Thanks everyone. It's been a real honor!
Thank you, Sanjeev. :) - Anne Bouey
che ci dici sanjeev? quando si chiude? - Laura (Goldie)
Is that Johnny Worthington?
You have to ask him. :) - AJ Batac
O_O..... It's not... but can I sue them for likeness rights? - Johnny
All Australians look alike. - tehKenny
Needs more beard - Johnny
Fwd: Why is DNS so slow? "host" takes 100ms for me. (via
The best I've found so far is 50ms for "time host". Does everyone just run their primary dns servers at 100% CPU or something? - Sanjeev Singh
Dawn, try the friendfeed feedback room or the spam report room - Chris Heath
@shellen I am becoming an expert in Pokemon and Bionicle.
WikiAnswers - How do you check for a radiation leak in a microwave -
"You stick your cell phone in your microwave***DO NOT TURN ON*** and then get some one to phone your cell phone. If it rings your microwave is leaking radiation if not your microwave is a ok." - Sanjeev Singh
Does this really work? - Sanjeev Singh
If anything this test indicates how well your microwave shields from pretty low power 800MHz or 1.9GHz signals. I'd say place your Wifi access point next to your microwave and then experiment measuring the link quality in different microwave modes. - eugenio
The wifi test might be a good one. I knew someone that used to lose his connection every time his roommate made popcorn. He used to joke about having a popcorn powered firewall. - April Russo (FForever!)
Well, only 90% of us. - Sanjeev Singh
although he's a bit off the deep end, his carbon solution is novel and worth a look (by me, at least). - grant fox
Did it work? :-) - Tony Ruscoe
works! - onur özen
@nelson Now I'm curious. What are you building, and does it have to be on Windows?
Everyone, friendfeed will be down for 10 mins around midnight PST tonight (in ~1 hour) for scheduled maintenance.
'like' - Rob Schonberger
I feed the pigeons :) - Private Sanjeev
@sacca Talk to more people who have demonstrated skill predicting macroeconomic trends, like Soros. Yes, they run hedge funds, so what.
[Phoronix] Ubuntu's Power Consumption Tested -
Wow, I would not expect different versions of Ubuntu to consume power differently. 5.04 seems best under load, 6.10 best when idle. - Sanjeev Singh
Without error bars, it's difficult to make any conclusions based on this experiment. The numbers like 21.47 look suspicious to me; implicitly they suggest that the error is less than 0.01 Watt, which I don't believe - there are too many factors that affect power consumption. - Igor Krivokon
Dear Austrian Economists, please explain how having fewer, larger banks is good.
It seems like this would be the inevitable outcome if you just let insolvent banks go bust. - Sanjeev Singh
Fed's assets, including loan to AIG and misc bear sterns investments more than doubled to $1.77 trillion last week from a year-earlier total of $873 billion that consisted mostly of treasuries. Fed balance sheet is above 10% of gdp and climbing..... - david A
hey all, I'm going private at the end of the week, and unsubscribing people I don't personally know.
I want to get a better feel for that use case. Expect me back in a few weeks :). - Sanjeev Singh
Any chance you can leave me on your feed? I enjoy reading your science related posts. - GS 2Go
I get worried when I see comments in Jim's code.
