Joe "The Anvil" Pierce

I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the onion that stings in your eye, I am...
I recently Interviewed William Shatner and asked him what his words for FF were in it's final days.
Re watching Wrestlemania since I missed the the beginning , wow Aloe Blacc can sing!
WrestleMania Day is still a special day for me. I hope it always will be!
Oh man. So it can't be a good sign when the first thing that pops in your head after being asked to describe yourself in one sentence is "rarely alone but almost always lonely."
Yo, if you like cool folky-ish music check out Anna Tivel, saw her live tonight and she is great (full disclosure she used to date a friend and I've met her a few times but had never heard her perform). I know she has an album on Amazon, probably other places too. Also a group called Snowapple from Amsterdam performed and they were amazing too!
On to youtube for me to check them out thanks Joe. - Steve C, Team Marina
so yeah this is me doing standup for those interested.
Glad I got to see this before we all fade away. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
I just listened to 5 minutes of my own voice and I want to punch myself in the throat
Most people feel that way. Because we hear our own voices from within our bodies and are used to the various reverberations from living inside our "speakers". When we hear a recording, we're not hearing that and it sounds totally weird to us. - Spidra Webster
listen, in my head it is straight up James Earl Jones, on video and audio apparently it is like NPH on helium and that is just not what I want. I need a new voice. - Joe "The Anvil" Pierce
You could pick up heavy drinking and chain smoking. - Stephan Planken
This used to be my playground.
Other than the impending doom, and the departed individuals, what else seems to be missing? - Julian
Dude at an open mic who is usually funny spent 4 minutes shitting on wrestling because he went to the WWE in town tonight (for free). Problems A) lazy comedy. B) shaming people for enjoying something he didn't. C) insinuating everyone who watches it is dumb and doesn't realize it is fake... Motherfucker "Better Call Saul" is fake too, chill out.
A crappy social network buys a great social network just so it can't become the next big thing.... Antisocial Notworks on the next Sick Sad World!
Most of the full versions of my jokes exist only inside of my head. I'm trying to write them down to get them down a little more concrete and it's like "people laugh at this crap?" I hate my brain!!!
if you don't like Kate Mulgrew then we probably won't get along on a lifeboat for too long.
how can you tell that I'm more mature? I didn't remind everyone that yesterday, March 14th, was Steak and BJ day... Because I've grown *giggles at the idea of SaBJD*
"I've grown" - Big Joe Silenced
I played Star Trek Online again... I have a problem
i did that for a few months in 2013. it was a problem. - Big Joe Silenced
Yeah Arc is the new thing. I can't wait to get home and kill the Crystaline Entity again. - Joe "The Anvil" Pierce
ME FIRST! What's something you absolutely want to do before you get all old and crusty and die and stuff. - Hookuh Tinypants
ugh, I'm actually uploading something to youtube. kill me now1 - Joe "The Anvil" Pierce
As I stare into the abyss the abyss stares into me, and lo the horror as it realizes that it is forever stuck in this everlasting gaze from which it can never escape and I shall never relinquish. "stare into me and experience the bleakest expanse of eternity" I whisper to the abyss as it shudders in immortal terror.
researching fun board/card/tabletop games for you shindig
broke my own rule and had 2, count them 2 ciders tonight! I've only done it once and it was super sweet ciders and my head was killing me in the morning.. these weren't as sweet. I'm a wimp >.<
Went and saw some friends do improv at a theater that isn't my normal haunt tonight, soooo much fun! Of course I was also jealous that I wasn't on stage with them.
friend suggests I try a certain deck in Hearthstone, I log in to give it a shot, start putting it together and have 10/30 cards for it. fuuuuuuu!
Oh great... the deer head, lamps and rocking chair are all laughing at me again.
Anyone Nethack fans tried out Vulture for Nethack, which is on Steam? I just picked it up hoping to spend time with it tonight and have fun... I hope!
Pot becomes legal in Portland in July. At that point it will be considered uncool and stop being the biggest thing in the world, right?
It is going to steal some of the Colorado pot tourism. - Back to just Joe
I'm not watching but I now know that my bus ride home will be full of sad people
Hope for tomorrow. Sit in Starbucks quietly, maybe watch the SB on my iPad. Or, hang out with a lady friend.
Pribably starbucks. - Joe &quot;The Anvil&quot; Pierce
Seriously why aren't there more 3d movies for the 3ds? The Lion King looks awesome!