Mona Nomura

ay kin reed end rite                            名前が2つあります... [もえ]と [もな] です. × 萌えぇぇぇぇ ○ 萠(本名) × AAキャラモナー ○ Mona(英語の名前) . . . 単なる偶然です.
Re: Sansho powder : Substitutes, Ingredients, Equivalents - GourmetSleuth -
"1. Sansho is not used on sushi. 2. Sichuan pepper and sansho taste very different. Mainly, because Sichuan peppercorns are always roasted while sansho peppercorns are not." - Mona Nomura
iPhone in Jakarta starring Reza -
I love how CyberGhost says 'Loading GUI' like it's 1999. GUI makes me giggle. Separately, super lame how I have to VPN to Spotify in Japan.
Loving this profile on @triketora: How I got into tech -- despite myself
Will 2014 finally be the year Americans quit trampling each other on Black Friday and you know, shop online? Starting to see ads already.
One of the responses to Senator Ted Cruz's Net Neutrality tweet: "Keep him (President Obama) out of the Internet!" ...out of the Internet 😳
Legit burgers and beers with @corbindb woooohoo (at @BakerBounce 東京ミッドタウン店 in 港区, 東京都)
Burgers and beers with my favorite - Corbin YEAH. (at @BakerBounce 東京ミッドタウン店 in 港区, 東京都)
Japanese companies have ramped up Twitter and FB ad spend lately. Being inundated all over the place, darn geolocation.
Important: Please stop ruining conversations by asking 'what do you do?'
Singapore - I need your help! Looking for developer meet-ups, hackathons, etc. I have this list but any additions?
Hmmmmm: Why Banksy is (Probably) a Woman
The White-Savior Industrial Complex by Teju Cole #truestory
RT @tejucole: 5- The White Savior Industrial Complex is not about justice. It is about having a big emotional experience that validates privilege.
RT @tejucole: 1- From Sachs to Kristof to Invisible Children to TED, the fastest growth industry in the US is the White Savior Industrial Complex.
The name Pincubator for the Marc Pincus acclerator makes me laugh so much. I picture a lab with mutant farm vegetables holding machine guns.
RT @Iearnsomething: This is how smooth the bullet train is in Japan.
Uber looking to raise another $1bn: (I mean... some of the localization teams live in Ritz Hotels for months 😒)
Who is running the @China Twitter account, rather. (Not looking to debate about geopolitics here.)
Who is running @China?
Ahhh I love this: Why Instagram Worked
(Just in case anyone's wondering, South America has a lot of serial killers who have murdered a lot of people:
Just now surfacing from Wikipedia rabbithole. Somehow ended up on serial killers... and boy am I glad I'm not blonde, a teen, or prostitute.
In 3-4 years when "Asia" catches up to the US showing #s, people will finally stop asking me: why Asia. Because Asia's consumer market DUH.
Asia tops Global Innovators list with 46 out of 100 countries: via @gen #EFYEAH
Still can't believe all that information on building startups is free. Best part is there are transcripts with annotations. CRAY.
Incredible knowledge library here - talks from PG, Marc Andreessen, Ron Conway, Thiel, Aaron Levie, etc., #startups