Starts Warning About Malicious Links -
Analytics360° :在 WordPress 后台查看 Google Analytics 统计 -
原来Google自己也数不过来自己有多少Twitter账户了 | 谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘 -
看来Google的Twitter账户已经多的自己都数不清楚了。 上周Google在其官方blog列出了他们的45个Twitter帐号,到了今天,那篇post已经更新无数次,列出的Twitter帐号已经达到了54个,而且还没有包括昨天刚刚开推的googlebooks - HealingBrush
只能说明Google的产品线太长了 - -!! - R093r-
google 收购了 twitter吗? - Avin
Five Reasons You Can Ditch Your DSLR for an iPhone | Gadget Lab | -
For high quality photos, a responsive and full featured DSLR is the only way to go. But sometimes you don’t want to carry that bulky box around with you. With a couple of accessories, and a few megabytes of applications, you can turn the iPhone in your pocket into a rather capable replacement. - HealingBrush
Slashdot Technology Story | The Amazing World of Software Version Numbers -
""In theory, software version numbers should be incredibly mundane. In reality, companies have long twisted them for marketing purposes, avoided ones they didn't like, and even replaced them with things other than numbers. I've prepared a tribute to them with some facts and ruminations, but there's a lot I don't know, and I'd appreciate help on the historical side of things. (Anyone know when the standard decimal point-based system came into use?)"" - HealingBrush
组图:阿波罗11号——人类首次登月全程追踪 - 译言翻译 -
Fwd: Official Google Reader Blog: Following, liking and people searching - (via
Twitter consulting lawyers over stolen documents -
Twitter's Secret Growth Projections Exposed (Screenshots) -
Google Calendar Labs Enables Calendar Girls | 901am -
只是custom background吧,姑娘还是要自己找 - ThenWang
是啊 就是定制背景 - HealingBrush
4 Easy Steps to a Better iPhone 3GS Unlock: Thanks, Purplesn0w! -
Solidot | 测序人类基因只需一周时间 -
人类基因组计划花了13年时间耗资数十亿美元才完成单一人类基因组的完整测序。在华盛顿大学基因中心,研究人员现在能在一周时间内完成一个人的基因测序。但当你创造出如何多的数据时,仅仅是进行跟踪便成为一项重大的挑战。David Dooling主管基因测序机器的大规模数据输出,数据向中心和世界各地的研究人员开放。David Dooling谈论了开源软件在测序中的应用,及基因测序的现状和研究发展。 Dooling称现有的测序数据光公开在线上的便高达3Petabytes之多,他们的计算机集群有3000多个核心,测试仪器每天产生数十Terabytes的数据,他们参与多种不同的测序项目,如人类基因组计划,随后的老鼠基因组测序项目等等。去年他们发表了完整的癌症基因序列,识别出癌症基因和正常基因的差异,并开始着手寻找个体内癌症产生的原因。 - HealingBrush
Windows 7 pre-orders begin in UK, selling out fast -
If you're hoping to get in on discounted pre-order pricing for Windows 7 in the UK then you'd best get to clicking, son. We're hearing that copies of the £50 Windows 7 Home Premium E are already sold-out on Amazon but still available at, for example. Stocks of Windows 7 Professional E look plentiful at £100, for the time being anyway. While the offer is scheduled to go until August 9th, it's limited to some magical quantity known only to Microsoft and its retailers. If you're still on the fence remember, Japan completely sold-out in just a few days. - HealingBrush
Our Reaction To Your Reactions To the Twitter Confidential Documents Post -
囧死……迈克尔·杰克逊色卡:MJ Pantone Guide -
关于MJ最大的争议是什么?肤色问题算是其中之一。所以,这哥们在他的彩通 (Pantone)色卡上加了两张,上面是从1971年起MJ 12岁起所有肤色上的显著变化,并将之做成了色卡上的颜色,更赞的是,每种颜色下还像模像样地标明了颜色编号,以及该肤色的年份、MJ的年龄和MJ在当年的专辑等资料——好了,迈克尔·杰克逊是怎么死的?囧死的……哦,愿他安息。 - HealingBrush
Twitter Pics: 4 Tools to Track Twitpics in Realtime -
Bill Gates on Google's Chrome OS | Beyond Binary - CNET News -
Apple may block push notifications for unlocked iPhones - Ars Technica -
【名人名言】生活就是艺术 - 每日英语 -
1.Genius does what it must,and talent does what it can.-----George Meredith 天才做必做之事,人才做能做之事。-----G.梅瑞狄斯 2. No other misfortunate can be compared with the loss of time .-----Nikolay Ivanovich turgener 任何一种不幸都无法与时间的失去相比。---N.特珍纳 3. He knows not his own strength that hath not met adiversity.----Francis Bacon 没有经历困难的人意识不到自己的潜能。-----F.培根 4. He alone is happy who commands his passions.-------Horace 只有能驾驭自己感情的人才会幸福。-------贺拉斯 5. Don't neglect old friends,even if you no longer need him.---Aesop 不要忽视你的老朋友,即使你不再需要他们。------伊索 6. I don't want life to imitate art,I want life to be art.------Carrie Fisher 我不要生活模仿艺术,我要生活就是艺术。——C.费希尔 7. To think is to live. ----Cicero 能思考意味着人还活着。------西塞罗 8. Everyone is a moon,and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody. ----Mark Twain 人就像月亮,有着永远不让任何人看到的阴暗面。-----马克.吐温 9.Words may be false and full of arts ,sighs are the natural language of the heart.----Thomas Shadwell, British dramatist 言语可以是谎言并带有技巧;叹息才是心灵的自然流露。----英国剧作家 沙德韦尔.T. 10. A man is either free or he is not. There cannot be any apprenticeship for freedom.——I Baraka. French Writer 人要么是自由的,要么是不自由的,从来就不存在过渡阶段。——法国作家巴拉卡 A. - HealingBrush
How to Run Google Android in VirtualBox, VMWare on Netbooks | Taranfx: Technology Blog -
Test Upload
so you got success, and, how? :) share your way, plz. - yagami
@yagami use VPN - HealingBrush
thanks. - yagami
no problem :) - HealingBrush
Seesmic Browser-Based Twitter and Facebook Client - Best One Yet ~ Web Upd8 -
World Of Warcraft Still Suspended In China Indefinitely -
iPhone OS 3.1 beta 2 released -
Unless you have a developer account with Apple, don't bother plugging your iPhone into iTunes -- we promise you're not going to have access to it -- but devs can now get their grubby paws on beta 2 of iPhone OS 3.1. We'll let you know if we see anything crazy, like usable Gmail, true background applications, or a notification UI that doesn't make you want to throw the phone against a very hard surface at high velocity. - HealingBrush
Twitter’s @Ev Confirms Hacker Targeted Personal Accounts; Attack Was “Highly Distressing.” -
RIM的社交网络站点——“我的黑莓”明天亮相 -
明天,RIM将推出“我的黑莓”(MyBlackBerry),这是一个黑莓用户可以给应用打分以及评价的社区站点,用户也可以在上面分享小技巧和使用心得。虽然像黑莓论坛(BlackBerry Forums )和 CrackBerry这类独立站点的讨论一直比较活跃,但是“我的黑莓”将是黑莓狂热分子的第一个由官方支持的在线空间。 - HealingBrush
Tasks graduates Gmail Labs; Google Calendar gets experimental -