Libertarian In Name Only, a fairly standard Republican adding performative LINO harrumphing on token issues." - Andrew C (see
Me on a first date: trying to like you before my flight response kicks in.
sic transit gloria mundi
If you don't like me at my medium, you don't deserve me at my medium.
An SF to LA 30 minute hyperloop would let me shop at two Amoeba stores in one day. (OK, I could do that now w/ SF and Berkeley. Shut up.)
If I tweet about my neuroses, it'll be relatable? Well, at least it'll be weird? Well, at least it'll count towards my quota.
Bus is being shut down as a precaution an hour out from LA. They're sending us a replacement which will take us the rest of the way.
Ugh. Is this MegaBus or Greyhound? - Corinne L
Bolt said the flatbed delivery was unusual and probably shouldn't have happened (I infer) and they're refunding the trip plus giving a credit for a future round trip. - Andrew C (see
If you're on an overnight trip – say, a bus from LA to SF – you should definitely crank the laptop brightness all the way up.
I have to go somewhere but Michael Jackson's PYT is playing here, so you see my dilemma.
I had to stay in LA an extra day because our class had a class show today. But it also gave me an opportunity to see the Gravid Water show at UCB. Gravid Water pairs actors doing prepared scenes, no deviation, with improvisers who have never seen the script the actors are working from.
It's pretty great and the improvisers this time esp were five of the best in LA. - Andrew C (see
Desired level of fame: ruin things for everyone else with my name.
I love fake laughter. People want to get on my good side so much they'll fake laughing for it? That's awesome.
Ha. Ha. Is that good enough? - Back to just Joe
What about a fake that's a double agent? - Micah
Joe, I mean, you're gonna have to put in more effort than that. - Andrew C (see
I almost never confuse actor names with character names – except with L&O. Example: even now, I sometimes think his real name is "Skoda".
On a related note: I watched "Whiplash" thinking "totally aggro Tenzin" the whole time. - Victor Ganata
Great heightening and exploring. RT @MattAlbie60: Moses was essentially a sketch comedian
I guess things could be worse than the FF closure., a site for screenwriters (which hosted users' scripts and drafts) was sold, and somehow in the ownership transfer they wiped data, accidentally overwrote backups with the wipes, thus deleting those too, and then just decided they had to close the company abruptly. Incredible.
Wow, that's awful. - John (bird whisperer)
Not sure how much this helps, but the former owners had a backup from 2010 (!). - Andrew C (see
The Darcars family drama: Passed over at auto business, a daughter sues -
"Her father, she says, promised that one day she and his two sons would inherit the company and run it together. Then, a year ago, she was blindsided again. Her father handed the company over to his sons, John Jr., 42, and Jamie, 39. Tammy kept her title as senior vice president but says she was asked to clean out her office and stay away from the dealerships." - Andrew C (see
In an industry where women are such important customers, the dad and sons of Darcars are massively hurting their own business with this. - Andrew C (see
(Obviously there's the basic question of fairness, but on top of that the economically rational choice would also be the moral one here.) - Andrew C (see
Scott Walker played the "ppl just want to be outraged" card. Hopefully others will think harder 'bout saying that.
Just think, if they remade it today, it'd be NICK AND NORAH'S INFINITE MUSIC STREAM.
Braided eggy fried choux pastries are the cruller-est donuts.
Magical caterpillar anime. The transformation sequence would be sublime.
Sweet merciful crap, an auto-playing video on a news web page AND IT WASN'T EVEN AT THE TOP. YOU HAD TO SCROLL DOWN TO STOP IT.
That's just jerky. Autoplay videos are terrible enough on their own. - CAJ was here
Dramafever's recap posts are like that. It's awful and I've been complaining for years, but they still add that stupid autoplay video allllllllllllllllllllllllll the way at the bottom of their long ass posts. - Anika
Yeah, there are some small town newspaper sites that work like that. Awful. - Spidra Webster
Just hit another one and it was IBtimes. - Spidra Webster
I don't know how Bobby Obvious ever made captain.
Based on current slowness, I'm guessing is gonna slow down massively on the 10th?
I know Senape mentioned he's got a faster loading version, he just didn't have time to fully test it before last weekend. - Jennifer Dittrich
FriendFeed imports are to blame, senape says ( He is internally testing a much faster home, too: (English translation in the 1st comment). - Osiride
Oh, that's good to hear. - Andrew C (see
Help me workshop my new play. It's called THE THESAURUS: A PLAY ON WORDS
I should have just called it "THE SAURUS". D'OH. - Andrew C (see
Children's Stories Made Horrific: The Little Red Hen -
"“Who are you talking to,” said the Duck. “Who on earth do you think is talking to you?” And the Hen had learned not to hear insults unless they were absolutely unavoidable, so the Hen did not hear the Duck say anything." - Andrew C (see
"When the wheat was all threshed, the Little Red Hen said, “Who’ll help me take this wheat to the mill?” The Little Red Hen had found that the easiest way to deal with injury was to forget it. If she didn’t forget it, she would be unhappy and in pain every day, and the Little Red Hen did not like to be unhappy. So instead she decided not to remember, and was happy." - Andrew C (see
That's horrible! - Brian Johns
If I seem dumber around new people, it's probably cause I was spending a lot of effort on having the optimal amount of eye contact.
HOW TO BE A GOOD PERSON, THE EASY WAY: honestly evaluate yourself. Then set the bar for 'good person' one notch below that.
и всегда так делаю! - the sea of doors
Los Angeles To Siphon Water From Minorities' Bodies | The Onion - America's Finest News Source -
[from 1997] ""With its rich tapestry of black, Asian and Hispanic cultures, Los Angeles' diversity is one of its greatest strengths," said L.A. mayor Richard Riordan, announcing the plan. "And with some 15 gallons of water contained within the body of an average 170-pound L.A. minority resident, these people also represent one of our city's great untapped natural resources."" - Andrew C (see
If any of my descendants ever name their kid a "Jr", I'm retroactively giving them only my worst genes.
Urban Dictionary: Pumpkin -
"6 - (verb) the time of night when you have to head to bed or home due to being very tried, or having something to do very early in the morning, Orgins- Cinderella" -- I have no idea where I picked this up, but I'm glad it's on UD so I know I didn't just make it up. - Andrew C (see
I'd watch the show based on @thinkgeek's AFD thing: Cats piloting human-shaped robots that combine to form a giant cat-shaped robot.