Michael R. Bernstein

Web application designer and developer, living in Albuquerque. Specializing in Python web-app frameworks, like Zope, Plone, and Google App Engine.
Global luxury sales to surge: News from Warc.com - http://www.warc.com/LatestN...
Brand Development: Elements and Sequence - http://www.signaturestrategies.com/brand-d...
@pamelafox I have, and yes it is worth reading, even if only for their contrarian view.
@infixum Carl, I've had to do that, the lack of closure was almost unbearable, but in the end it was like saying the goodbye I never got to.
@dthompson You're in the OAK house I was in, right?
@misskristelle Just declare 'Twitter Bankruptcy'.
@emilylewis Both could be true at the same time...
@rachelsterne My Google-fu can't find a viral video I recall about the NYC startup scene w. mayor. Pointer?
@zephoria Damn, dana. Hope it heals up quickly.
Wow. @bfeld's 'Startup Communities' is going for $400 on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm...
@sil substitute a %20 to encode the space?
@MarkGraban sign me up. Who is the miscreant?
#ABQ folks, I'm selling some technical books, make an offer for ones you want and tell me when you can pick them up: https://www.google.com/account...
RT @maxogden: a new call for low cost government procurement: Request For Awesome http://requestforawesome.com from #focas12
@abhinemani Similar, but: not polluted like PHX, same size as Tucson, but higher elevation (same as Denver) so lower temps & snow in winter.
RT @kfogel: "You ate our money. You ate the last radioisotope generator. This better sure as hell work." --overheard from an astronomer tonight
@abhinemani You should visit #ABQ, then.
RT @zephoria: A fabulous op-ed articulating why today's Israel is such a frustrating and flawed state: http://www.nytimes.com/2012...
"Do things that have never been done before" - The guy who invented the computer http://joelrunyon.com/two3...
@jshell Wait, you're objecting to the existence of portmanteaus?
@maxogden I own http://webonomicon.com if you don't mind the Lovecraftian implications.
@jshell None of those are actually backronyms. Not even 'Backronym'. #ObNitPick
@eleddy Getting old, as sucky as it is, is still definitely better than the alternative.
#ABQ folks, I'm selling some technical books, make an offer for ones you want and tell me when you can pick them up: https://www.google.com/account...
Good review: RT @kfogel: Release of "Team Geek", the new book from @TheRealFitz and @sussman ! http://www.rants.org/2012...
@jsteeleeditor Both are indeed beautiful.
RT @jsteeleeditor: I love our "Beautiful" covers (am obviously partial to this one http://shop.oreilly.com/product...) but C.J. Date wins best cover: http://shop.oreilly.com/product...
RT @ejacqui: Do any of you actually use apps to help with gardening? Just curious as to what you use (if anything).