
"Bitch, stop taking the glaze."
Checking in one last time. It's been a long time, and a great time and I made a lot of friends here, found a new career here, shared love and losses here, and learned so much about compassion and friendship. You know how to find me so I won't say goodbye; that's an exit line I try not to use. With love and light, be well.
<33333333333 - Jenny H.
Big bag of yukon golds, milk approaching sell-by date, all kinds of cheese + me being hungry = homemade potato tacos for brunch.
Oh look, there's some sour cream too. *uses it up* - Derrick
Been known to do that... ;) - Derrick
My dad listened to a lot of jazz in the 60's, my mom listened to a lot of Motown, folk, classical, and soul. I grew up on 80's golden age hip hop and 90's gangsta rap, but I'll be damned if one of my favorite albums of all time isn't Paul Simon's debut solo album. #SaturdayFF
I guess there was that Top 40 pop triumvirate of Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Prince from the 80's too. Thanks, MTV. - Derrick
Julio better watch himself hanging around the schoolyard at his age. - Friar Will
I asked a boy out and he said yes.
Well, grown man, anyway. - Derrick
Text me so I can see if I know him. ;) small gay world. Also hang out this weekend? - Jason
Woken up by a cat.
Welcome to my world.. Every. Single. Day. - Tamara J. B.
5yos, on the other hand... - RepoRat
oh hey, holly. grabbed something for you.
I spent the evening with two lovely cats on my lap, (and watching Frozen!) but when I wanted another brownie, or needed to top off my sangria, I pushed them to the floor. #sorrynotsorry #SaturdayFF
It can be done! - Derrick
NO! they're going to report you to the SPCA!!! (lol) - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
dadandahalf called me late last night, after I'd gone to bed, but the sentiment and sweetness in his voice was maybe the best gift ever.
I was mad as hell because as I rounded the corner, the bus was pulling away from the curb (and I'll be damned if I run for a bus). But by the time the next one came, I'd forgotten about it and now I'm in a good mood. Pleasantries!
Images for Paula Abdul - Vibeology -
Sorry, not sorry. - Derrick
ooh, you nasty boy. - Pete&#39;s Got To Go
damn, boo, I thought you were a lot younger than me! *41 fistbump* - RepoRat
Another 41 fist bump - Christina Pikas
Of course the net on campus dies right when I begin showing a class how to use the databases. Of course.
Congratulations. You're officially a librarian. - DJF
And we're done. It came back up maybe halfway through the class and a few students had questions in their "on their own" time for the rest of the session. Oof. - Derrick
Roast chicken and a big green salad for dinner, because roast chicken on a Sunday is always perfect, and a big green salad because it's 82F and the idea of something really starchy gives me the vapors. Mini portion of ice cream for dessert? Hrm.
I started sorting laundry but then a house centipede (millipede?) ran across my pile of whites and now I'm cringing on top of the bed like a bitch.
I would pay to watch a show with you in it. - Akiva
*fist bumps Kyle* :D - Derrick
REVIEW: Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Fudge Core -
My apologies to you with peanut allergies, but lord have mercy. I might have a new favorite flavor. - Derrick
Can I get this in Aus yet? - Mo Kargas
I hope this turns out well...
it looks nearly amazing! - holly #ravingfangirl
Well. - Jenny H.
I LOL'ed. - Derrick
:) - Anne Bouey
For the record, I have no idea who this person is. - Derrick
Farmer’s Mkt haul: bananas, papaya, yogurt, tortillas, cheese, apples, broccolini, bread, ice cream, some dude’s number. #hiyoooo
Hopefully you didn't have to pay for that last item. :) - CAJ was here
Just a smile and some pleasant conversation. :) - Derrick
I love the farmer's market! esp. that last item. :-) - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
Carbs all up and down my feed.
Yeah, sorry about that. - Katy S
Turnt up.
I found this hard cider that's aged in bourbon casks? -hic- - Derrick
It's one of the Woodchuck varieties. A limited or reserve edition? - Derrick
Fasting blood sugar situation for my doctor's appointment this morning, but I should be done around 11am AND will be at Farragut. Any recommendations for food trucks, my friend?
I do hope I'm not pregnant. - Derrick
I see the doc for a follow up in six weeks. DULY NOTED. Maybe I'll be pregnant. - Derrick
Sometimes I think about changing my avatar because this current one's pretty old, but that sideeye I'm giving? C'mon, now.
Recreate it? - Holly&#39;s favorite Anna
The bulk of my colleagues are at #CILDC today, it's raining, and my one commitment for the day just canceled. I totes magotes could've worked from home today.
Go home? - kaijsa
Is that like Alicia Keys? - Derrick
Lord have mercy, I've become a pretty regular lurker, sometimes user on Reddit. I blame Rod.
Hah. I'm still mostly a lurker. It's pretty damn entertaining. - Rodfather
Thx 4 the recs! - YvonneM
Chips + salsa for dinner. #grown
Can you bring a +1? - Shevonne
haha, thanks! - Derrick
The provost of the university is having the big faculty recognition dinner and I need to RSVP. Part of me is curious and wants to go; part of me is intimidated? It's fancy, at the National Press Club, high class invites and while I've worked hard to get here, part of me is I *belong* here? Trying to make sense of it all, I guess.
Normally I'd say fake it til you make it, but you've already made it, so go and have fun. - Katy S
Yay D! We want to hear all about it (meaning the food and the gossip and what everyone was wearing, of course). - laura x
*casually throws shade at the poor grammar and writing ability of the candidates' letter writing recommenders*
Finding good people is so hard, y'all. Lord have mercy. - Derrick
that's because, outside academia, reference *letters* don't usually happen. i can only get such letters now because i work in academia and they actually know what i'm talking about. - henry
Snow? Okay. Okay, winter. #shade
ಠ_ಠ - Zamms