Fwd: RT @ytwytw: RT @guao: 谷奥更新: 江苏卫士登陆 YouTube,在《非诚勿扰》节目里宣传 Google 搜索和 YouTube 频道 http://www.guao.hk/posts... by @musiXboy (via http://friendfeed.com/wzy...)
Fwd: ...... RT @liumiao: …… RT @adaoli: 凤姐这样下去很快就会拍AV了 http://club.tgfcer.com/attachm... (via http://friendfeed.com/popoeve...)
Fwd: RT @laoyang945: >@chinaOrz: 在公共卫生问题上,一定要相信卫生部,不打人一定要相信城管,依法办案一定要相信公安部,GDP增长一定要相信统计局,房屋质量豆腐渣问题一定要相信建设部,反腐倡廉一定要相信中纪委,新闻要一定要相信CCTV,地震预报一定要相信党国地震局。历史问题上一定要相信教育部 (via http://friendfeed.com/davidfe...)
目前有很多網站提供計劃,用家可出售自己的Facebook或Twitter等的Status Update狀態更新去賣廣告。由於有關網站會不定時在用家的狀態更新插入廣告,難免會令朋友覺得奇怪甚至討厭。Facebook最近正打算更新合約條款,希望阻止有關問題。上圖第二條就是正打算加入的,當中說明用家不可把自己的Facebook戶口出賣給廣告公司賣廣告。對於部份用家來說可能少了一條財路,但對更多用家來說,玩Facebook時就不用再忍受太多的廣告。
那要多有名的”用家“啊,一般人放广告,马上就被unfollow了 - K.D.
求证一下,你们那里的人说“用家”啊? 咱说用户,实际上户和家好像是同一个东西,但听起来咋差别那么大呢? - xia
Yes, but can it be rented? :) - Mike Shields
Delicious Creator Quietly Launches Threaded Twitter Conversations - http://www.techcrunch.com/2009...
Typhoon Morakot - The Big Picture - Boston.com - http://www.boston.com/bigpict...
VMWare Acquires SpringSource - http://www.techcrunchit.com/2009...
Today VMWare has announced the acquisition of SpringSource, a provider of Web application development and management services. The deal closed at a $420 million valuation, with $362 million in cash and equity plus an assumption of approximately $58 million in unvested stocks and options. - HealingBrush
WOW: Google to Launch a New Version of Google Search - http://mashable.com/2009...
"WOW: Google to Launch a New Version of Google Search" - HealingBrush
超强悍~瑞典设计师惊艳的PS创意作品欣赏 - AOAOD.COM - 分享美文 - http://www.aoaod.com/Home...
Linux Foundation Launches Branded Credit Card. Yes, It Features Tux. - http://www.techcrunch.com/2009...
omg, I want this card! But doesn't it kind of betray the core ideology of "freedom" Linux stands for? - Mitchell McKenna
Geek In Disguise : Microsoft Wave launched - http://blogs.msdn.com/stevecl...
"Microsoft Wave is a cool new site from our UK team that is something we’ve long been without – a cool site that isn’t trying to sell anything, simply showing the breadth of cool technology that Microsoft is involved in. It’s very much in the spirit of Blue Monster so I was delighted to see that image on the homepage which launched today. I’m also very happy to be one of two featured bloggers from our UK office." - HealingBrush
15 Phenomenal Images of the Aurora Australis - http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/feature...
Twitter Unveils A Live-Updating Search Widget - http://www.techcrunch.com/2009...
Twitter Search is great. Unfortunately, unlike FriendFeed’s search, it doesn’t update live in real-time. Sure, for some searches, that would be annoying. But it’d be nice to at least have the option to watch a stream of incoming tweets without having to hit the refresh button. And Twitter has just unveiled a way to do that, with a new widget. - HealingBrush
Twitter to Debut a New Main Home Page Next Week - http://kara.allthingsd.com/2009072...
Twitter will unveil a new main home page next week at Twitter.com, said Co-founder Biz Stone, in order “to better show who we are.” - HealingBrush
Bill Gates: My 1979 Memories - Bill Gates - Gizmodo - http://gizmodo.com/5321463...
Linus: "Microsoft Hatred Is a Disease" - http://www.osnews.com/story...
As any other hatred... - Hanna Wiszniewska
I agree. - Hugh Isaacs II
I always thought of it as more of a hobby :) - Murray Barton
The Moon Represents My Heart (by Kenny G) - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
gentoo minimal installation - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
The invisible man: Liu Bolin's camouflage artwork - Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture...
"The Chinese authorities shut down his art studio in Beijing in 2005. Contemporary art was in quick development, but the Government decided it did not want artists to gather and live together" - HealingBrush
狂汗…骗了全人类25年的超级玛丽 - http://kisshi.com/2009...
我狂晕 哈哈~ - HealingBrush
英法庭判决google对搜索结果免责 - http://it.solidot.org/article...
iPhone app has us wondering if radio's future is on demand http://arstechnica.com/media...
podcast is more useful or pop than radio. - Zhou
The Web Is Shooting For The Moon With Apollo 11 Tributes - http://www.techcrunch.com/2009...
2009日食大揭秘:三股势力联合操纵的结果 - http://www.fakepress.org/china...
好片子 - yagami
Lovely colors. - Mitchell Tsai
The Future of Search: Social Relevancy Rank - http://www.readwriteweb.com/archive...
Bit.ly Starts Warning About Malicious Links - http://www.techcrunch.com/2009...
Analytics360° :在 WordPress 后台查看 Google Analytics 统计 - http://fairyfish.net/2009...