Hutch Carpenter

Senior Consultant for HYPE Innovation ( Father of two young 'uns who misses running marathons. San Francisco, CA.
Re: Spinning Lincoln: Perspectives | KQED Public Media for Northern CA -
"Bravo!" - Hutch Carpenter
Re: IDC MarketScapes Name IBM a Worldwide and European Leader for Enterprise Social Networks -
"Look forward to catching up at ConnectED Luis. - Hutch" - Hutch Carpenter
The evening parade of helicopters from Manhattan makes me think, "There's go some fat cats."
Happy Singles Day (11/11)! Well, at least if you're in China. > It's a made-up celebration bigger than Black Friday.
Off to New Jersey, there's some client work to be done for @hypeinnovation. Not only do you help, but you learn just as much too.
On call w/ prospective @hypeinnovation client, woman flat out stated issue w/ previous innovation: "It's 100% about governance" > Usually is
Two hours to go until my webinar starts, #Gamification: Lies, Damned Lies and What Works: > "Lies" part will be fun.
Re: The SF K Files: Hello From Confused (but hopeful) Parents From Pac Heights! -
"Small item. Technically, Stuart Hall is not a parochial school. I guess you could say it's" - Hutch Carpenter
Radio Show Interview: Collaborative Innovation at Scale -
Talk-n-Tweet | Collaborative Innovation at Scale -
Sharing economy is still in early adopter phase -
At 8 am PDT/11 am PDT, @Colin_at_HYPE webinar, "Innovation Management Day 1: How to Launch Your Program Effectively"
Random Sunday morning question. How is Biz Stone's Jelly app doing?
Animated graphic shows the growing intensity of tweets globally about #Ferguson > Note the intensity in the U.K.
Know the ALS ice bucket dunking challenge? Local headline straight from The Onion: ice supplies depleted due to it.
+1 > RT @JohnWLewis: Thank you, @Renee_Hopkins, for a great #innochat today. Looking forward to hearing about times/dates of #semantichat.
RT @atownley: A4: Key is in the context. Something that achieves the same result in dramatically different way may be innovative #innochat
RT @jgombita: A4. I put in a vote for OUTCOMES. "X was designed/created, so the outcomes would be less Y, more Z, for a net result of A outcomes #innochat
A3: Are there things that can't be innovated...? > Laws of physics? cc: @JohnWLewis #innochat
RT @DrewCM Isn't that a suggestion box? Where the fond hopes of the disgruntled few meet a dusty demise. #innochat > #IdeasBlackHole
RT @Emeka1968: @bhc3 I think that it's at the ideas viable checkpoint that most innovation fails #innochat > True. A needed confirmation.
RT @JohnWLewis: A2 There are many activities and most are much more serious than undirected solicitation for "ideas". #innochat
A2: Innovation activities: (i) Does current mode fall short? (ii) Are there ideas that can better outcomes? (ii) Are ideas viable? #innochat
A1: Group 'innovation' definitions into 5 types: Business Model, Applied Invention, Creativity, Problem-Solving, Unmet User Needs. #innochat
Hello innocats, Hutch Carpenter with @hypeinnovation here. Been a too busy summer of vacation and work. But checking in today. #innochat
RT @JohnWLewis: Join us in 5 mins for #innochat. @Renee_Hopkins focusses on "innovation" as an intro to #semantichat. See framing:
MT @rungarycohenrun RIP Robin Williams. At Redwoods HS,1969, he ran 1:59.4 half mile, 52.3 440 yds & on school record mile relay. #fast
Just heard about Robin Williams. Damn.
RT @IvanCNN: 15 year old Aziza cried whole flight to safety. Her father got separated during ISIS attack 1 week ago. Still missing
My comment on "How to Gamify Innovation" @Forbes:
Oh Russia...those spots never change, do they? > In Reprisal, Russia Imposes Trade Sanctions on the West
RT @dahowlett: Mongo DB's CEO wants a better life - who can blame him: < very classy explanation why he's stepping aside.