REVIEW: Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Fudge Core -
My apologies to you with peanut allergies, but lord have mercy. I might have a new favorite flavor. - Derrick
Will not walk to Safeway. Will not walk to Safeway. Will not walk to Safeway. - Akiva
akiva if you walk to safeway though it will let you walk off the ice cream! - Sir Shuping is just sir
I love PB and chocolate together and would get the PB cup ice cream, but this has leveled up in ways I cannot articulate. Don't let me catch it on sale. - Derrick
Oh, I was afraid of this. - holly #ravingfangirl
I almost bought some of this earlier, but held off since I've had so much junk food this week. - Katy S
That's why I can't have this stuff around. Same thing with the Bryers Reese's Blast or whatever ridiculous name it has. I can't resist. And now I'm thinking about oh man. I need a moment. - Akiva
Oh, man. It's a good thing I can't eat ice cream. Although this might be worth it. - ~Courtney F
For as much as I love to eat, I'm really good with sweets. I can make make this pint last for a couple weeks if not longer. Now, hot wings? Hide yo chickens... - Derrick
Same here... except for anything related to peanut butter and chocolate. A few weeks ago, I tore my way through a six-pack of Reese's Eggs in an afternoon. Yep. Full-size six-pack of Reese's Eggs. Oh man. So good. - Akiva
I love PB. I love chocolate. I do not love them together. You all can have all of mine. - laura x
¬_¬... I think I will. - Akiva
I love how I put my little mini scoops on a split banana, you know, so as to be healthy. o_O - Derrick
How does it compare to the original PB core that they had (back when they released Karamel Sutra in 2002)? - Hookuh Tinypants
I'm just gonna lay down here and breathe for awhile. - Akiva
Can't say, TP. I went a LONG time without eating ice cream and never tried that flavor. - Derrick
D, that totes counts as a fruit serving. :) - Ell Bee, See?
Ended up with another It’s-It and hello, holy lord, etc. Way better than the first one. I need to introduce my kids to these things. - Akiva
this keeps coming up in my feed. want - maʀtha
Can I get this in Aus yet? - Mo Kargas