vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx balance" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 5 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx balance" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"!balance" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 5 SJCX 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 5 SJCX 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx balance" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 5 SJCX 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Damn. How much BTC do I need, to withdraw some SJCX?" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 5 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx balance" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"withdraw 5 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx balance" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 5 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Thanks for the tip! Now to see if I can check out the Storj network! :)" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 1 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx balance" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx withdraw 5 1AXogUJg3K9CkmKmckYCyBRWPEyz8iJLwt" - Tyson Key
PLZ help need to mine. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
vmlemon on The Storj Tipbot is Live! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"+/u/tipsjcx register" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on Repetitive pop songs 'more likely to be hits'; For each repetition of the chorus, a song’s likelihood of making it to number one increases significantly, according to researchers who analysed more than 2,400 songs released over 50 years - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"2 Unlimited had this nailed, with their "No Lyrics", erm "No Limit". Not sure if they tried to calculate the optimal number of times to include the word "No", though..." - Tyson Key
More leaked Sony emails: Just after Community was cancelled, Joel McHale asked Sony Pictures Television president Steve Mosko for a discount on a Sony TV - http://www.reddit.com/r...
vmlemon on How exactly do people make money from exchanges? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Indeed, CEX were offering about 0.00875726 BTC for 15129.00 DOGE, which I guess is "not horrible", a few days ago." - Tyson Key
vmlemon on QoinPro's great, but are there any plans to support managing incoming MasterCoin, and/or CounterParty tokens, in the future, for those who collect things like Internet Points, or FoldingCoins? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Hmm, for what it's worth, I've just noticed a Tweet from the faucet owner (https://twitter.com/NateSho...) from January, claiming that he's having to refactor its codebase to account for some network parameter changes - but he's been incommunicado, since then. This is getting interesting..." - Tyson Key
vmlemon on QoinPro's great, but are there any plans to support managing incoming MasterCoin, and/or CounterParty tokens, in the future, for those who collect things like Internet Points, or FoldingCoins? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"So, in a nutshell - you could call them a huge gamble, if you expected to only ever work with FedoraCoins on a regular basis, as far as cryptocurrencies go, or if, for some reason, your daily life/work revolved around trading with them exclusively. Then again, the usual disclaimers about trusting fly-by-night services with any sort of money, or investment apply; and I have no connection with the company, other than being a fairly satisfied user of their service, for now." - Tyson Key
vmlemon on QoinPro's great, but are there any plans to support managing incoming MasterCoin, and/or CounterParty tokens, in the future, for those who collect things like Internet Points, or FoldingCoins? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"...and to be honest, although I've never really used FedoraCoins for trade, or tipping, they strike me as something where a long-term stash service, with slow withdrawals, like QoinPro wouldn't be desirable, since they seem like the sort of commodity that you'd want to dish out spontaneously, when inspiration strikes." - Tyson Key
vmlemon on QoinPro's great, but are there any plans to support managing incoming MasterCoin, and/or CounterParty tokens, in the future, for those who collect things like Internet Points, or FoldingCoins? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Hi, sorry for the late reply. Please take this with a grain of salt - but I guess that it sums up my experience. I eventually received my BitCoins, after requesting a withdrawal - but the FedoraCoins that I requested never showed up in my QoinPro wallet (and in fact, they were never even sent, in the first place), which suggests that the faucet itself may be broken... However, I still haven't tried withdrawing my handful of internal faucet FCs from my QoinPro FC wallet, yet - since I don't have enough to meet the minimum limit. I still think that they're genuine people, or at least not total con-artists (since I wouldn't have received my BTC, otherwise, at https://blockchain.info/tx-inde...) - but if I were serious about FedoraCoins, I probably wouldn't trust their interface to the FedoraCoin network to work reliably for withdrawals, to be honest. Right now, I'm trusting them to hold a pretty large quantity of DogeCoins..." - Tyson Key
vmlemon on [Giveaway] Celebrate the creation of /r/DogeChinese for giveaway - 50,000 to giveaway for 88.8888 doge per shibes! 狗狗币大赠送! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Amazing view!" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on Keurig 2.0 Hacked to Make ‘Unauthorized’ Coffee - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Well, more surprised that they haven't contemplated doing that, in the name of vendor lock-in, like ink cartridge vendors do - given that both claim to offer "superior quality"/"premium" consumables, for a fairly high price." - Tyson Key
vmlemon on Keurig 2.0 Hacked to Make ‘Unauthorized’ Coffee - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Interesting. I'm surprised that they're not using something more advanced, like Kovio's printable RFID tags, or Atmel's CryptoRF/CryptoMemory, given how easy the previous system was to break, to be honest." - Tyson Key
vmlemon on Keurig 2.0 Hacked to Make ‘Unauthorized’ Coffee - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Hmm, what's the protection mechanism, this time? An RFID tag of some variety, or just a series of patented holes, and bumps, or a proprietary barcode algorithm?" - Tyson Key
vmlemon on My girlfriend's grandma thought the iPad was a cutting board - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Today, Apple announces a revolutionary new way to prepare food. For too long, now, chopping boards have been too big, unintuitive, and frankly unsatisfying - but that's about to change. Presenting iChop." - Tyson Key