'cos it means the code is super tricky. - Sanjeev Singh
assert false - Chris Lamprecht
EPA wistleblower Dr.William Marcus -
On the difficulty EPA scientists face when they try to publicize politically unpopular truths. - Sanjeev Singh
Dr. William Marcus (EPA) on the dangers of flouride -
"When I got a hold of the contractor report and reviewed it very carefully, not only was it reporting cancers in the animals, [it was reporting] osteosarcomas which bothered me a lot because I've been trying to produce osteosarcomas in animals for almost 20 years and the only luck I ever had was with an experiment in dogs and monkeys, and the osteosarcomas took nearly the lifetime of the animals, and we were using radium which specifically produces that in bones. And here we have a compound commonly available - fluoride - that did it in rats in two years or less." - Sanjeev Singh
"Due to his criticisms of the tumor downgradings, Dr. Marcus was fired by the EPA. The US Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, later ruled that EPA fired Marcus out of "retaliation" for Marcus' stance on fluoride, and ordered EPA to reinstate Marcus with full back pay and compensation." - Sanjeev Singh
In an anthrax attack, the government could force vaccinations / treatment on the population and can't be sued. -
Neither can the private suppliers of anthrax medication / countermeasures. This just passed on Oct 1, 2008. I wonder if the government knows something we don't. - Sanjeev Singh
Adverse Health and Behavior from Silicoflourides -
Silicoflourides are commonly used to flouridate municipal drinking water. Unfortunately they are associated with higher levels of substance abuse, crime and learning abilities, possibly as a result of increased lead absorption in the body :(. - Sanjeev Singh
Luckily my municipal water company does not flouridate my water. Unfortunately, the ground water source they use already has flouride in it, of unknown form. - Sanjeev Singh
Flouridation started for San Francisco in 2005! I wonder if I should be worried. Thanks for this, Sanjeev. - Mona Nomura
Mona, if you're worried about flouride, some water filters can get it out of your water. Brita doesn't, but some others might. - Sanjeev Singh
from Joshua Schacter. The blade retracts instantly, causing very minor damage to the sausage. - Sanjeev Singh
I guess I'd have to go back to cutting hotdogs on the bandsaw - Andrew Smith
Make your own diamonds -
"Join us for our very first Member Spotlight where featured member Dr. Michael Pinneo will share his method for creating real diamonds with a DIY diamond deposition machine. Yes, we're serious!" - Sanjeev Singh
hopefully they will post a video of the event or a webpage about their technique - bob
Spoonful of pork may help bitter economic pill go down - -
"This proposal would exempt from the excise tax any shaft consisting of all natural wood with no laminations or artificial means to enhance the spine of the shaft used in the manufacture of an arrow that measures 5/16 of an inch or less and is unsuited for use with a bow with a peak draw weight of 30 pounds or more" - Sanjeev Singh
Count me among the "Likes" who don't like. Man, has our government always been this dysfunctional, or is it getting worse? - Keith Pelczarski
Slides on productivity research -
Via an article from Nivi. A fast good read. - Sanjeev Singh
There is a lot of good software that is delivered at crunch mode rates, but that may have more to do with the quality of the people than anything else. A 10:1 productivity difference easily swamps a 30% hit, especially when you take into account the smaller teams better people allow you to have. - Sanjeev Singh
“Because they know better....” -
What is a Synthetic Optical Aperture Telescope? -
"Although the principles of aperture synthesis have been known for many years, and are used regularly in radio astronomy, astronomers had thought that building an optical telescope using this principle was just too difficult. Light waves are about a million times shorter than radio waves, so the precision required in building such a telescope is a million times more challenging than for radio synthesis instruments." - Sanjeev Singh
Donald Knuth finally sells out -
He still has 2 more volumes of TAOCP to finish first! - Chris Lamprecht
Is that all? - Scott Cederberg
I have first edition Vol. 1 and 2.....the TOC lists 12 volumes... - SnakeDoc
New Sarah Palin Clip: Keeping An Eye On Putin - Couric & Co. -
A wonderfully evocative sentence: "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go?" - Sanjeev Singh
Sanjeev - yeah, that was my favorite line too ... awful! - Susan Beebe
Lucky Imaging: Hubble Quality Images from the Ground -
"The above images show a direct comparison between the Lucky image (left) and the Hubble image from the ACS (right). The Hubble picture goes fainter because the exposure is longer and the wavelength shorter (where CCDs have a much higher sensitivity). The ACS image has been "drizzled" to improve its appearance. The Lucky image is as taken. The markedly better resolution of the Lucky image is clear. This is exactly what is predicted purely because the Palomar 5.1 m telescope is twice the size of the 2.5m Hubble." - Sanjeev Singh
Chocolate Cake In 5 Minutes! | Dizzy Dee -
from JMS - Sanjeev Singh
yum - Rose
Modularity and community structure in networks — PNAS -
"Many networks of interest in the sciences, including social networks, computer networks, and metabolic and regulatory networks, are found to divide naturally into communities or modules. The problem of detecting and characterizing this community structure is one of the outstanding issues in the study of networked systems. One highly effective approach is the optimization of the quality function known as “modularity” over the possible divisions of a network. Here I show that the modularity can be expressed in terms of the eigenvectors of a characteristic matrix for the network, which I call the modularity matrix, and that this expression leads to a spectral algorithm for community detection that returns results of demonstrably higher quality than competing methods in shorter running times. I illustrate the method with applications to several published network data sets." - Sanjeev Singh
ha ha thanks Aviv! - Sanjeev Singh
McCain's Debate Suspension Widely Mocked On Twitter -
Friendfeeding just for the pic. - Sanjeev Singh