Karl Rosaen

geek entrepreneur in ann arbor, former droid, working on realtimefarms.com
krosaen on Pistons fans, How good was Antonio McDyess? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"I liked how he was also occasionally called, McNice since he was such an ice guy. What a luxury to have a guy like him as a 6th man though." - Karl Rosaen
krosaen on Brosaen Pistons Podcast Episode 15 - On the Skids Again - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Ha - yeah, no sooner did we finish recording than we really seemed to have turned the corner *again*. Will be fun to see how long we can keep this up–I'd be happy to see us prove that things work well with Reggie even if it means we lose draft positioning vs ending the season on a full on 20+ game skid into the lottery." - Karl Rosaen
krosaen on Comparing the Pistons' team stats across key segments: up until Josh Smith dropped, until Jennings injured, until Reggie Jackson trade - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"/u/saifly If no one else can, I'm up for it - but I haven't been a heavy reddit user lately. Also: just refreshed this sheet with the latest stats and updated the rankings to be smarter based on category (e.g for points allowed, lower is better)." - Karl Rosaen
krosaen on Comparing the Pistons' team stats across key segments: up until Josh Smith dropped, until Jennings injured, until Reggie Jackson trade - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"First segment with Josh Smith: we sucked. Next, we ruled! Post Jennings injury: mediocre. Last two games: hopeful! note: I put this together in prep for our latest podcast episode http://brosaen.com/podcast..." - Karl Rosaen
Comparing the Pistons' team stats across key segments: up until Josh Smith dropped, until Jennings injured, until Reggie Jackson trade - http://www.reddit.com/r...
Cooking website Food52 launches new curation and social features. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
I Am Pilgrim (Pilgrim, #1) - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
77% of Michiganders were born here - the highest percentage of any state http://www.nytimes.com/2014... via @UpshotNYT
Ego Trippin' by DJ Platurn - http://www.pandora.com/dj-plat...
Starting to wish @Sonos would adopt a chromecast like model - centralized app never quite up to date with every service
Food52 is hiring a full time graphic designer in NYC. Come work with us - it's fun! https://t.co/PPJmM8uRAl
I didn't quite grok clojure transducers until I implemented a couple in js https://t.co/ZGsA5OHjqU
RT @realmadriden: We will take on Man Utd today in a stadium called “The Big House” thanks to its big capacity (109,000 spectators). https://twitter.com/realmad...
If you saw all the tweets I compose and then throw away, you'd know how lame I really am.
Cab driver had to reboot computer before I could pay https://twitter.com/krosaen...
The photos really make @Food52 - learn how @jamesransom_nyc does it https://t.co/pyFFAj8raX
RT @joshelman: Ways to appear smart in meetings -- one of the funniest (sad but true) things I have read in a long time https://t.co/s8PMGOJGWU
RT @nelson: Good heavens, #maydayus just picked up another $1M in funding today, only $400k to go. Donate to fight corruption! https://t.co/UCKq8uqDYI
Go Stauskas! Could have been the Pistons faaawk
Related: my collections for tried and true recipes https://t.co/zFUcuFHoGE and boozy drinks https://t.co/1XuoHrRuMt
What we've been working on for the past few months @Food52 - go team! http://t.co/HG2sJ1m98r #myFood52
RT @Food52: We're thrilled to announce our new collections features! Check them out, then come cook with us: http://t.co/SBWo8JlCu3 #myFood52
I wonder if Ballmer can tweak this pep talk for the Clippers locker room https://t.co/TVzXANqVqi
New episode up of the Brosaen Pistons Podcast - we evaluate our current roster using advanced player metrics http://brosaen.com
RT @codinghorror: the latest episode of Silicon Valley does highlight a real problem: if you *never* see women at work, you may react oddly when you do
RT @shtat: My "ideas file" from 7 yrs ago has seeds of Kickstarter, WhatsApp, and TaskRabbit - and yours probably does, too. Execution is everything.
RT @jpdimond: Programming in my basement :) #tornadowarning #annarbor
It's funny how known bugs somehow feel less bad than new bugs