
i like systems
Zen Ritual: Studies of Zen Buddhist Theory in Practice -
Packetstan: Packet Payloads, Encryption and Bacon -
"This is another unencrypted packet capture, but the content is obfuscated using a static XOR key. No ASCII strings would be present in the packet capture, but from the packet content variance we can ascertain that this data is not encrypted." - Tracy
JLOUIS Ramblings: On Erlang, State and Crashes -
"Erlang programs have a concept called the error kernel. The kernel is the part of the program which must be correct for its correct operation. Good Erlang design begins with identifying the error kernel of the system: What part must not fail or it will bring down the whole system? Once you have the kernel identified, you seek to make it minimal. Whenever the kernel is about to do an operation which is dangerous and might crash, you "outsource" that computation to another process, a dumb slave worker. If he crashes and is killed, nothing really bad has happened - since the kernel keeps going." - Tracy
Useful advice for any production code. - Tracy
Ksplice » Six things I wish Mom told me (about ssh) - System administration and software blog -
But wait, there’s more! ssh’s ability to forward ports is incredibly powerful. Suppose you have a web dashboard at work that runs at analytics on port 80 and is only accessible from the inside the office, and you’re at home but need to access it because it’s 2 a.m. and your pager is going off. - Tracy
What's wrong with 2006 programming? -
Since Redis is memory backed the idea was to transfer rarely accessed data on disk, to reload swapped data when needed (that is when a client will try to access it). The actual implementation of Redis Virtual Memory is completely done in user space: we try to approximate an LRU algorithm, encode data that should be swapped, write it on disk, and reload if needed, decode, managing pages in the swap file, and so forth. It's a non trivial piece of code but it is working well. - Tracy
Petabytes on a budget: How to build cheap cloud storage | Backblaze Blog -
The SMAQ stack for big data - O'Reilly Radar -
Guy Harrison - Yet Another Database Blog - Oracle tables vs Cassandra SuperColumns -
Design by Code - Introducing the Android UI Utilities project (beta) -
Startups Or Behemoths: Which Are We Going To Bet On? -
The Lost Tribes of RadioShack: Tinkerers Search for New Spiritual Home | Magazine -
"Once, we were makers. Now most of us are users." - Tracy
Like as in lament. - Andrew Perry
Your Mobile Phone Becomes A Robot With Cellbots (video) | Singularity Hub -
Code as Craft » MongoDB at Etsy -
Code as Craft » MongoDB at Etsy, Part 2 -
MongoDB at Etsy, Part 2 -
Ops Meta-Metrics: The Currency You Pay For Change -
Android_MAT.pdf - Google Docs -
Android Memory Debugging with Eclipse MAT - Tracy
Apostles of the Self-Made Man -
Inquiries into the Nature of Slow Money -
A Forest Journey: The Story of Wood and Civilization -
A Confederacy of Dunces -
Android to Photoshop – Romain Guy -
"With Capture PSD you can generate a Photoshop file from a running Android application. The generated document contains every view that draws as a separate layer. This can be very useful to quickly see what your UI would look like if you moved things around for instance. It is also an easy way to work with designers and let them try out new concepts in existing user interfaces. Of course, it is also a fine way to see how other applications are put together and understand how to achieve similar UI patterns." - Tracy
You're Doing It Wrong - ACM Queue -
"The first user of Varnish, the large Norwegian newspaper VG, replaced 12 machines running Squid with three machines running Varnish. The Squid machines were flat-out 100 percent busy, while the Varnish machines had 90 percent of their CPU available for twiddling their digital thumbs.a" - Tracy
via @chrislea - Tracy
BP now capturing 16k barrels/day at Deepwater Horizon | Process Engineering | The Engineer -
"The investigation earlier uncovered “significant problems” with the BOP - the supposedly fail safe system installed to cut off the flow of oil and gas to the Deepwater Horizon drill rig." - Tracy
Have you run through your disaster recovery plan lately? Quite a long list of reasons why the fail-over might not have worked, including a dead battery. - Tracy
Beyond The Pie Chart | UX Magazine -
CloudHarmony Blog: What is an ECU? CPU Benchmarking in the Cloud -
"Over the past couple of months we've spent some time benchmarking about 150 different cloud server configurations with 20 different vendors." - Tracy
The Twitter Engineering Blog: Announcing Snowflake -
"A while back to we announced on our API developers list that we would change the way we generate unique ID numbers for tweets. While we’re not quite ready to make this change, we’ve been hard at work on Snowflake which is the internal service to generate these ids." - Tracy
Scientists breed goats that produce spider silk -
"Other than their ability to produce the spider silk protein, the goats do not seem to have any other differences in health, appearance, or behavior compared to goats without the gene, the researchers said. In the future, the scientists plan to incorporate the silk genes into alfalfa plants, which they say could produce even larger quantities of silk. They explain that not only is alfalfa widely distributed, it also has a high (20-25%) protein content, making it an ideal crop to produce silk protein." - Tracy
Combined with the Bayer/Louisiana State story about rice crop contamination and the recent Deepwater Horizon boondoggle, I give humanity another 5 years before a major ecological catastrophe related to genetic pollution. Oops, that insect sterilization protein we put into corn also makes humans sterile. I'm sure Monsanto will get right on cleaning up all those bad little chunks of dna out there. - Tracy
High Scalability - High Scalability - Strategy: Scale Writes to 734 Million Records Per Day Using Time Partitioning -
"In Scaling writes in MySQL (slides) Philip Tellis, while working for Yahoo, describes how using time based partitions they were able to increase their write capability from 2100 inserts per second (7 million a day) to a sustained 8500 inserts per second (734 million a day). This was capacity enough to handle the load during Michael Jackson's memorial service. In summary, the secrets to scalable writes are:" - Tracy
There is some great instrumentation support coming out in Android Froyo (2.2). Really enjoyed Brad Fitzpatrick's talk about getting the jank out.
would you believe the devs over at have froyo almost functional on a sprint HTC Hero? Only SD Card mounting, wifi and camera need to be cracked. - Not LB (or ellbeecee)
dotspots at google io
Amazon Web Services Blog: New: Amazon S3 Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) -
"RRS pricing starts at a base tier of $0.10 per Gigabyte per month, 33% cheaper than the more durable storage." - Tracy