Art by HunterKing -
Every situation, under all circumstances, brings with it a unique series of choices in need of answers. These answers will create the hoops we all jump through in life. When I was a valet, or when I made pizza the day-to-day hoops I had to jump through were far different from the ones I currently jump through as an artist. Similarly, the choices I was faced with while making tattoo needles are nothing like those I must make now. The only difference between the Hunter that existed then and the one that exists today is that I consciously choose to make different decisions from those I made in the past. To break this concept down even further, our current state is the culmination of all of the decisions that we have ever made. Within every moment that passes (whether it’s conscious or sub conscious) our mind is making a multitude of decisions. This includes everything from the regulation of our heart rate to what words we use to communicate effectively. From the moment we are born and our mind decides to take. - Jason