My first ever post on Friendfeed, all those years ago. Thanks for the memories FF'ers wherever you are. All the best for now and the future. Radiohead - House of Cards
All the best, Jason! :)) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Many thanks Anna, with best wishes to you too. :-)(-: - Jason
Bests buddy :] - Vicey
Sorry to hear the news Friendfeed. The Library of Congress should step in to archive this unique snapshot of online and human history, Facebook should feel some allegiance to making this happen, seeing that most of FFs innovations pretty much made what their site is today.
An Evening with Ray Bradbury 2001
RIP Ray - Jason
Inside Facebook: Zuckerberg's $100 Billion Gamble -
As Facebook heads for its 100 billion dollar flotation, Emily Maitlis updates her recent documentary on the prospects for Mark Zuckerberg's social network phenomenon. - Jason
To Facebook You’re Worth $80.95
With all the hype about the imminent IPO indicating the public will value Facebook at $85 to $95 billion, it’s interesting to consider how much Facebook in turn values the public. Disclosures in the company’s S-1 filing along with data from other public sources reveals a raft of metrics about how many users, pages, “Likes,” apps, messages and other forms of activity Facebook captures about us. Applying emerging techniques that map these information-related volumetrics to Facebook’s actual financials and anticipated market valuation can help quantify the economic value of information. - Jason
I photograph lights at night with my point and shoot camera while moving the camera fast enough to alter the light patterns into abstract shapes. I then double the original image in such a way that it can be reconstructed into a new image. In this way I am actually constructing with the light, and therefore think of these images as light architecture. - Jason
A heads-up from Mona!
This is the first film I made, hope you like it! - Jason
Nice :) - Vicey
Granny takes a trip: The Purple Gang
Tonight Matthew I will mostly be listening to
How over-reliance on social signals could ruin online recommendations
What do you think Facebook do with their billions of likes?
Create user demographics for their advertisers. - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
The Antikythera Mechanism This is what I want for Christmas!
Two years ago, a paper was published in Nature describing the function of the oldest known scientific computer, a device built in Greece around 100 BCE. Recovered in 1901 from a shipwreck near the island of Antikythera, this mechanism had been lost and unknown for 2000 years. It took one century for scientists to understand its purpose: it is an astronomical clock that determines the positions of celestial bodies with extraordinary precision. In 2010, a fully-functional replica was constructed out of Lego. - Jason
I wonder if you'll be able to buy the set from the shops..? - Jason
Postcards from space: Top astronomy images
Our choice of some of the most stunning astronomy images captured by telescopes, space probes and astronauts over the past month. Send links to your favourite newly released images, including caption information, to [email protected] - Jason
Urushi Musical Interface
What do you get when you are a product designer and electronic musician? Well ... meet Yuri Suzuki! A japanese born designer living in London who makes electronic music as a side gig. Or is it the other way? Anyway, one of his latest projects is the Urushi Musical Interface. It is a touch panel style musical interface which uses principle of gold inlay. Watching the video makes me think it takes a lot of effort to understand the workings behind it and get a decent performance out of it. On the other hand ... it just looks stunning! - Jason
WikiLeaks vanishes from web as US company removes DNS support
The US today opened up a dramatic new front against WikiLeaks, effectively "killing" its web address just days after Amazon pulled the site from its servers following political pressure. The whistleblowers' website is offline for the third time in a week, in what is likely to be the biggest threat to its online presence yet. - Jason
Fwd: 'Trillions' of Earths orbit red stars in older galaxies (via
Astronomers say the Universe may contain three times the number of stars as is currently thought. Their assessment is based on new observations showing other galaxies may have very different structures to our Milky Way galaxy. The researchers tell the journal Nature that more stars probably means many more planets as well - perhaps "trillions" of Earth-like worlds - Jason
Radiohead's Thom Yorke creates 'human sculpture' in Brighton
Radiohead's Thom Yorke created a 'human sculpture' depicting 11th Century Viking King Canute in Brighton today (November 27). The project was in collaboration with the 350 Earth climate campaign organisation. - Jason
"It was really an accident," Cecelia Webber admits in an interview with Modern Luxury, "I shot a nude figure against a black background and thought it looked so much like a petal I just went with it." And thus started her journey as a professional artist in hopes of dispelling much of the world's view of nudity as either "something erotic or disgusting," as she puts it. - Jason