Casey Muller

I work here
Hippie Herb 'pot pourrie' (euphemism for smoking mix that you're not really 'supposed' to smoke in joints)! Smells good, tastes alright, most importantly gets you wrecked. - Casey Muller - Helping Nursing Students Learn Dosage Calculations -
This website is provided as a resource. the library does not endorse this site or guarentee its accuracy - Casey Muller
Tutorial - SIUE Monica Major-Harris -
This website is provided as a resource. the library does not endorse this site or guarentee its accuracy - Casey Muller
Dosage Calculator - RX Desktop -
This website is provided as a resource. the library does not endorse this site or guarentee its accuracy - Casey Muller - Brush up on Your Drug Calculation Skills -
This website is provided as a resource. the library does not endorse this site or guarentee its accuracy - Casey Muller
Home - Evidence Based Medicine - Research and Subject Guides at University of Illinois at Chicago -
Welcome to the Health Indicators Warehouse (HIW) - Health Indicators Warehouse -
Texas Board of Nursing -
PLA: Indiana State Board of Nursing -
12 feet from the president
What's he like in person? :) - Stephen Mack
LMAO at Gunny. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Lot of blue and gold at the Staples Center
holy shit, are you there right now?! - Ryan
There's a lot of green in the garden 2006-2010, R.I.P. (commiserating: and
So sad :( - Bret Taylor
Gabe, it was Casey's old startup. - Paul Buchheit
House Season Finale Filmed Entirely with Canon 5D Mark II -
"The season finale of the popular TV show House, which will air on May 17th, was filmed entirely with the Canon 5D Mark II." - Casey Muller
Thank you for this voicemail transcription, Google Voice:
Wow. What was the actual message? - Michael R. Bernstein
Don't forget to donate bad voicemail transcriptions: Given that Google Voice respects your privacy, providing voicemails as training data has to be an opt-in decision. - Matt Cutts
Bears-49ers game
blimp casey - David Smith
Whoops, I left an appliance on last weekend while traveling:
Or maybe somebody comes and steals your electric while you're away from home. - Gabe
Hope it wasn't the blender! - Adrienne
Using the XMPP service - Google App Engine - Google Code -
"With the introduction of the XMPP service to App Engine, it's now possible to write an App Engine app that communicates with users - or even other applications - over XMPP, otherwise known as Jabber or Google Talk. In this article, we're going to walk through an example that covers all the basic functionality of the XMPP API." - Casey Muller
In Gotham City, the people are represented by three separate, yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime, and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders and *Motherfucking Batman*. These are their stories. -
F U, Penguin: Telling Cute Animals What's What: Matthew Gasteier: Books -
Buy my friend's book! Guaranteed to amuse! - Casey Muller
Custom FriendFeed themes and a way to show them off -
Appreciate it. - Vezquex
Nice background, Casey. - Louis Gray
Online Market Flourishes in China - -
"Though just six years old, Taobao — which means “to search for treasure” in Chinese — already has 120 million registered users and 300 million product listings, and generated nearly $15 billion in sales last year. The company says that sales through its Web site are already larger than those of any Chinese retailer. And this year, analysts say, its online sales will double, surpassing the expected $19 billion in sales by" - Casey Muller
seriously - what did people think was going to happen? - Robin Barooah
Fallout LARP pictures from Russia -
Wow, lots of nice little touches- a Cat's Paw book, Brotherhood of Steel logos, a shrine to the Vault Dweller, etc. - Casey Muller
I think I found the guy who stole the office billy
Meanwhile, if you're wondering where the expression "got your goat" comes from: - Ana
Too bad this isn't an actual FriendFeed prank, in the spirit of Harvard-MIT :) - Ana
Great nytimes quote: "[Bill] Clinton still stays up late ... playing Oh, Hell, a card game Steven Spielberg taught him in 2000" -
From last month's magazine. It's such a great game; my respect for both men is through the roof. - Casey Muller
I doubt it, but they should try; it adds a fun wrinkle to the game. - Casey Muller
We used to play that with my dad's boss and his wife when I was growing up, but we called it Oh, Heck. :) - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Fun game. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Honey, I killed the superbug | The Australian -
"Some bacteria have become resistant to every commonly prescribed antibacterial drug. But scientists found that Manuka honey, as it is known in New Zealand, or jelly bush honey, as it is known in Australia, killed every bacteria or pathogen it was tested on." - Casey Muller
This morning we changed the format of FriendFeed subscription email messages to include more information about people who subscribe to you. Please let us know if you see any problems, and keep an eye out for more email improvements in the future.
Thank you very much, Casey! :-) - Kol Tregaskes
Hey I wanna open a new account. - ♕Dr. Eynollah ♕
The quirky genius of the Dos Equis ad campaign. - Slate Magazine -
"Grainy footage of outrageous exploits (bench-pressing Asian women, splashing down in a space capsule, performing trick billiards shots for turbaned companions) is accompanied by a sequence of boastful one-liners: "The police often question him just because they find him interesting," "His beard alone has experienced more than a lesser man's entire body," "His blood smells like cologne."" - Casey Muller
"Most Interesting Doctor in World Warns 'Staying Thirsty' Could be Sign of Diabetes, Recommends Vicodin Over Beer" - Karim
My first time on a caltrain without power: "Engine and brakes work, doors may not. PA battery is low, so this may be the last announcement"