The phenomenon of egg standing continues to be a controversial event that occurs on the first day of spring during the vernal equinox. Some believe that the gravitational pull of the sun and moon on the tides of oceans of our planet have little or no known effect upon something as small as an egg from a chicken.. I do not agree with this hypothesis for I can actually feel through my finger tips a magnetic sensation as described in my poem "Spring Phenomenon" that locks the egg in an upright position at the precise moment of the vernal equinox. - Jason
I've just tried it on a duck egg, it's not working for me yet, maybe I'm too early or its the wrong type of egg..if it works for you I would love to know () - Jason
i think it has to be at a very specific time if i'm not mistaken. someone i used to work with a few years back did it - Cee Bee
I honestly didn't know anything about this till now. - AJ Batac