Re: The Lean Gates of Analytics -
"Some feedback: 'Customer Development' really refers to the whole process up to the point where you have achieved product-market fit. Instead, you probably want to replace that box with 'Problem Validation'. Following problem validation, you may want to insert a 'Solution Validation' box. Solution validation overlaps somewhat with MVP building, depending on what you consider an MVP. You can validate a solution with nothing more than a landing page, but not everyone considers that to be an MVP. The 'Attention' box in the McClure column is actually 'Acquisition'. The Ash/Lean column implies that startups invariably switch from one engine of growth to another. While they may do so, changing your engine of growth is actually a change to your business model that is significant enough to be considered a pivot, and while nearly all startups pivot, not all pivot around their chosen engine of growth. Regardless of the engine, the middle of the startup lifecycle is focussed on achieving..." - Michael R. Bernstein