Michael Muller

Father of Nations
SERGIO ARAGONES Mad Avatar - http://www.slashfilm.com/wp...
Pretty good, there's another one here: http://www.slashfilm.com/2010... - Casey Muller
How Japanese addresses work. [VIDEO] - http://www.wimp.com/japanes...
"How Japanese addresses work." This short, graphically illustrated, video explains that Japanese blocks are named rather then streets as we are used to. - Michael Muller
School Lunch Meat Gets an 'F' - http://www.credoaction.com/campaig...
It's hard to believe, but the USDA uses school lunch funds to help Big Meat offload thousands of tons of meat from old chickens that Kentucky Fried Chicken won't buy and usually goes to compost or pet food. - Michael Muller
Link to Petition - Michael Muller
YouTube - Silent Monks Singing Halleluia - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
The Symphony of Science - Spreading scientific knowledge and philosophy through music - http://www.symphonyofscience.com/
"The Symphony of Science is a musical project by John Boswell designed to deliver scientific knowledge and philosophy in musical form. Here you can watch music videos, download songs, read lyrics and find links relating to the messages conveyed by the music." - Michael Muller
Laila's laptop won't boot up. The error message is "lsass.exe application error. The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005)" It's Dell 1.8 ghz. I am running tests in the F12 menu right now since I tried booting up 20 ways to Sunday. Any ideas?
Looks like you may have gotten hit with a very powerful virus. A "Sasser" worm variant. - Donald Truong
Casey at Home. on Vimeo - http://www.vimeo.com/7120791
Book Review - 'Inside of a Dog - What Dogs See, Smell, and Know,' by Alexandra Horowitz - Review - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2009...
"As a psychologist with a Ph.D. in cognitive science, as well as an ardent dogophile, Horowitz aims “to take an informed imaginative leap inside of a dog — to see what it is like to be a dog; what the world is like from a dog’s point of view.”" - Michael Muller
#app=845b&e1bd-RunPeeID=0.0.0&308d-selectedIndex=0 - http://www.runpee.com/#
"helping your bladder enjoy going to the movies as much as you do" - Michael Muller
All my Google searches end badly and misdirected....
Every search result, when clicked on, sends me to something completely different than what I was seeking. "Facebook company overview" results sent me to apartment finders and insurance agents. This happened in Mozilla and IE.....I tried various security settings but doesn't seem to help. - Michael Muller
I tried the Combo Fix and it seems to have worked. It took this whole while and was too complicated for most people. Thanks for the tip. - Michael Muller
FMARS 2009 | Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station, Devon Island, Canada - http://www.fmars2009.org/
"The Mars Society today announces the selection of six crew members, chosen to take part in a month-long Mars simulation on Devon Island in the Canadian arctic. This will be the twelfth crew to inhabit the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station (FMARS), conducting a sustained program of field exploration while operating under Mars mission constraints." - Michael Muller
I wasn't permitted to delete the first posting below; I wanted to have a better photo but I'm stuck with two postings....Hmm, no problem in Mozilla, so maybe that was and IE6 glitch? - Michael Muller
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Casey Maloney Rosales Muller! I wish every father could have the wonderful experience of having a son like Casey. Not perfect but oh so real in every way.
HEMA - online winkelen - http://producten.hema.nl/#
HEMA is a Dutch department store. The first store opened on November 4, 1926, in Amsterdam. Now there are 150 stores all over the Netherlands. HEMA also has stores in Belgium, Luxemburg, and Germany. In June of this year, HEMA was sold to British investment company Lion Capital. Take a look at http://producten.hema.nl/, HEMA's product page. You can't order anything and it's in Dutch, but just wait a couple of seconds and watch what happens. It's worth it! - Michael Muller
Netflix: Man with the Movie Camera - http://www.netflix.com/WiMovie...
