We Are What We Are - The Old Scout - A Prairie Home Companion from American Public Media - http://www.publicradio.org/columns...
"I look at pictures of Machu Picchu and think, "Why don't I get on a plane and go?" And I look at Dick Cheney and think, "This man needs friends." I voted for Obama, and will vote for him again in 2012, Lord willing, but in the meantime, it's a free country. And it is just a whole lot more satisfying to be part of a militant righteous minority than to be in the anxiety-ridden confused majority — to be a nightrider and ambusher rather than one of the people in the long wagon train — to be free to juke around and say wild stuff and know that it doesn't make a dime's worth of difference." - Michael Muller
I wonder what would happen if we actually took the vote away from people over 65. - Casey Muller