Michael R. Bernstein

Web application designer and developer, living in Albuquerque. Specializing in Python web-app frameworks, like Zope, Plone, and Google App Engine.
RT @james3neal: "An Etsy Co-Founder and His Wife Have Big Plans for Albuquerque" by @carriemurph via @CityLab #ABQ #NM #NewMexico http://www.citylab.com/tech...
RT @webmink: Totally amazed that @Groupon would pull a shameful stunt like this. They should prepare for amazingly bad publicity. https://gnome.org/groupon...
RT @swardley: @webmink : @Groupon has no shame. Don't be surprised if their business is built on open source whilst they show the community the finger.
Best analysis so far via @digiphile: [...] Free markets, ISPs & #NetNeutrality: http://www.jamesjheaney.com/2014... Long but worth a read. #tcot
What’s Zappos.com and its CEO Tony Hsieh got to do with downtown Las Vegas? Plenty. Get the scoop about the Downtown Project from the unveiling of the once “secret project”to Zappos employees, to the developing story in the news. - Michael R. Bernstein
Re: Design challenge: paragraph-level permalinks - http://scripting.com/2014...
"No need to make them look better (although you might replace the octothorpes with actual paragraph marks, aka pilcrows: ¶ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P... ), but I would suggest hiding them by default, and only revealing them when you mouse over the paragraph. That should make them sufficiently non-distracting." - Michael R. Bernstein
Re: Why I No Longer Give Away My Music - http://www.onthecommons.org/magazin...
"Mr. Ostertag, I'm not sure you realize that you can sell your music AND still make it available under a Creative Commons license. They aren't mutually exclusive." - Michael R. Bernstein
Re: Set Your Minimums and Defaults Carefully - http://www.deadlyfredly.com/2013...
""$1 and $2.50 might not read as much different to the purchaser’s gut sense of value. But $2.50 and $5, say? Might be enough for someone to just opt for free." That might be so, but it's not the right question. Instead, you need to figure out if enough more people opt for free to cancel out the additional revenue. Because you want to maximize overall revenue, not number-of-paid-copies, or even revenue-per-paid-copy." - Michael R. Bernstein
@Pv @brantcooper can I complete step 2 on Google+? I don't have an FB acct.
@brantcooper @pv Did I miss out on the pre-order packages? They're still listed: http://leanentrepreneur.co/#packag...
RT @timoreilly: Wow. DOJ admits #aaronsw prosecution was political. And remains unrepentant. http://t.co/GIOR4nvblT … via @slashdot
@jzellis Cool. Let me know if you need intros to Nigerians in Tech. ;-)
@jzellis BTW, you still planning on doing the "technology in sub-Saharan Africa" project?
@jzellis Cool, glad you landed on your feet with @davidryal. I missed the unemployment drama, obviously.
@socialmediamind you're confusing @DanicaPatrick (NASCAR driver) with @danicamckellar (actress and math genius).
@carlgerber, double check that URL, it is pointing to a 'free report', not an MP3.
@jzellis Gah. I meant *ever*, not even.
@jzellis Yeah, no shit. Let me know if you even get tired of Vegas' ballers-on-a-budget, and I'll introduce you around Albuquerque.
@davidryal @jzellis Yep. Too weird for words is my personal intersection of the global Venn-diagram. ;-)
Last day of @kfogel's @ProducingOSS Kickstarter campaign! Help push past $15k, and check out the rewards! http://www.kickstarter.com/project...
RT @kfogel Launched Kickstarter campaign for 2nd edition of my book "Producing Open Source Software" -- please spread the word! http://u ...
What’s Zappos.com and its CEO Tony Hsieh got to do with downtown Las Vegas? Plenty. Get the scoop about the Downtown Project from the unveiling of the once “secret project”to Zappos employees, to the developing story in the news. - Michael R. Bernstein
Re: Red States Love Pinterest, Blue States Love Macs - http://engineering.monetate.com/2012...
"How about other operating systems, such as Linux? Any correlations there?" - Michael R. Bernstein
Re: Doctors rate doctors in HealthTap’s medical quality project - http://strata.oreilly.com/2012...
"I'd be very interested to learn how they are going to crunch the ratings data, at least in broad outlines. I assume that a simple average of ratings won't do, that they'll have to weight ratings given by the rating of the doctor making the rating (pagerank-style), and perhaps come up with other ways of determining the authority of the doctor making the rating. Incidentally, is HealthTap making public the individual ratings/reviews being given (anonymized, perhaps), or just the resulting aggregate scores?" - Michael R. Bernstein
Re: How to write copy that converts - http://mixergy.com/course-...
"OK, this gives some great ideas to test: Test various incentives, like free support options (chat, email, etc.). Change the call to action to "Get Started" (also test "Start Now", "Share Now", "Start Sharing", etc.) Test text identifying the user it is for (change "...is the easiest way to do X" to "...is the easiest way for gardeners to do X.") Thanks!" - Michael R. Bernstein
Re: The Lean Gates of Analytics - http://leananalyticsbook.com/the-lea...
"Some feedback: 'Customer Development' really refers to the whole process up to the point where you have achieved product-market fit. Instead, you probably want to replace that box with 'Problem Validation'. Following problem validation, you may want to insert a 'Solution Validation' box. Solution validation overlaps somewhat with MVP building, depending on what you consider an MVP. You can validate a solution with nothing more than a landing page, but not everyone considers that to be an MVP. The 'Attention' box in the McClure column is actually 'Acquisition'. The Ash/Lean column implies that startups invariably switch from one engine of growth to another. While they may do so, changing your engine of growth is actually a change to your business model that is significant enough to be considered a pivot, and while nearly all startups pivot, not all pivot around their chosen engine of growth. Regardless of the engine, the middle of the startup lifecycle is focussed on achieving..." - Michael R. Bernstein
Interesting contest for entrepreneurs from Andrew Warner: http://mixergycontest.com/contest... via @Mixergy
Brand, Messaging And Visual Identity Proposal Template | Introduction - http://www.quoteroller.com/proposa...
Global luxury sales to surge: News from Warc.com - http://www.warc.com/LatestN...
Brand Development: Elements and Sequence - http://www.signaturestrategies.com/brand-d...