"Cinema pioneer Dziga Vertov's controversial 1929 film still pulses with energy, innovation and genius. This landmark silent masterpiece from the Soviet avant-garde director stylishly highlights the buzz of everyday city life (shops, traffic, children, coal miners, nature) as seen through the eyes of a roving cameraman. Many filmic devices are used to comment on vision, life, Marxism and modernity in the Soviet Union." - Michael Muller
"With this movie, I was transported into a different era and watched a buzzing life of a large Soviet city unfurl right in front of me. This movie accomplished what it claimed to do--it used a purely cinematic language to engage a viewer. The sound track greatly helped it. An amazing way to get a glimpse into a pre-war life in the Soviet Union! There is so much minute detail for a curious viewer: what a large city looked like, what people were wearing, eating and drinking, how they spent their free time, etc. I especially loved the close-ups of people's faces. Faces of children! A story line or narration would not have given me such a wealth of information. This is a "watch and think", not a "watch and forget" movie." - Michael Muller
A must-see for anyone interested in flilm or photography, - Michael Muller
We Are What We Are - The Old Scout - A Prairie Home Companion from American Public Media - http://www.publicradio.org/columns...
"I look at pictures of Machu Picchu and think, "Why don't I get on a plane and go?" And I look at Dick Cheney and think, "This man needs friends." I voted for Obama, and will vote for him again in 2012, Lord willing, but in the meantime, it's a free country. And it is just a whole lot more satisfying to be part of a militant righteous minority than to be in the anxiety-ridden confused majority — to be a nightrider and ambusher rather than one of the people in the long wagon train — to be free to juke around and say wild stuff and know that it doesn't make a dime's worth of difference." - Michael Muller
I wonder what would happen if we actually took the vote away from people over 65. - Casey Muller
Many Summer Internships Are Going Organic - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2009... (via http://friendfeed.com/macalaju)
The whole piece was so hopeful and then ended on such a sour note. I definitely believe that internships should be beneficial to both parties-- I wonder how much that is the case here, or if the last farmer interviewed spoke for the majority? - sara
CLAIM: Cell Phone Numbers Given to Telemarketers with deadline for Do Not Call List fast approaching.... - http://www.snopes.com/politic...
Claim is False. By the way, Snopes seems to have an awful lot of popups. - Michael Muller
Conservatives Live in a Different Moral Universe -- And Here's Why It Matters | | AlterNet - http://www.alternet.org/story...
"Liberals and conservatives have highly different moral priorities. And we have to understand them if we want to accomplish anything." - Michael Muller
I think the beta version is just great. And my pet peeve is gone: comments are not in dim font but nice and bright and easy to love.
YouTube - FDA Approves Depressant Drug For The Annoyingly Cheerful - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
"I was sick, I needed treatment.........now I can sit with Jeff and watch a TV show neither of us really enjoys..." - Michael Muller
Amazon Says Glitch to Blame for "New" Adult Policy - 4/12/2009 5:49:00 PM - Publishers Weekly - http://www.publishersweekly.com/article...
"Many readers, and writers, decried the fact that Amazon appears to be removing the sales ranking for titles that feature gay and lesbian characters and/or themes." - Michael Muller
What Would Jesus Bet?: Chris Ferguson, UCLA Math grad & poker champion The New Yorker - http://www.newyorker.com/reporti...
