
See you on the other side. Stay weird.
This means we won. Fuck yeah.
My clock says 12:01. It's no longer the 9th. That means they missed their chance, right?
FB, are you messing with us?
lol, for real - AHnix (Anna Haro)
What if they thought they shut down the site, but it's become self aware and uploaded itself to the cloud and now it will live forever?
What if it fought back? And won? And the guy that was supposed to shut it off is being held prisoner by the friendfeed servers? - April Russo (FForever!)
Well, I hope the servers order him pizza. - Yolanda
is there anywhere on the internet where you can order a pizza and have it delivered via 3D printer? - April Russo (FForever!)
Perhaps this really happened and wasn't a joke? - April Russo (FForever!)
Don't talk to loud, they'll remember us!
I'm so sad FriendFeed is gone. Waaaaaaaaaah!!!
Wait.... - Heather
We're all rocking the anticipatory grief. - joey - team everyone
No for real. Laaaaa.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ok, this time. Last!
Man, being first is so much easier than being last. - Heather
*lol* - bentley
Dammit. Last!
Live. Live! LIVE! - Stephen Mack
So, I messed up my backup and everything I saved the first time around was saved over. I'm ok with it, just a bit sad that I won't have those memories to look back over.
Oh, shoot :( - Jennifer Dittrich
I have the older stuff, it's not a total loss. - Heather
I have no meatspace friends, I haven't for years. But I have you all. Thank you.
<3 - vicster.
Hey! If you aren't friends with Heather Feathers on FB or following Gravittation on Twitter yet, do it now!
Done! - Jed
Last call! - Heather
Done - Friar Will
Done. :) - CAJ was here
#CheersFF Kippis!
\o/ Cheers! :) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Cheers! - Anne Bouey
Finally facing facts: time to backup my FFeed.
Time to delete the newer stuff so I can save the older posts too... - Heather
When I rerun the backup, it won't save over the first one will it? Do I need to change file names or something? - Heather
Twitter: Gravittation (I'll be on FB soon and comment here to let you all know.)
I'm FB illiterate so I don't know my link or anything. I'm Heather Feathers and the email with it is [email protected] (I put 2000 as my bday, so sorry it looks like I'm 14.) - Heather
No problem, no one will even think twice about a 60+ yo following a 14 yo. - Greg GuitarBuster
I just thought of a hilarious bit about being "pregnant" 2 weeks before conception and the scene from Spaceballs when they're watching the movie.
"When did you conceive?" "It hasn't happened yet." "But aren't you pregnant?" "Yes, now." "Now?" "Right now." - Heather
"What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie?" #timetravel + #rule34 - Victor Ganata
Still can't like and comment. Cleared cookies, that did nothing. Is FF putting me in time out?
Do you have the same problem in other browsers? Maybe it's caused by an extension or userscript. - John (bird whisperer)
It was a script for opening FF pictures on posts. Odd it started affecting other things. - Chris Topher
Ran around the house like a crazy person (did the stairs twice) to try and avoid the nap bus.
Cleaned the sink. OMAN, it was gross. And washed laundry tends to get set on it (half goes in the dryer at a time) so it's kind of a big deal. Also arranged the bookcase a bit better and sorted a bunch of disks. Heather + Anger = CLEAN ALL THE THINGS!
You're welcome to be pissed at my house - Steve C, Team Marina
LOL I feel like that could have some cleaver tag line about me being harsher then the products I use (I'm a vinegar, baking soda, and Dawn kinda girl). - Heather
So it happened. My parents asked us to dogsit. I think my mom had my dad ask me because she knew I would bring up last time with her. I really wanted to say "I thought you were just going to kennel her because it's easier." But I didn't want to be snarky with my dad.
Chris came up with the idea that we say yes, if they are willing to give us a day telling/showing them where we are coming from and what kinds of things we want to do with Daisy. - Heather
Ooof. *hugs* I'm also not great with confrontation, but in this case: I'd make a list of things that would make the situation acceptable, and have them agree to all of them. If they balk, let them know that this is the only way that you can handle this, otherwise, they're going to need to have the dog kenneled. It may not make them understand any better, but it gives you a line in the sand. - Jennifer Dittrich
My fault for reading Yahoo comments, but can we institute a new law where anyone who says that women should just shut their legs as a solution to, well basically everything related to women, has to wear a big metal chastity belt?
