FriendFeed : The only SNS that can cheat death (TM).
Cunning plan - If everyone keeps constantly archiving their feeds, and the firehose; and posting new content, the extra traffic could mean that maybe, just maybe they keep the servers alive indefinitely... ;)
Starting to suspect that the FriendFeed server is running on a spare laptop with a satellite/cellular Internet connection, sitting inside of a burnt-out HiLux, buried somewhere in a rainforest, with only a solar panel, spliced into the truck battery keeping it alive...
since 2009. - Big Joe Silenced
Man, this thing is like the Duracell Bunny, or a cockroach. It's still going, despite being 01:42pm (GMT+1), and the 10th, already...
Hmm, looks like I still have 60 requests from various folks, which will sadly never get responded to, now. Still, it's been fun, over the years - even though I haven't had much time to spend here, with other stuff going on in my life as of late (joys of being an unemployed university student, I guess). Thanks, everyone...
...I'll be around in the usual places - but it looks like I'll probably need to update my e-mail signature, eventually... :( - Tyson Key
Also, sorry for the insane amount of (unintentional) spam, to the consternation of many, judging from some random posts that I found in the archive (like The brightest stars burn the fastest, it seems. - Tyson Key
It's alive!?
That dying gasp of vitality. - Aloof Schipperke
It managed to outlast Top Gear by a few months, somehow... - Tyson Key
vmlemon on Kim Dotcom's Mega could use bitcoin after Paypal ceases processing payments -
"Hmm, what about sending the coins to Xapo, and then sending a payment from there? From what I've seen, they seem pretty decent about mixing coins, these days... (I've tried sending myself a few payments back-and-forth between my local MultiBit wallet, and my Xapo account, and I haven't seen any of my local/Xapo addresses in the taint list, so far - but YMMV)." - Tyson Key
Story of Stellar and Ripple has everything: sex, huge money, fraud, genius, betrayal, international intrigue and government raids. -
vmlemon on BTC-Flow: Making a lot of Bitcoin... Ponzi? -
"Bizarrely, it went offline, whilst I was browsing their phony transactions list... Sign of things to come?" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on BTC-Flow: Making a lot of Bitcoin... Ponzi? -
"This thing is definitely a scam. I tried it out of curiosity, and never received a payout, despite the "15 minutes" claim. Stopped supposedly paying out, about 2 days ago, and now CrowdFlare say that it's (temporarily?) offline. I'd avoid it like the plague." - Tyson Key
THIS is why scammy ALT coins like Paycoin are a detriment to Bitcoin. Taken directly from HashTalk's official forum... -
vmlemon on Seems that QoinPro isn't a scam - since I actually received a withdrawal of my entire balance, minus a rather large fee, today... -
"Hah, good question! I only have one referral, but I managed to amass that mostly from the bonuses, daily dividends, collecting from various faucets (there was one that was particularly lucrative (CoinSpark's demo asset faucet ;)), at one stage - and I've had good results from MoonBitCoin, and various rotators), and doing some trading, and mining on CEX, over the course of several months. Until recently (I decided to take the plunge, and go all-in on ReddCoin, since it's currently cheap, and works so well :)), I was using QoinPro as my "daily driver" crypto wallet - so all those little bits soon add up. :)" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on Seems that QoinPro isn't a scam - since I actually received a withdrawal of my entire balance, minus a rather large fee, today... -
"Nope, the only fee that you pay is the mining fee, which if memory serves correctly, is about 1 DOGE for DogeCoins, and something small like 0.00001 BTC, for BitCoins." - Tyson Key
New Reddcoin faucet with unlimited dispense! -
vmlemon on Seems that QoinPro isn't a scam - since I actually received a withdrawal of my entire balance, minus a rather large fee, today... -
"I managed to withdraw all of my DogeCoins a while, without any problems." - Tyson Key
vmlemon on Problems with withdrawing from the tipbot -
"Sounds like it's been around for a little while, now. (" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on Problems with withdrawing from the tipbot -
"Fair enough, thanks for looking it things," - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 1 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"Hmm, is this thing broken? I tried doing withdrawal, earlier, and there's no sign of it on the blockchain, yet..." - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"+/u/tipsjcx balance" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"!+/u/tipsjcx balance" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 3 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 2 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"+/u/tipsjcx balance" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"+/u/tipsjcx balance" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 5 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"+/u/tipsjcx balance" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 5 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 5 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"+/u/tipsjcx balance" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"+/u/tipsjcx balance" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! -
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 5 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key