"Game theory was conceptualized by John von Neumann, who published “Theory of Games and Economic Behavior,” in 1944, with Oskar Morgenstern. To diagram certain game-theory problems, von Neumann used hands of poker as examples. Nearly fifty years later, it occurred to an amiable U.C.L.A. graduate student named Chris Ferguson to apply game theory concepts to grand-master poker. Relying on them, in 2000, he became known as the first person to win a prize of more than a million dollars in a poker tournament. " - Michael Muller
Registration required? I've never seen that from the New Yorker before. - Casey Muller
Like the abstract, wish I could read the article! - Private Sanjeev
YouTube - Did You Know? - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
"Fantastic video on the progression of information technology, researched by Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod, and Jeff Bronman, remixed" - Michael Muller
The statistics about China and India seem vaguely racist to me, or am I imagining it? I myself am happy that there are so many geniuses in India! The video's implication is that other countries' success is something to be feared. - Michael Muller
YouTube - Extreme Sheep LED Art - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
"We took to the hills of Wales armed to the teeth with sheep, LEDs and a camera, to create a huge amazing LED display. Of sorts." - Michael Muller
I'm most impressed with the legs in the beginning giant sheep - Casey Muller
I LOVED A MAN | STINGRAY MIGRATION - http://stingraymigration.bandcamp.com/track...
"Maia Friedman, Songwriting and Vocals" - Michael Muller
$1 Image Stabilizer For Any Camera - Lose The Tripod - Video - http://www.metacafe.com/watch...
"Don't be a slave to your tripod. Build this stabilizer and see how much better you photos and video can be. Get professional results. This instructional video shows you how to build your own stabilizer in 5 minutes for less than $1. It is super light weight and folds up small enough to fit in your pocket. With this stabilizer, you can hand-hold your camera with shutter speeds at least 3 stops slower than without. It works just as well with video cameras." - Michael Muller
That's worth tripling the cost. - Casey Muller
Desert Wildflower report Anza Borrego Desert State Park by DesertUSA - http://www.desertusa.com/wildflo...
"...on the Palm Canyon trail on Thursday, March 5, 2009. There are still lots of young greens and buds that will take a few hot days in a row before they get near to full bloom." - Michael Muller
Looks more promising than the two feet of wet snow outside my window! - Thyge
Ryan and Tod to the death?
When I told my 87 year old mother that we were invited to the Ranch House for a dual engagement party for two brothers she asked if they would be duelling..... - Michael Muller
JLP, you clearly have not studied the historic win-loss record. - Ryan
PS - can't wait to see you guys! - Ryan
Now, duels are way too rare these days. I'm all for them! - Thyge
YouTube - kittens inspired by kittens - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Juna sent me this. - Michael Muller
It reminds me of Juna's shows with Tip, only he would pretty much do the opposite of any instruction she gave. And this girl sounds like she's on drugs. - Adrienne
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Darwin's twin track: 'Evolution and emancipation' - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2...
"Common descent in Darwin's younger day was ubiquitous in anti-slavery tracts. Consider the words of the famous cameo, depicting a kneeling slave asking "Am I Not a Man and a Brother?" That cameo was in fact the brainchild of the pottery-dynasty founder, Josiah Wedgwood, Darwin's grandfather. New evidence shows how indebted Darwin was to this anti-slavery heritage. Darwin knew that going into print would have invited derision" - Michael Muller
PC Mag surprise online, what a ripoff.
My friend gave me a subscription to PC Magazine for Christmas. I just received the first issue in the mail and it had a note attached to the wrapper: "This will be the last paper issue. After this the magazine will be available online only." That switchover was never mentioned when my friend bought the gift subscription. - Michael Muller
Online is nice but not as versatile as good old steady state ink on paper capture. I read the NY Times online everyday but I sure wish I could afford the paper version so I could carry parts of it everywhere I go. I like to be able to rip out part of a magazine or newspaper and tuck it away. - Michael Muller
Wow, poor timing - Casey Muller
Can they actually get away with that, or is that the equivalent of buying a boxed set of DVDs and receiving a note saying "physical media will not be shipped, you can watch them on Hulu" - Robin Barooah
YouTube - Real Food Is..JUNA. - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Casey's sister, Juna Rosales Muller, is the girl who takes a tray at about :50 seconds and then sits on the right in the table scene with three people. . "This movie was made by the Colorado College Farm Club! Last year, we started a student-run 1.3 acre organic garden near campus. Colorado College's dining service has started to use produce from our garden..." - Michael Muller