I give this place... five more hours?
YOU GUYS. I got my FriendFeed shirt!
My work day went late. Surprised that this is still up.
I hope it is still up when I get home in about 30 minutes. - Julian
In another hour or so, it will be 10 April everywhere. - Julian
10 April 2015 here.
Thunderstorm rolling in. I will not be happy if there is a power blip at home, and it somehow interrupts it watching the end of this place before I get home.
I am cheating a bit. Just a bit.
I this thing dies before 5 am, I will have to miss seeing it go. I will need to go soon, and be away for about 10 hours. :-/
See u in 10 hours, then - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
Maybe they were busy, and forgot to flip the switch?
here's hoping! - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
My Warrior is also now downloading every public account that begins with "jim."
I only ever had one avatar.
I think I had two - Iain Baker
Apparently I've had nearly 50? - Big Joe Silenced
My Warrior is now grabbing the full account of our favorite BUNNEH.
I can officially confirm that BUNNEH has been uploaded to the archive. For proof (for now): http://tracker.archiveteam.org/friendf... - Julian
Still here for a bit more???
We're pretty sure THIS is the last day. Probably. - CAJ was here
^ ha! Indeed. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
Time for me to sleep. When I get up, it will all be gone. 😿 But then we will be on different places. 🇮🇹
Just because. #ffcheers #cheersff
It's 5 o'clock somewhere... here. - Julian
However... we made it past midnight PDT.
I bet that this will get shut down once somebody gets into the office to manually pull the plug. - Julian
I now wonder... did I post enough here to truly have a legitimate presence? Was it too little, and not early enough?
I would say you absolutely had a presence (and also that all are legitimate here). - joey - team everyone
I will admit that I was peeking over here all day (evening) at work. Now that my work day (evening) is done (-ish), I can watch what will happen next.
It would have been harder if I were not working from home today. - Julian
Almost 0:00 UTC...
i think the shutdown is gonna be PDT? - Big Joe Silenced
I would assume PDT, but I don't know. - John (bird whisperer)
The friendfeed.com domain was first registered in October 2005.
At its 10th Anniversary Party in October, Mark Zuckerberg will be the only one there :( - Jason
Does 9 April 2015 mean at 0:00 UTC? 12 am Pacific, Eastern? Or whenever someone gets around to shutting down the servers?
That's what I've been wondering. - John (bird whisperer)
Good question. - Jed
Will it just be a matter of deleting the DNS records? - Julian
God. I feel like I'm waiting for a bomb to drop. - laura x
It was on this day one year ago (8 April 2014) that FriendFeed had a significant outage, and we were immediately scrambling to find a new home.
Was it? I know the year prior (2013) it went down for 4 days in November. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
I started a new word association thread on frenf.it.
aw - maʀtha
tureen - maʀtha
I just remembered something. Most of my earliest native messages here comprise the majority of my tweets on Twitter. Crisis averted?
I just requested my Twitter archive. Granted, it cannot capture the entirety of those early threads from here, but it is better than nothing at all. - Julian
I wish we had a "Best of all time" link.
Any chance we can get a stay of execution at least through the weekend?
Another sunrise nears. Good night, and good morning.
I am spending my day off helping to archive this place. (Mostly, that is happening in the background.)
I started my Warrior process before heading to class. I hope it's doing it's thing. I can't seem to easily find the status page to check remotely. - CAJ was here
Um... cheers.
I am not yet sure if I already feel lost.
The anticipation(expectation?) of feeling lost is not at all fun. - CAJ was here
^ this. I've been feeling that off and on the last couple of days. - Jennifer Dittrich
the end of FF cannot take away the good feelings we've shared together these past years. - Big Joe Silenced
BAH! Forgot to grab yesterday's Amazon Appstore free app.
I finally got around to starting my grand FriendFeed export. I am using FFExp... on Linux (of course).
If this place is suddenly slow, sorry about that. - Julian
My 10,100 most recent posts only go back to April 2010. :-/ - Julian
i hope i can get mine to go back that far! - Big Joe Silenced
Melly has over 100k posts since 2008. It makes me sad that there's a limit. - Benny Bucko (Josh)