I'm only ok with this if the chastity belt is an Everlast. But yeah, that is a dumb expression when used as a mass expression... It only works on a personal level. (example: a woman with 18 kids and no job/way to support them. I'm fine in it's usage there). - Joe &quot;The Anvil&quot; Pierce
It makes sex into the bad guy, like if all the "irresponsible" or "undesirable" people just stopped having sex everything would be better. But that's from the view point that sex cannot be made safe and has to result in pregnancy. Because responsible people never have sex to enjoy it! If anything the world needs more (safe) sex, people are way too uptight. - Heather
The rabbit's cage has been open for 2 hours. She wont come out. I'M GIVING YOU EXERCISE TIME, MOVE YOUR HEINIE!!!
Hehe, she had a check up yesterday and they shaved her underside. Maybe that's why she's not to keen on showing off her rump. (I'm an evil mommy.) To be fair, she got her shot in on the vet when they clipped her nails and she sent the clippers flying across the room. - Heather
How to Rabbit Proof Your Home: Potential Problems and Solutions - http://www.peteducation.com/article...
"Rabbits especially love to chew wood. Again, a bitter spray will probably NOT be effective since rabbits tend to like bitter tastes." - Heather
Seriously? I'm just learning this NOW?? X_X - Heather
Getting really down about how little control I have over my living situation. They aren't even here, but I know everything I do is going to be complained about and undone as soon as they're back.
So far, we have had 3 days to ourselves. My mom, sister, and 3yo nephew came back for a few hours for some reason...1 hour in and well.....Heather and my desire for our own space is reinforced. - Chris Topher
:o/ xoxox - Melly #FForever
I think a good part of it is that my nephew touches EVERYTHING...and my mom and sister don't really care what he does and doesnt touch. If he breaks something, oh well. He broke my only Xbox 360 controller 2 weeks ago or so and no word on replacement yet. It might also be that my mom plugged in all of the nightlights that Heather and I unplugged because they are either useless where they are, or just not necessary. - Chris Topher
So we were scolded for having dishes in the sink... and then she ran the dishwasher. WTF is the point of us doing dishes if she's going to do them for us? Oh and we better not have dishes on Sunday morning or else (she will wash them)! If we do clean? No one will notice. - Heather
So I get that it's a joke, it's a little harhar moment. Totally harmless. Unless... - http://pinterest.com/pin...
Unless it's part of the all too pervasive idea in our culture that spaying/neutering is taking something away from an animal. That they are aware of no longer being intact and feel shame/resentment/less then whole. It makes me so mad because if people realized that animals have no conscious mental tie to their reproductive abilities, we could drastically reduce overpopulation, stray/feral populations, and the number of animals killed because they don't have a care taker. - Heather
And the fact that breeders own intact animals is no justification. Way too many breeders are backyard know-nothings with terribly behaved dogs. There are also deplorable puppymills. I would say those two vastly outnumber the reputable breeders. And if a small group of knowledgeable, well trained, professionals justify the actions of ordinary people then why don't we all go ahead and buy that tiger we've always wanted. - Heather
ADOPT ALL THE CUTES!!!! - http://www.petfinder.com/petdeta...
Also, I would change the name from Storm to Stormagedon. Cuz duh. - Heather
I would name him Ten! <3 - http://www.petfinder.com/petdeta...
Daily Positive- aside from zonking out hard, no side-effects from new meds. ^_^
That's good news. I hope it keeps up. - John (bird whisperer)
You know when you skill/ability to do something lags behind your creativity and ideas for that something?
All the time. - John (bird whisperer)
yep. I can *see* what I want to draw/paint/create, I just have no talent or ability to do it. Frustrating... - WebGoddess
Has anyone here heard of Gimme Your Stuff? It's a now inactive site (last update is from 2009) but the concept was people listed what country they were from and what types of stuff you wanted/could send. People would pair up and send each other care packages.
I always wanted to do it and with the talk of what's available in the States vs Canada vs Australia vs the UK I've been thinking about it more. - Heather
I think SwapBot sometimes has candy swaps and similar. - Melly #FForever
On Pinterest, I try not to comment on religious posts (like "How to Pray for Your Husband" which included paying that he would love your kids.) But I couldn't help it on the one about training your daughter to "meekly submit to her husband" by making her do jumping jacks for 5 minutes when she gets huffy.
Or roll her eyes in a mirror for 5 minutes if she rolls her eyes once at you. - Heather
Oh hell no! Not in this house! - Melly #FForever