Radiohead's Thom Yorke creates 'human sculpture' in Brighton
Radiohead's Thom Yorke created a 'human sculpture' depicting 11th Century Viking King Canute in Brighton today (November 27). The project was in collaboration with the 350 Earth climate campaign organisation. - Jason
"It was really an accident," Cecelia Webber admits in an interview with Modern Luxury, "I shot a nude figure against a black background and thought it looked so much like a petal I just went with it." And thus started her journey as a professional artist in hopes of dispelling much of the world's view of nudity as either "something erotic or disgusting," as she puts it. - Jason
The phenomenon of egg standing continues to be a controversial event that occurs on the first day of spring during the vernal equinox. Some believe that the gravitational pull of the sun and moon on the tides of oceans of our planet have little or no known effect upon something as small as an egg from a chicken.. I do not agree with this hypothesis for I can actually feel through my finger tips a magnetic sensation as described in my poem "Spring Phenomenon" that locks the egg in an upright position at the precise moment of the vernal equinox. - Jason
I've just tried it on a duck egg, it's not working for me yet, maybe I'm too early or its the wrong type of egg..if it works for you I would love to know () - Jason
i think it has to be at a very specific time if i'm not mistaken. someone i used to work with a few years back did it - Cee Bee
I honestly didn't know anything about this till now. - AJ Batac
Norooz, The Persian New Year -
Sound of long-lost Ancient Greek instruments recreated by computer experts -
The long-lost sounds of the epigonion, the salpinx and the kithara could be about to form the strangest musical group yet, thanks to the world's largest physics project.The epigonion, a harp-like musical instrument, was last played in Ancient Greece. But computer scientists have resurrected its sound as part of a project to conjure up an orchestra of long-lost instruments. - Jason
BBC Tomorrows World intro 80s -
Kraftwerk Autobahn on Tomorrows World -
25.09.1975 BBC "Tomorrow's World" Autobahn Live - Jason
Amazing Sticky Tape Sculptures -
An artist in Japan has used over 87 miles (140km) of sticky tape to make a series of sculptures. - Jason
Goodnight Friendfeed see on on Saturday..
Nyt! - AJ Batac
Hi FriendFeed, just to say hope all is well I'm really tired and need to sleep having just returned from a night out. But I just dropped in to say hi and see you next week as visiting Family this weekend. Speaking of weekends, hope you have a good one:-) LIKE or is it..
Hi Jason. :) Have a safe trip! - Mona Nomura
Going outside for a walk in 2009!!..ahh ain't that tweet ♫♫
See you later's Friendfeed. - Jason
Happy New Year To You :-D -
Times Square Unveils A Dazzling LED New Year’s Ball -
This New Year’s Eve Times Square in New York is set to debut a dazzling new LED-encrusted New Year’s ball! Composed of 32,256 Philips Luxeon Rebel LEDs, the 12-foot wide energy-efficient orb weighs in at 11,875 pounds, making it twice the size of any ball previously dropped overhead in Time Square. A marriage of tradition and new technology, the stunning new sphere will be ringing in the 100th anniversary of the New Year’s Eve ball. - Jason
Yeah its beautiful must have taken ages to get it to that stage. - Jason
The new 100th Birthday Times Square LED Ball -
I would just like to say Happy Christmas/Holidays to you all, and hopefully I'll be able to catch up soon, With Best Wishes, Jason
Happy Holidays to you! -
Twitter: circa 1961
Antiques Roadshow is not on TV dare they..
Yip yips meet the telephone -
Spike Jones - All I Want For Christmas is my Two Front Teeth -
I remember the tooth fairies, used to get about 50p if was lucky! How much did you get?, I guess now it's more like a fiver! Hope she's OK with it. - Jason
£1 nice, probably not good idea to encourage her with paper money. Ah 20p! you poor thing, here's 10p now don't go out and spend it all at once.;)- - Jason
ah Wednesday's ay ;-)) - Jason
Art by HunterKing -
Every situation, under all circumstances, brings with it a unique series of choices in need of answers. These answers will create the hoops we all jump through in life. When I was a valet, or when I made pizza the day-to-day hoops I had to jump through were far different from the ones I currently jump through as an artist. Similarly, the choices I was faced with while making tattoo needles are nothing like those I must make now. The only difference between the Hunter that existed then and the one that exists today is that I consciously choose to make different decisions from those I made in the past. To break this concept down even further, our current state is the culmination of all of the decisions that we have ever made. Within every moment that passes (whether it’s conscious or sub conscious) our mind is making a multitude of decisions. This includes everything from the regulation of our heart rate to what words we use to communicate effectively. From the moment we are born and our mind decides to take. - Jason
Gui Boratto "Beautiful Life" -
Kraftwerk - Neon Lights -
Now in this Brave new world of the Instanet, eating mince pies and having a cup of Yorkshire Tea.
Just put my one piece of tinsel over the fire place, and sung myself a carol, now officially in Christmas 2008 mode.
Rubbings of Maya Sculpture -
Please join us in celebrating Women's History with a tribute to the "Indiana Jane" of Maya studies Dr. Merle Greene Robertson.Some might have said that in 1962 the jungles of Central American were no place for a woman. But Dr. Robertson bushwhacked into remote sites virtually unvisited in the modern era.And she carried out the arduous process of making paper rubbings of relief sculptures under the most adverse conditions, preserving a priceless cultural heritage before erosion and the elements took a further toll. - Jason
Listening to Sound of the Sixties on Radio 2, with our old mate Brian Matthews
I Love it! - Jason