Checking in one last time. It's been a long time, and a great time and I made a lot of friends here, found a new career here, shared love and losses here, and learned so much about compassion and friendship. You know how to find me so I won't say goodbye; that's an exit line I try not to use. With love and light, be well.
<33333333333 - Jenny H.
D!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 - vicster.
kapanmadı lan korkma - yormayinbeni
Love you, D. - Melly #FForever
BISH. *hug* *dougies* - Hookuh Tinypants
Sup D - Rodfather
<3 *hugs* - Anne Bouey
Good to see you, Derrick!!! - Greg GuitarBuster
Hi, Derrick. - bentley
oh hai. how YOU been doin? - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
Love you, D-Love! - Ell Bee, See?
HAI! - ellbeecee
Hi D! - Tamara J. B.
*snuggles* - Yolanda
Love you man. Fa real. - Starmama
big hugs, Derrick! - maʀtha
D Love :-) - Pete&#39;s Got To Go
<3 <3 <3 - Tamara, #TeamMarina
Derrick, so glad you're here! - Stephen Mack
Awwww, Derrick! x - Iain Baker
I was hoping you'd pop your head in to say hello. :-) - Corinne L
<3 - Micah
xoxo Derrick - Carmen
I love you, D. - Kisha
Much love to you, D! - laura x
Good wishes to you! - Galadriel C.
Take care, Derrick - Tyson Key
Literally the best way to end my FF experience... I love you Derrick! I actually don't know how to reach you, but I'm always here if you need anything: lostlo at - Lo