25+ Images That Might Give Geeks a Hard On - http://techyshit.com/25-imag...
I must have the PacMan tree - Eric @ CS Techcast
I <3 the pac man set! I think I could crochet those.... - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
I like the bike and the tree does it for me too, also the early 1600's computer although it only runs on horse manure! Not sure what those tissues are for?! Maybe to wipe the tears of laughter I sometimes get from this forsooth website of felicitous cosmography ;-D! - Jason
Geek. EFin. PORN.... ! - Mona Nomura
hahahaha totally - Shevonne
I must apologise I dont write so well and I normalle I only speak like this http://uk.youtube.com/watch... I faand an 1801 dictionary daan the markeet utter day and swallowed it dint I! tastes a bit musty like; un tough as ole boots, but ay wot you xpec its bleedin donkeys old! - Jason
anything pacman totally gives me a hard on. in a non penile way of course - Melissa Janine